Compiler Design B.Tech Question Bank : karunya.edu

Name of the College : Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences
University : Karunya University
Degree : B.Tech
Department : Information Technology
Subject Name : Compiler Design
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : karunya.edu

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Karunya Compiler Design Question Paper

Part-A Questions
1. Is macro processing a phase in compilation? Justify your answer
2. A ______is a program that collects statistics on the behavior of the object program during execution
3. Determine whether the following regular expressions define the same language? (ab)* and a*b*

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4. Why is buffering used in lexical analysis? What are the commonly used buffering methods?
5. _________ verifies whether the input string can be generated from the grammar of the source language.
6. Write the subset construction algorithm
7. ___________ parsers build parse trees starting from the root node and work down to the leaves. These parsers satisfy _____ grammars
8. List the properties of an operator grammar
9. What are the types of attributes in an attributed grammar?
10. What optimization can you propose for the following code a := b*c; x := b*c +5;
11. Define text formatters.
12. Write three address code for the expression r := 9*2+7.
13. Write shorthand notation for rr*.
14. Define finite automata.
15. What is LL(1) grammar?
16. What is YACC?
17. What are the two types of attributes that are associated with a grammar symbol?
18. State different storage-allocation strategies.
19. Give example for algebraic transformation on basic blocks?
20. Name tow descriptors used in code generation algorithm?
21. __________ is a program that reads a program written in one language and translates it into an equivalent program in another language.
22. What are the two classes of parsing methods?
23. Define Lexeme.
24. Write any two algebraic properties of regular expression.
25. __________ is a program consisting of a procedure for every non terminal.
26. What do you mean by ambiguous?
27. Define Annotated parse tree.
28. __________ keeps track of live procedure activations.
29. A loop that contains no other loops is called a __________.
30. Define optimizing compiler.
31. What is the purpose of semantic analysis in a compiler?
32. What are cousins of a compiler?
33. Draw NFA for regular expression (s/t).
34. What is meant by Lexeme?
35. List out bottom up parsing.
36. What is canonical derivation?
37. What is inherited attribute?
38. What is coercion?
39. What is constant folding?
40. What is a basic block?
41. List the functions of a preprocessor.
42. List the cousins of a compiler.
43. What language does the regular expression (0|1)*0(0|1)(0|1) generate?
44. Define e-closure.
45. What language does the grammar S ?aSa | bSb | c generate?
46. Define operator grammar.
47. What is meant by quadruple?
48. What is called annotated parse tree?
49. Define flow graph.
50. Translate the arithmetic expression a * – (b + c) into a syntax tree.
51. Define Lexeme.
52. List two compiler construction tools.
53. What is meant by Kleene Closure?
54. Define optimizing compilers.
55. What language does the grammar S aSb | c generate?
56. Define ambiguity of a grammar.
57. What is synthesized attribute?
58. Give the postfix for a=b*-c+b*-c
59. Define constant folding.
60. What is data flow analysis?
61. Define Ambiguous grammar.
62. List out the cousins of compiler.
63. Define lexeme. Give example.
64. Compare DFA and NFA.
65. Define ‘Handle Pruning’ in bottom-up parsing.
66. What is meant by a Look ahead symbol?
67. What is three address code?
68. Define annotated parse tree.
69. Construct a DAG for the expression a=b*-c + b*-c
70. Define symbol table.
71. What is an interpreter?
72. List any two cousins of compiler.
73. Write a regular expression for an identifier.
74. List the various error recovery strategies for a lexical analysis.
75. Define a context free grammar.
76. What are the problems with top down parsing?
77. What are the various types of intermediate code representation?
78. What is back patching?
79. What is a flow graph?
80. What are the basic goals of code movement?
81. What is a byte code?
82. What is the use of an interpreter?
83. How is a character string recognized?
84. Define Lexeme.
85. List the common syntactic errors.
86. What do you mean by panic mode error recovery?
87. What is syntax directed definition?
88. What is the use of a dependency graph?
89. In a program, when the instruction HALT is given, where does the control return to?
90. Define semilattice.
91. What does the front end of a compiler do?
92. Write the components of context free grammar.
93. How is the C language identifier represented by a regular expression?
94. Write the purpose of minimizing the states of the DFA in a lexical analyzer.
95. List the properties of operator precedence grammar.
96. Mention the four values of LR parsing table.
97. Give an example of static checks.
98. Mention the strategies of storage allocation.
99. Write the various three address code form of intermediate code.
100. What is the various output form of the code generator?
101. What is meant by real time operating systems?
102. Compare loosely coupled and tightly coupled system.
103. What is meant by context switch?
104. What are the benefits of multithreaded programming?
105. What are the three requirements that a solution to the critical-section problem satisfy?
106. Define deadlock.
107. What is compaction?
108. How do you compute the effective access time for a demand-page system?
109. What is latency time?
110. What are streams?
111. What are the functions performed by analysis phase of a compiler?
112. Mention the components of context free grammar.
113. What are the two phases of lexical analyzer?
114. Write the regular expression for the language, the set of strings over {a,b,c} that contain exactly one b.
115. Define left factoring.
116. Mention the conflicts that occur in shift-reduce parser.
117. What are the functions used to create the nodes of the syntax trees for expressions with binary operators?
118. List out the methods available to represent the value of Boolean expression.
119. Name the techniques in loop optimization.
120. How are dummy blocks with no statements indicated in global data flow analysis?

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