14CS2035 Object Oriented Programming in C++ B.Tech Question Bank : karunya.edu

Name of the College : Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences
University : Karunya University
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Information Technology
Subject Name : Object Oriented Programming in C++
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : karunya.edu

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Karunya Object Oriented Programming in C++ Question Paper

Part – A

1. Distinguish & and && operators.
2. How does an enumerated statement differ from a typedef statement?
3. What are the various members of a class?
4. Who can access the protected members of a class?

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5. How many constructors can a class have?
6. What is an intermediate base class?
7. What are the conditions are satisfied for casting operator function?
8. What is an abstract class?
9. Can you overload template function?
10. What are the two different types of exceptions?

Part – B

Fill In the Blanks :
11. The size of the data type double is ___________
12. ________ mechanism associates the code and the data into single unit.
13. __________ and _________ does not have return type.
14. ______ and ______ operators are used to allocate memory.
15. Operators that cannot be overloaded are___________
16. List any 2 string handling functions.
17. fout.seekg(o,ios ::beg) is used to do ______________
18. Mention any 2 ios member functions to get formatted output data.
19. State the purpose of the preprocessor directive #include<iostream.h>
20. The _______ functions are invoked, when an exception is raised and the handle is not found
21. Define object.
22. What are manipulators?
23. _________variable are those variables, which retain its value between function calls.
24. Give an example for inline function.
25. The name of a constructor must be ___________.
26. State the use of strlen( ) function.
27. What is a new operator?
28. What is Base class?
29. Define virtual function.
30. Mention the use of templates
31. When the operator able to perform three operands, it is called as __________
32. The insertion operator (<<) and extraction operator (>>) are member operator ofthe_________,__________ object.
33. __________ are used to define user access to the data member and member function of the class.
34. _________, ______________ are member access operators.
35. _______,_______are free store operators and also referred as memory management operators
36. Operators that cannot be overloaded are___________
37. ____________ class is one that is not used to create object.
38. The compiler does not support automatic type conversation for the _______
39. The ios class contains the member functions ____, ____, _____, _______, _____.
40. Error handling functions are _______, _______, ________, ___________.
41. State the difference between a structure and class in C++?
42. __________ and __________ operators are used for data assignment and comparison in C++.

43. Is main( ) a user defined function ?
44. Member access operators are ___________ and ___________.
45. Constructors are used for ___________ data members in a class.
46. Can you overload all operators in C++?
47. When do you refer a class as pure virtual function?
48. Which class cannot create object?
49. The default action for terminate is to invoke ___________ function in exception handling.
50. C++ supports ___________ and ___________exceptions.
51. Being able to create your own types is called ________.
52. Once a class has been written, created and debugged, it can be distributed to other programmers for use in their own programs. This is called ________.
53. Write a for loop that displays the number from 100 to 110.
54. The first line of a function definition is referred to as the _______.
55. The only technical difference between structures and classes in C++ is that ______.
56. An array name, used in the source file represents the ______ of the array.

Part – C

True/False :
57. An overloaded operator always requires one argument less than its number of operands.
58. Write a statement that displays the address of the variable testvar.
59. A static function,
a. should be called when an object is destroyed.
b. is closely connected to an individual object of a class.
c. can be called using the class name and function name.
d. is used when a dummy object must be created.
60. In console mode programs, the printer can be accessed using the predefined filename _______.
61. Write the major parts of a C++ program.
62. What is the purpose of <iostream.h>?
63. When do we use default arguments in a function?
64. Can inline function be recursive?
65. How do we invoke a constructor function?
66. What are objects?
67. When is friend function compulsory in overloading?
68. Which class is not used to create objects?
69. Are virtual functions used to create pointers to base classes?
70. What is the file mode for using binary files?
71. What does Object Oriented Programming (OOP) do that traditional languages like C, Pascal, COBOL and BASIC don’t?
72. State the problems or weaknesses in the procedural/structural programming.
73. State the difference between the break and continue statements.
74. Write a statement that sets the hrs member of the time2 structure variable equal to 11.
75. What is the purpose of class declaration?
76. What is the use of static class data?
77. State two advantages of the operator overloading in C++.
78. Define inheritance.
79. Why are virtual functions needed?
80. State the advantages of Streams
81. Define : Object
82. Write the relational operators in C++.
83. What is enumeration?
84. Define : inline functions
85. What is constructor?
86. What is an array?
87. Define copy constructor.
88. State the benefits of inheritance.
89. What is exception?
90. Define : Function Templates.
91. What is encapsulation?
92. What are escape sequences?
93. Differentiate between while loop and do loop statements.
94. How are enumerations declared in C++?
95. What is static data member?
96. How are the objects used as function argument?
97. When is the deferencing operator ->* used?
98. What is function overloading? Give an example.
99. List out the operators that cannot be overloaded using Friend function.
100. What are seekg( ) and seekp( ) functions?
101. What are the basic concepts of OOS?
102. What are objects?
103. What is function prototype?
104. What is a enumeration?
105. Define copy constructor.
106. What is a class?
107. How can an overloaded operator be invoked using member functions?
108. What is multiple inheritance?
109. What are stream errors?
110. Define pointers to member
111. What are objects?
112. What are manipulators?
113. What is a default argument?
114. What is an inline function?
115. How to access a class member?
116. When is the deferencing operator ->* used?
117. Define copy constructor.
118. List out the operators that cannot be overloaded.
119. What is meant by Abstract base class?
120. What are virtual functions?
121. What is Data Abstraction?
122. Give an example in C++ for polymorphism.
123. Delete is a _________ operator.
124. List some of the storage class specifiers.
125. What is a destructor?
126. Manipulators are operators which are used to _________ the data.
127. State the use of strcat() function.
128. Does C++ support multiple inheritance?
129. What is a copy constructor?
130. _________ pointer refers to an object that currently invokes a member function
131. Which concept of OOP uses reusability?
132. What do you mean by an Escape sequence?
133. Mention the use of the break statement.
134. What is meant by a default argument?
135. _________ data or functions can only be accessed from within the class.
136. const int SIZE=10; – Comment on the usage of this statement with respect to arrays.
137. What are Abstract classes?
138. Mention the functions of the new operator.
139. ________ points to the object itself.
140. Mention the functions which are used to set and examine the get pointer.
141. In C++, function contained within a class is called _________.
142. What header file must you #include with your program to use setw and endl?
143. A relational operator is used to _________.
144. The increment expression in for loop can decrement the loop variable. (True / False)
145. What is the purpose of class specification declaration?
146. A member function can always access the data _________.
147. When you overload an arithmetic assignment operator it will _________.
148. How many arguments are required in the definition of an overloaded unary operator?
149. Name three-stream class commonly used for disk I/O.
150. What is a file?
151. What is the use of this pointer?
152. What does the default assignment operator (=) do when applied to objects?
153. Define nameless temporary object.
154. A pointer to void can hold pointer to ________________.
155. What is the use of static class data?
156. Write a statement that defines an array called manyBird that holds 50 objects of type bird.
157. The expression 11 % (-3) evaluates to ______________________.
158. How does the statement #include <myheader.h> differs from #include “myheader.h”?
159. What is Object oriented programming?
160. What is use of constant member function?

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