Principles Of Programming Languages B.Tech Question Bank : tits.ac.in

Name of the College : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology &Sciences (TITS)
University : JNTU Hyderabad
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Subject Name : Principles Of Programming Languages
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : tits.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Principles Of Programming Languages :

UNIT – I :
1. (a) Discuss about various programming domains and their associated languages.

Related : TITS Software Engineering B.Tech Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3064.html

(b) Give some reasons why computer scientists and professional software developers should study general concepts of language design and evaluation. [8+8] (Nov’08 set-1)
2. (a) What constitutes a programming environment?
(b) How can user-defined operator overloading harm the readability of a program?
(c) What are the major influences on language design? [4+6+6] (Nov’08 set-2)
3. (a) What are the potential benefits of studying programming language concepts?
(b) Briefly discuss a few of the areas of computer applications and their associated languages. [8+8](Nov’08set-3)
4. (a) Give an example of how aliasing deters reliability.
(b) Explain with examples how syntactic design choices affect readability.
(c) Describe any one method for bridging the gap between high-level language and machine language . [4+6+6] (Nov’08 set-4)
5. (a) What do you mean by a general purpose language. Is C a general purpose language?
(b) Explain about von Neumann computer architecture.
(c) What are the three general methods of implementing a programming language? [4+4+8](Nov’10 set-1,2)
6. Explain language evaluation criteria and the characteristics that affect them. [16]( Nov’0 set-3,4)
7. a)Explain the differences between compilation and interpretation ? What are the comparative advantages and disadvantages?
b) How do type declaration statements effect the readability of programming language?(Apr’10 set-2)
8. a)Explain the process of compilation in each phase of a compiler?
b)What is the difference between compiler and processor? (april-2010 set-2)(8+8)
9. a)What are the fundamental features of oopl?
b)What does a Linker do?
c)What are the advantages of using pure interpretation?(6+5+5) (Apr’10 set-4)

1. (a) What do you mean by static semantics? Give examples of static semantic rules that are difficult and impossible to describe with BNF.
(b) A concise and understandable description of a programming language is essential to the language’s success. Comment on this.
(c) Define axiomatic semantics. Comment on its applicability. [5+5+6] (Nov’08 set-1)
2. (a) Describe about language recognizers and language generators.
(b) What are the syntactic structures or elements that can be described using BNF notation? Give example for each.[6+10] (Nov’08 set-2)
3. (a) Give BNF grammar for real numbers and for the same give leftmost derivation of the string 2.89.
(b) Define dynamic semantics. Explain briefly different approaches for describing dynamic semantics. [6+10] (Nov’08 set-3)
4. (a) What is the difference between a sentence and a sentential form in a CFG?
(b) Give an example of left recursive rule in CFG. What is the significance of left recursive rule? [4+4+8]
(c) Explain with an example how the weakest precondition for a logical pretest loop is derived. (Nov’08 set-4)
5. (a) In what fundamental way do operational semantics and denotational semantics differ?
(b) What are the difficulties in using an attribute grammar to describe all of the syntax and static semantics of a contemporary programming language?[5+5+6]
(c) Explain with an example how operator associativity can be incorporated in grammars. (Nov’10 set- 1)
6. (a) Define syntax and semantics.
(b) The levels of acceptance of any language depend on the language description. Comment on this.
(c) Define grammars, derivation and a parse tree. [4+6+6] (Nov’10 set-2)
7. Define attribute grammars. Give an attribute grammar for simple assignment statements. How is the order of evaluation of attributes determined for the trees of your attribute grammar? [16] (Nov’10 set-3)
8. (a) Distinguish between two mathematical models of a language description.
(b) What do you mean by static semantic rules? Give examples of programming language structures or elements that can be described easily with attribute grammars than with BNF.
(c) Describe the basic concept of denotational semantics. [5+5+6] (Nov’10 set-4)

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