RR320202 Microprocessors And Interfacing B.Tech Question Paper : djriet.edu.in

Name of the College : Dasari Jhansi Rani Institute Of Engineering And Technology
University : JNTUK
Department : Computer Science And Engineering
Subject Code/Name : RR320202 – Microprocessors And Interfacing
Year : 2008
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/II
Website : djriet.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Microprocessors And Interfacing III Year II Sem Apr/May 2008: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/djriet.edu.in/2942-R05320502-COMPILER-DESIGN.pdf
Microprocessors And Interfacing II Year II Sem Aug/Sep 2008 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/djriet.edu.in/2942–R05220504-MICROPROCESSORS-AND-INTERFACING.pdf

DJRIET Microprocessors & Interfacing Question Paper

( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics & Control Engineering and Electronics & Telematics)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions :

Related :Dasari Jhansi Rani Institute Of Engineering & Technology Operating Systems & Systems Programming B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/2975.html

Set – I

All Questions carry equal marks :
1. Discuss the general functions of all general-purpose resisters of 8086? Explain the special function of each resister and instruction support for these functions. [16]
2. Develop an 8086 assembly language program that reads a key from the keyboard and converts it to uppercase before displaying it. The program needs to terminate on typing the ‘Crtl + C’ key combination. [16]

3. (a) What is the purpose of ALE, BHE, DT/R and DEN pins of 8086? Show their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086?
(b) Show the complete design to generate system address, data and control buses using the above pins, latches and transceivers. [8+8]

4. Explain why 8255 ports are divided into two groups? Discuss how these groups are controlled in different modes of operation? Explain different control signals and their associated pins for bi-directional I/O mode of operation? [4+6+6]

5. Interface 8251 with 8086 at address 40H. Initialize it in asynchronous transmit mode, with 7 bit character size, baud rate factor 16, one start bit, one stop bit, even parity enable. Further transmit a message “ BEST OF LUCK” in ASCII from to a modem? [16]

6. (a) Discuss the sequence of operations performed in the interrupt acknowledge cycle?
(b) What is the difference between RET and IRET? Discuss the result, if RET instruction is placed at the end of the interrupt service routine?
(c) What is the vector address of type 50H interrupt? [6+6+4]

7. In a home PC with 8088 processor, SRAM is provided from 00000H and EPROM
ends with the address of FFFFFH. The capacity of SRAM is 256KB and that of EPROM is 32KB. All the chips are of size 32KB. Give the address map for individual chip and design the complete memory interface? [16]

8. Interface two 8255’s to 8051 with starting address of 0FFF0H? Show the hardwaredesign? Write the instruction sequence to initialize all ports of 8255s as input ports in mode 0. [16]

Set – II

1. (a) Compare 8 bit processors and 16 bit processors from the architectural view.
(b) Explain Overflow condition with 8 bit signed data. Generate Overflow flag using other flags of 8086? [6+10]
2. (a) Explain the coding template of 8086 instruction? Discuss the coding template of MOV instruction?
(b) Discuss the importance of procedures in assembly language programming? [9+7]
3. Describe the function of the following pins and their use in 8086 based system.
(a) DEN
(b) LOCK
(c) TEST
(d) READY [4 x 4 = 16]
4. Interface an 8-bit DAC to 8255 with an address map of 0100H to 0103H. The DAC provides output in the range of +5V to -5V. Write the instruction sequence for the following?
(a) For generating a square wave with a peak to peak voltage of 2V and the frequency will be selected from memory location ‘FREQ’. [6+10]
(b) For generating a triangular wave with a maximum voltage of +4V and a minimum of -2V.
5. (a) Draw the flowchart showing how synchronous serial data can be sent from a port line using software routine?
(b) Draw the block diagram of 8237 and explain each block. [8+8]
6. (a) Which interrupt type is associated with NMI? Mention its vector address?
(b) What is the purpose of IF flag in handling the interrupts?
(c) Which interrupt type is associated with TF flag? What is the vector address?
Explain the use of this interrupt? [5+5+6]
7. In an SDK-86 kit 64KB SRAM and 32KB EPROM is provided on system and provision for expansion of another 64KB SRAM is given. The on system SRAM address map is from 00000H to 0FFFFH and that of EPROM is from F8000H to FFFFFH. The expansion slot address map is from 80000H to 8FFFFH. The size of SRAM chip is 32KB. EPROM chip size is 16KB. Give the complete memory interface and also the address map for individual chips? [16]
8. (a) Draw and discuss the formats and bit definitions of the following SFRs in 8051 microcontroller?
ii. TCON [4×2=8]
(b) Discuss the following signal descriptions?
ii. EA/Vpp
iii. PSEN
iv. RXD [2×4=8]

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