14CS2042 Software Engineering B.Tech Question Bank : karunya.edu

Name of the College : Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences
University : Karunya University
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Information Technology
Subject Name : Software Engineering
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : karunya.edu

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Karunya Software Engineering Question Paper

Part – A

1. Mention any two software process models.
2. Define risk management.
3. What is a module?

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4. What do you mean by requirement process?
5. Define integration testing.
6. State the main use of automated testing tools.
7. Mention two types of software maintenance.
8. Define acceptance testing.
9. What is prediction?
10. What is black box reuse?
11. What are the five generic process frameworks?
12. What is classic life cycle model?
13. What are the four major elements present in design model?
14. What are the three parts of the interface design?
15. Define DFD.

16. List out the tasks of requirement engineering activity.
17. What is refactoring?
18. Define measurement in software quality.
19. What is data flow testing?
20. What is software safety?
21. Define Software Engineering.
22. What is risk?
23. Write any two requirements validation techniques.
24. Who are the participants in the process?
25. Define unit testing.
26. List any two automated testing tools.
27. What is automated system testing?
28. Define performance testing.
29. Mention any two approaches of evaluation of products.
30. What is prediction?
31. Define process.
32. What are the major sources of risk?
33. What is meant by functional requirement?
34. What is meant by fault tolerance?
35. What is object orientation?
36. What is integration testing?
37. What is meant by software maintainability?
38. Write any two important activities of maintenance team.
39. Define CMM.
40. What is the use of code inspection?
41. Define software engineering.
42. What is a process pattern?
43. What are the restraining factors in system modeling?
44. Why is it difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customer wants?
45. What types of clause does the designer create?
46. List out the elements of design model.
47. What is the role of independent test group?
48. What is integration testing?
49. How do you calculate MTBF and availability?
50. Define SQA plan.
51. What are the different layers of software engineering?
52. What are key activities of the Extreme Programming Process?
53. What are basic elements of data modeling?
54. What are the hierarchal views of software engineering?
55. What are different levels of abstraction?
56. Define : Cohesion.
57. What is the use of software testing?
58. Distinguish between White box testing and Black box testing.
59. What is MTBT?
60. What is ISO 9000 Quality Standard?
61. What is meant by Software Engineering?
62. Mention two drawbacks of RAD model.
63. Mention the factors to be considered during System Modeling.
64. State the primary objectives of analysis Model.
65. Define Software design.
66. What does data abstraction contain?
67. What is meant by software change?
68. What is security testing?
69. Define SQA.
70. What is SCM?

Part – B

71. A guiding principle is termed as a __________.
72. What is the difference in risk exposure divided by the cost of reducing risk called?
73. The section in the design document that outlines the critical issues and trade-offs that are considered in generating a design is called__________.
74. Which prototype model is used to learn about a problem and form the basis for some or all of the delivered software?
75. When the test cases execute all the statements or control paths, it is called as __________ testing.
76. What is defined as the maximum length of the path in the hierarchy from the class to the root of the inheritance tree?
77. The in-house test is called the ____ test and the customer’s pilot is called the __________test.
78. Maintaining control over the system’s day-to-day functions is __________maintenance.
79. __________ reuse involves the same application area or domain and __________reuse cuts across domains.
80. How does the stochastic prediction system behave?
81. What is the role of a Programmer?
82. What are the activities in a software life cycle?
83. Mention the goal of software requirement.
84. What is external design concerned with?
85. Write the need for CRC.
86. In _________testing errors in individual modules are discovered.
87. How is a product assessed?
88. Mention few automated tools for software maintenance.
89. How is web engineering important at present?
90. State the need for internal documentation.
91. What is meant by boundaries of a system?
92. ——– is an entity that receives data in data flow diagram?
93. ——–is the creative process of transforming the problem into a solution?
94. ————reflect the actual system modules?
95. ——— test applied to a new version to verify that it still performs the same functions.
96. ———occurs when a component’s algorithm does not produce the proper output a given input.
97. In——Programming, programs are viewed as components of a layer system
98. Clear box reuse also called as ——————-
99. In——- prediction system always gives same output for a given input
100. ———descriptor helps to identify the component.

Part – C

101. How does method differ from tool?
102. What is meant by risk?
103. What are the two kinds of requirements document?
104. What are the design levels in architectural styles?
105. Describing classes using O O requires 3 perspectives – What are they?
106. Distinguish between fault and error.
107. What are reliability and availability?
108. Mention the different types of training.
109. Categorize the various evaluating techniques.
110. What are the inaccurate ways of prediction?
111. What is a method?
112. What is paradigm?
113. What is requirement?
114. What is prototype?
115. What is identity?
116. Define static analysis?
117. Define alpha testing.
118. Define S-systems?
119. What is feature analysis?
120. What are Leggards?
121. What is an abstraction?
122. Comment on egoless approach.
123. What are the two kinds of requirements document?
124. What do you understand from Design?
125. What is UML?
126. Mention the types of code walkthrough.
127. Write the steps in testing a system.
128. What do you mean by reverse engineering?
129. State the use of feature analysis.
130. Curtis, Hefley comments on PMM.
131. The elements involved in the activities are called _______.
132. When the process involves the building of some product, we sometimes refer to the process as a _______.
133. What is a requirement?
134. Define a throw-away prototype.
135. What is OO?
136. A_______ is an action or transformation that an object performs or to which it is subjected.
137. What is a benchmark test?
138. Any work done to change the system after it is in operation is considered to be _______.
139. What is a survey?
140. The _______ is the tentative theory or supposition that we think explains the behavior we want to explore.
141. Define Software Engineering.
142. Give at least two reasons why Prototyping is Problematic.
143. How do we use the models that we create during requirement analysis?
144. How can we evaluate a design method to determine if it will lead to efficient modularity?
145. What does data flow diagram level 0 represent?
146. What are the types of interface design?
147. Mention any two characteristics of software testing.
148. What is the use of drivers in unit testing?
149. What do you mean by version control?
150. Define the term baseline in SCM.
151. What are the steps in risk management?
152. Denote the process model in which modelling does not end when the software i delivered, but can be adapted to be applied throughout the life of the computer software?
153. Define Cardinality.
154. Give the restraining factors considered to construct a system model.
155. Brief the “golden rules” of user interface design.
156. Define a component.
157. Define Integration Testing.
158. Give the characteristics required for good testing.
159. Define Software Quality.
160. Define Software Reliability.
161. Who are the participants in software development?
162. Mention the draw backs of water fall model.
163. What do nonfunctional requirements describe?
164. What is the purpose of Guardians?
165. What is depth of inheritance?
166. List the types of documentations.
167. What is the role of professional tester?
168. What is the need for maintenance?
169. What is reliability?
170. Predictions can be in accurate in two ways – what are they?
171. What is a process paradigm?
172. Define slack time.
173. What is a throwaway prototype?
174. What is design?
175. Write any one difference between a method and a message.
176. What is code walkthrough?
177. What is software testing?
178. What is life cycle cost?
179. What do you mean by hypothesis?
180. Why are predictions inaccurate?
181. What are the umbrella activities of a software process?
182. Define software process.
183. What do you mean by Requirement Engineering?
184. List the principles of a software design.
185. What are the various testing activities?
186. What is use cases?
187. Name the various types of system testing.
188. What is Performance testing?
189. Define software measurement.
190. What are the characteristics of software measurement?
191. Define Correction.
192. Define Adaption.
193. Define System Modeling.
194. Define Requirements Validation.
195. Define data design.
196. Define Component level Design.
197. List out the Objectives of testing.
198. __________ technique first proposed by Tom McCabe [MCC76].
199. List out the McCalls Quality factors.
200. What is correctness?

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