14CS2011 Database Systems B.Tech Question Bank : karunya.edu

Name of the College : Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences
University : Karunya University
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Information Technology
Subject Name : Database Systems
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : karunya.edu

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Karunya Database Systems Question Paper

Part – A :
1. What does Data Model mean?
2. What are different types of keys?
3. Define the term tuple.

Related : Karunya University Digital Principles & System Design B.Tech Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/2884.html

4. When two relations are said to be union compatible.
5. Write the uses of functional dependency.
6. What is referential integrity?
7. There are two approaches to creating an Object – Oriented database. What are they?
8. Define Persistent Storage Module (PSM).
9. What are the different types of storage media?
10. Write the primary disadvantage of the index – sequential file organization
11. Which of the following data model is widely applied in many real world database applications?

(a) Network model (b) Relational model (c) Hierarchical model
12. A _____________ describes any field that could serve as a primary key.
13. Give any two characteristics of a Relational Database System.
14. Name the basic Relational Algebra operations.
15. Foreign keys cannot be NULL (Say TRUE or FALSE)
16. Find the ODD one out of the following (a) ALTER (b) INSERT (c) UPDATE (d) SELECT
17. Which normal Form is called as a Strict 3 NF?
18. In Select Intensive real word database applications, it is better to normalize u to__________ Normal Form
19. The presence of a ___________ allows the system to streamline its recovery process.
(a) Checkpoint (b) Fact table (c) Rollbacks
(d) none of the above
20. Which one is the example for stable storage?
(a) Main Memory b(b) Cache (c) RAID (d) None of the above
21. The Over all design of the database is called as _________________
22. What is the language in which user instructs the system to perform a sequence of operations on the database to compute the desired result?
23. Name the commands used for controlling a transaction
24. ___________________________ constraints ensure that a value that appears in one relation for a given set of attributes also appears for a certain set of attributes in another relation.
25. Represent the following scenario in ER Diagram- Residents in a city
26. What are the different types of Server system architectures?
27. How Boyce-Codd Normal form is different from 3NF?
28. Give the Syntax for Triggers
29. What are kinds of Indices?
30. What is the state a Transaction can occupy, when it has been rolled back and the database has been restored to its prior state to the start of the transaction?
31. What are the various levels of data abstraction?
32. __________ is a set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, allow us to identify uniquely an entity in the entity set.
33. Give the use of dynamic SQL component.
34. __________ is a nonprocedural query language based on the logic programming language Prolog.
35. What is an assertion?
36. List the pitfalls in relational-database design.
37. What does the ODMG standard define?
38. What do you mean by persistent storage module?
39. _________ is organized logically as a sequence of records.
40. Define dense indices.
41. Define data model?
42. __________________is called weak entity types.
43. What are the constraints of relational model?
44. Natural Join is a combination of _________________
45. Define View?
46. What is the task of preprocessor in embedded SQL?
47. Define candidate Key?
48. Another name for fifth normal is _______________
49. File header contains information about ______________-
50. Where the data pointers are stored in B+ tree?
51 The _____________ clause corresponds to the projection operation of the relational algebra.
52. The ___________ are the functions that take a collection of value as input and return a single value.
53. ______________ allows the creation of complex data types with nested structures, arrays, and multisets.
54. Expand CLOB
55. For each attribute, there is a set of permitted values called __________
56. The functional dependency is referred as ______________________.
57. The Passing of authorization from one user to another user can be represented by a ______________
58. _____________ is the programming language extended with constructs to handle persistent data
59. An index record appears for every search key value in the file is called ___________
60. Database system provides a ___________ to specify the database schema.
61. A _________ is a set of one or more attributes that taken collectively; allow us to identify uniquely a tuple in the relation.
62. The _______________ clause causes the tuples in the result of a query to appear in sorted order.
63. Expand BLOB.
64. The functional dependency is referred as ______________________.
65. The transformation of a nested relation into a form with fewer relation valued attributes is called __________
66. __________ is organized as a sequence of records.
67. An index record appears for only some of the search key is called _________
68. __________ is the component used for Ensuring durability in the database system.
69. A database system provides a ___________ to specify the database schema.
70. __________ is the lowest level of abstraction describes how the data are actually stored
71. Logical level is also known as _________ schema which describes the structure and constraints for the whole database.
72. Associations between two or more entities are called as _________
73. Project operation is used to select the _________ from the relation.
74. _________ function takes a collection of values and returns a single value as output.
75. The constraint Primary Key does not have _________ values.
76. Built in function Count is a _________ function.
77. _________ is a process of ensuring a schema design is free of redundancy.
78. Attributes may only have _________ values.
79. _________ storage is a non-volatile storage.
80. _________ Hashing allows the hash function to be modified automatically.
81. _________ is the logical structure of the database.
82. Associations are also called as _________.
83. _________ operation is used to query the rows from the relation.
84. _________ key is used to refer the related tables.
85. _________ Language is used to set access privileges.
86. _________ is an example of Aggregate function.
87. DKNF stands for _________.
88. If a ® b g holds, then a ® b holds and a ® g holds _________.
89. _________ hashing does not allow the hash function to be modified automatically.
90. _________ storage survives even when the system crashes.
91. What is query language?
92. Define database instance.
93. Write the query to find all customers who have an account but no loan at the bank.
94. List the built-in data types available in SQL.
95. List out the components used in ER model.
96. What is the coarse-granularity parallelism?
97. Write the use and syntax of revoke command.
98. What is need for data dictionary?
99. List the different types of indices.
100. List out the various states of transactions.
101. List the applications of database system.
102. List two reasons why null values might be introduced in the database.
103. List the different types of data types supported by SQL.
104. How will you add primary –key constraint in create table command?
105. Define the term superkey.
106. Specify the types of server system.
107.What is functional dependency?
108.Give an example for granting privileges in SQL.
109.What are the advantages of B+ tree?
110. List out ACID properties.
111. What is an attribute?
112. What is a Database system?
113. What is DDL (Data Definition Language)?
114. What is degree of a Relation?
115. What is an assertion?
116. What is stored procedure?
117. What is 2NF?
118. What is Domain-Key Normal Form?
119. Expand RAID.
120. What is B-Tree?
121. What do you mean by meta-data?
122. Define data independence.
123. Write short notes on relational schema.
124. List the aggregate functions.
125. What is the use of order by clause?

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