MC1801 XML & Webservices MCA Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MCA
Department : Computer Applications
Subject Code/Name : MC 1801 – XML & Webservices
Year : 3rd
Semester : 5th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

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NICE XML & Web services Question Paper

Unit I :
1. What are the three major aspects to extend the enterprise from a constrained network to broad reach of web? :
1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Connection.
2. Business-to-Employee (B2E) Connection.
3. Business-to-Business (B2B) Connection.

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2. What are the three key design elements that by omission contribute XML’s success? :
1. No display is assumed.
2. There is no built-in data typing.
3. No transport is assumed.XML specification makes no aassumption about how XML is transported across the Internet.

3. XML History
XML is a meta language defined by world wide web consortium (W3C) and standardized in 1998.XML has given rise to numerous vertical industry vocabularies in support of B2B e-commerce, horizontal vocabularies that provide service to a wide range of industries and XML protocols that have used XML’s simple power of combination to open up new possibilities for doing distributed computing.

4. What are the different revolution in which XML is playing a major role? :
a)Data revolution
b)Architectural revolution
c)Software revolution

5. What are the advantages of xml? :
a.xml files are human readable.
b.Widespread industry support exists for xml due to its inexpensiveness and convenience in usage.
c.It provides a way of creating domain specific vocabulary.
d.It allows data interchange between different computers.
e.It provides user selected view of data.

6.What is Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)? :
EDI is often used as the replacement for business communication through conventional business documents such as purchase orders,request for quotations,invoice and shipping notices.This kind of exchange takesplace between trading partners.Inorder to interchange data using EDI to trading partners must be agreed upon a common format.

7.What is W3c (World Wide Web)Consortium? :
W3c is responsible for the development of web specifications that describe communication protocols and technologies for the web .XML was defined by w3c to ensure that structured data is uniform and independent of vendors of applications.W3c has laid down certain rules that meet to be followed by the all xml applications.Some of these rules are :
a.XML must be directly usable over the internet.
b.XMl must support the wide variety of applications.
c.XML must be SGML.
d.XML documents must be human legible and clear.
e.XML design must be formal and concise.

8.What is XML? :
XML stands for “Extensible markup language” a language developed by the World wide web consortium (W3C).It is considered a meta language because it is used To define other languages through the use of markup language ,which add structure and Meaning to document.

9.List out the reasons for not using attributes to store data.
1.Attributes cannot contain multiple values,while elements can have multiple subelements.
2.Attributes are not easily expandable to account for future changes.
3.Attributes are more difficult than elements to manipulate with programs.
4.Attributes values are not easy to check against a document type definition.

10.What is SOAP? :
SOAP-Simple Object Access Protocol. Soap gives set of rules for moving data directly to the receipient or through and intermediate message queue.Soap uses common web protocols like HTTP,FTP and SMTP to enable communication across the web.

11. What is webservices? :
Webservices is both a process and a set of protocols,webservices offer different services through the web by providing access to softwares.Webservices have three major aspects they are
** Service provider
** Service requester
** A broker

12.What are all the xml language basics? :
** Elements
** Attributes
** Entities

13.What is entities? :Give Example.
Entities are used to create substitution strings within a xml document

Example :
Xml and data evaluation can be defined with short string using entity declaration in
<!ENTITY xdr “xml and data revolution”>.

14.Explain briefly about .NET and J2EE? :
Managing the interaction across the extended enterprise include messaging,security,transactions,andidentity.The current software world, these capabilities are provided by (1).NET a window frame work (2)J2EE a java centric frame work.

15.Explain briefly abour data revolution? :
Prior to xml,Data was closely associated with applications.XML strength is data independence.XML data description is not tied to any programming language,os,or transport protocol it doesnot require to depend any available to web connected platfoforms also XML provides alternative to electronic data interchange.

16.What is the role of xml? :
XML is the set of guidelines foe describing structured data in plaintext rather than binary representation within the short period,time.XML has been widely used as language for variety of application ranging from vertical industry vocabularies to horizontal industry application to protocol.

17. What are Xforms? :
Xforms is an XML approach that overcome the limitation forms.XForm is a GUI tool kit for create user interface and deliver result in XML.Xform can work with a variety of standard as proprietary user interface, providing a set of visual control that replace the primitive form control in HTML and XHTML.Xforms are variety of button, scrollbars and menus integrated into single execution model that generates XML form data output.

18. What is VoiceXML? :
VoiceXML is an emerging standard for speech enabled application. Its XML syntax defines elements to control a sequence of interaction dialogues between a user and an implementation platform. The element defined as a part of VoiceXML control dialogues and rules for presentation information to and extracting information from and end-user using speech. Voice XML documents are stored on web servers.

19. What is XPath? :
XPath is used to navigate XML tree structures. XPath gets its name from its use of path notation to navigate through the hierarchical tree structure of an XML doucument.XPath allows for the section of the node or group of node through the use of a compact, on XML syntax. It is an important XML technology due to its role in providing a common syntax and semantics for functionality in both XSLT and Xpointer.

20.What are the Element Naming Rules used in XML? :
** Names can contain letters, numbers and other characters.
** Names must not begin with number or punctuation.
** Names must not start with the string “xml” in any upper or lowercase form.
** Names must not contain spaces

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