14CS2034 Object Oriented Analysis & Design B.Tech Question Bank : karunya.edu

Name of the College : Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences
University : Karunya University
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Information Technology
Subject Name : Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : karunya.edu

Download : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ka…d%20Design.pdf

Karunya Object Oriented Analysis & Design Question Paper

Part – A

1. Define object.
2. What is the purpose of object ID?
3. What do you mean by an actor in a use case?
4. What is the main advantage of DFD?

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5. What is the 80 – 20 rule?
6. Why is documentation an important part of analysis?
7. What is axioms?
8. Stamp coupling refers to ________.
9. Which corollary tells the development in inheritance relationship?
10. Corollary is build from _____________.
11. Define Inheritance.
12. Define Polymorphism.
13. What is a static model?
14. Define Generalization.
15. _____________ association is used when you have one use case similar to another use case but does a bit more or more specialized.

16. ______________ is the process of checking to see if an object belongs to a category or a class.
17. _____________ is an association among more than two classes.
18. Interactions within a single object or software component is called _________.
19. ______________is a specification language that uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a system.
20. ____________________ is a language-dependent specification of the implementation returned by the method.
21. ._________ relationship is called Whole – Part Relationship.
22. _________ interact with system in OMT functional diagram.
23. Actors refers to _________ in UML Use Case diagram.
24. CRC refers to _________
25. Uses relationship in use case diagram refers to _________.
26. _________ is called one to one relationship.
27. Define Axiom.
28. Protected attribute is prefixed with _________ UML symbol.
29. The purpose of access layer is _________.
30. __________ is the runtime entity.
31. Define Object persistence.
32. The purpose of Qualifier is __________ in UML class diagram.
33. Cardinality refers to __________.
34. User interaction with the system is represented by __________ diagram.
35. Domain knowledge refers to __________.
36. “Cycle contains different parts” is represented by using __________ relationship diagram.
37. Corollary are derived from __________.
38. Protocol refers to __________.
39. The purpose of View layer is __________
40. ._________ means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes.
41. The term _________ means a combination of data and logic that represents some real world entity.
42. _________, _________, _________ are the major contributors to the UML notation.
43. The process of looking for patterns to document is called _________.
44. _________ and _________ are the kinds of relationship in use-case diagram.
45. _________ is a technique used for identifying classes’ responsibilities, attributes and methods.
46. _________ and _________ are the two major properties of a-part-of relationship.
47. _________ is a proposition that can be proven from accepted axioms and _________ is a proposition that follows from an axiom.
48. _________ is a specification language that uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a system.
49. _________ and _________ are the major tasks of Access layer.

Part – B

50. Define aggregation. Give an example.
51. Write down the characteristics for determining the high quality of the system.
52. Define Unified Approach.
53. What is meant by dynamic modeling?
54. Mention the elements used in the use case model.
55. Write down the guidelines for developing effective documentation.
56. List out the purpose of object-oriented design Axioms.
57. What are design patterns?
58. What are the responsibilities of view layer object?
59. What is a protocol? What is its function?
60. What is meta class?
61. What is aggregation?
62. What is a model?
63. Give the abbreviation of CASE.
64. What is 80-20 documentation rule?
65. Expand CRC.
66. Define coupling.
67. Minimize the information content of the design is the information axiom. (True / False)
68. List the class visibility.
69. Expand OCL
70. What is an object?
71. Give one advantage of object oriented development.
72. What are the phases of OMT?
73. What is framework?
74. Mention the elements used in the Use-case model.
75. What is noun phrase?
76. What is an association?
77. How would you identify attributes?
78. Define : Design Axiom
79. Give one UI rule
80. What is Association?
81. What are the transformations in Software Development process?
82. Give an example for N-Ary Association.
83. Define generative pattern.
84. Who are Actors?
85. CSR stands for __________.
86. What do you mean by Use Case?
87. Super-Sub structure is otherwise known as __________.
88. What are the protocols?
89. Distinguish redundant class and Method Class
90. Define object.
91. Define Persistence.
92. Expand UML.
93. What is use-case?
94. Expand CRC.
95. What is the purpose of documentation?
96. Define axioms.
97. Define Association.
98. What is the purpose of Object Constraint Language?
99. Give a brief note on object behavior.
100. Define inheritance.

Part – C

101. ________ is the simulation of interface but contains no functionality.
102. The Abstract of the pattern that gives the reader a clear idea is called as _______.
103. Define multiplicity.
104. Expand CRC.
105. Define use case model.
106. Mention the types of axiom.
107. Define super-sub structure.
108. What are the two main aspects of view layer?
109. Expand OCL.
110. Give a brief note on object behavior.
111. Define object persistence.
112. What do you mean by object diagram?
113. What is model and what are the types of models?
114. List the approaches for identifying classes.
115. When is the ‘extends’ association used?
116. What is an association?
117. What is Cohesion?
118. What do you mean by persistence?
119. What are the steps in view layer of a macro process?
120. Define object Persistence.
121. What do you mean by persistence of an object?
122. List the primary symbols used in a DFD.
123. What are anti-patterns?
124. What is a use-case?
125. What are the steps to be followed to develop an effective documentation?
126. Define Schema.
127. What are design Patterns?
128. Define OCL.
129. What is MDBMS?
130. Define Aggregation.
131. What is software validation and verification?
132. Define model.
133. Define use-case diagram.
134. What is CRC?
135. Define concept class.
136. What do you mean by corollary?
137. What is coupling?
138. What is the different class visibility?
139. What is the need of Access layer classes?
140. Define multiplicity.

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