mahades.maharashtra.gov.in Research & Statistical Assistant Sample Question Paper : Directorate Of Economics & Statistics

Name of the Board : Directorate Of Economics And Statistics
Exam : On-Line Examination
Post : Recruitment Of Research Assistant & Statistical Assistant
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://mahades.maharashtra.gov.in/recruitment.do?type=R

DES Research & Statistical Assistant Question Paper

Sample Question Paper of On-Line Examination Recruitment Of Research Assistant & Statistical Assistant is now available in the official website of Directorate Of Economics And Statistics

Related : e-Governance Training & Certification Online Objective Test : www.pdfquestion.in/7267.html

General Instructions

1. The on-line examination will comprise the following objective type multiple choice tests as stated below
1. Reasoning 25
2. General Knowledge 25
3. English language 25
4. Marathi language 25

2. The time for the test is 90 minutes; however you may have to be at the venue for approximately 150 minutes hours including the time required for logging in, collection of the call letters, giving of instructions etc.
3. You can attempt any question from 1 to 100 at any point of time within these 90 minutes.

4. All the questions will have multiple choices. Out of the five answers to a question i.e. (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5) only one will be the correct answer.

5. Please note that the types of questions in this handout are only illustrative and not exhaustive. In the actual examination you will find questions of a higher difficulty level on some or all of these types and also questions on the types not mentioned here.

6. There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked by you. For each wrong answer 1/4th of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted as penalty.

Sample Questions Paper :

Sample Questions


This test measures how quickly and accurately you can think. This test shall include questions based on Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Ability, Critical Thinking etc. Study the following sample questions.

Q.1. ‘Some leaders are dishonest. Satyapriya is a leader’. Which of the following inferences definitely follows from these two statements ?
(1) Satyapriya is honest
(2) Satyapriya is dishonest
(3) Some leaders are honest
(4) Leaders are generally dishonest
(5) Satyapriya is sometimes dishonest.

Q.2. If the letters in the word TOPS can be rearranged to form a meaningful word beginning with ‘O’,write the last letter of that word as the answer. If more than one such word can be formed M is the answer, and if no such word can be formed, the answer is ‘X’.
(1) T
(2) P
(3) S
(4) M
(5) X

Q.3. In a row of boys, Mahesh is seventh from the left side and 18th from the right side of the row. How many boys are there in the row ?
(1) 26
(2) 25
(3) 27
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

Q.4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
(1) Kilogram
(2) Kilometer
(3) Inch
(4) Foot
(5) Yard

General Knowledge

Q.5. Who among the following is the President of USA ?
(1) Hillary Clinton
(2) Bill Clinton
(3) Ronald Regan
(4) John F. Kennedy
(5) None of these

Q.6. ‘Heathrow’ Airport is in which of the following countries ?
(1) Germany
(2) UK
(3) Italy
(4) Australia
(5) None of these

Q.7. Who among the following Maharashtrian literati is the latest recipient of ‘Dnyanpeeth’ award ?
(1) Vinda Karandikar
(2) V. S. Khandekar
(3) V. V. Shirwadkar (Kusumagraj)
(4) P. L. Deshpande
(5) None of these

Q.8. OSCAR awards are given for best performance in which of the following field ?
(1) Motion Picture
(2) Literature
(3) Sports
(4) Science & Technology
(5) Social Service

English Language

This is a test to see how well you know English. Your English language ability would be tested through questions on grammar & vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, comprehension of a passage etc.

Q.9-10. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘No error ’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

Q.9. Most of the third world / country are experiencing / the ethnic or communal problem / in varying degrees. No error

Q.10. The regaining of freedom / as we well know has given rise for / many dormant issues /and conflicts in our society. No error

Q.11-12. Pick out from the words given below each sentence the word which would complete the sentence correctly and meaningfully.

Q. 11. Continuous unemployment has induced in the people a kind of _____ which is most depressing.
(1) laziness
(2) encouragement
(3) satisfaction
(4) anger
(5) awakening

Q. 12. He wants me to look ____ his garden during his absence.
(1) at
(2) over
(3) after
(4) into
(5) from

On-line Examination Pattern

(1) The examination would be conducted on-line i.e. on a computer.
(2) The questions will be in English and Marathi .
(3) All the questions will have multiple choices. Out of the five answers to a question i.e. (1), (2), (3),

(4) & (5) only one will be the correct answer. The candidate has to select the most appropriate answer and ‘mouse click’ that alternative which he/ she feels is appropriate/ correct. The alternative/ option that is clicked on will be highlighted and will be treated as the answer to that question.

(4) The clock has been set at the server and the countdown timer at the top right corner of your screen will display the time remaining for you to complete the exam. When the clock runs out the exam ends by default – you are not required to end or submit your exam.

(5) The question palette at the right of screen shows one of the following statuses of each of the questions numbered:
You have not visited the question yet.
You have not answered the question
You have answered the question
You have NOT answered the question but have marked the question for review
You have answered the question but marked it for review.

(6) To select a question to answer, you can do one of the following:
(a) Click on the question number on the question palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly. Note that using this option does NOT save your answer to the current question.
(b) Click on Save and Next to save answer to current question and to go to the next question in sequence.
(c) Click on Mark for Review and Next to save answer to current question, mark it for review, and to go to the next question in sequence.

(7) You can view the entire paper by clicking on the Question Paper button.
(8) To select your answer, click on one of the option buttons
(9) To change your answer, click the another desired option button
(10) To save your answer, you MUST click on Save & Next.

(11) To deselect a chosen answer, click on the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.
(12) To mark a question for review click on Mark for Review & Next. If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review, the answer will be considered in the final evaluation.

(13) To change an answer to a question, first select the question and then click on the new answer option followed by a click on the Save & Next button.
(14) Questions that are saved or marked for review after answering will ONLY be considered for evaluation.

(15) Sections will be displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a section can be viewed by clicking on the section name. The section you will view will be highlighted.
(16) After clicking the Save & Next button on the last question for a section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next section.

(17) You can move the mouse cursor over the section names to view the status of the questions for that section.
(18) You can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per your convenience.

(19) The candidates are requested to follow the instructions of the “Test Administrator” carefully. If any candidate does not follow the instructions / rules, it would be treated as a case of misconduct/ adoption of unfair means and such a candidate would be liable for debarment from appearing for examinations for a period as decided by the Organization.

(20) The candidates may ask the Test Administrator about their doubts or questions only before the commencement of the test. No query shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.

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