DCS301 Operating Systems DCS Question Paper : karnatakastateopenuniversity.in

Name of the College/University : Karnataka State Open University
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Subject Name/Code : Operating Systems/ DCS 301
Degree : Diploma
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : karnatakastateopenuniversity.in

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Operating Systems Question Paper


Part – A (1×15=15) :
1. Define operating system.
2. What is process scheduling ?
3. Define swapping.

Related : Karnataka State Open University Diploma in Statistical Process Control Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/9461.html

4. Define deadlock.
5. Define semaphore.
6. Define paging.
7. Define segmentation.
8. Define thrashing.
9. Define demand paging.
10. Explain single contiguous allocation.
11. Explain best fit, worst fit methods of allocation.
12. Define fragmentation.
13. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation.
14. What are main functions of operating system ?
15. Define real time system and time sharing system.

Part – B (5×12=60) :
16. Define various process scheduling algorithm.
What is a deadlock ? Explain the various methods to prevent deadlock.

17. What is paging ? Give mechanism to implement paging.
What is segmentation ? Give mechanism to implement segmentation.

18. What is disk scheduling ? Give various disk scheduling algorithms.
What is page replacement ? Give various page replacement algorithms.

19. Explain various mechanisms to avoid deadlock in a system.
Give various reasons why deadlock occurs in a system.

20. Write notes on following :
e) Polling
f) Spooling
g) Multi User System
h) Buffering.
Compare Unix and Windows operating system with their advantages and disadvantages.


Part – A :
Answer all questions : (15×1=15)
1. Define OS.
2. What is the purpose of system call ?
3. Define Process Control Block.
4. What is Inter Process Communication ?
5. Define Semaphores.
6. Is it possible to have a deadlock involving only one single process ?
7. Define critical section.
8. Define file sharing.
9. How many frames are needed for each page ?
10. Define resources sharing.
11. Expand the terms :
i) FCFS and
ii) FIFO.
12. What is the purpose of free space list ?
13. Give any three features of Linux.
14. State the difference between who and who am i Command.
15. What is a shell script ?

Part – B :
Answer all questions : (5×12=60)
16. A) 1) Explain the functions of Operating Systems.
2) Explain the characteristics of the following operating systems.
i) Batch Processing Systems and
ii) Time Sharing Systems.
B) Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the processing time given in milliseconds.The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 all at time 0.
a) Draw four Gant charts illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, a non-priority (a smaller priority number implies at higher priority), and RR (quantum = 1) scheduling.
b) What is the turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part (a) ?
c) What is the waiting time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part (a) ?
d) Which of the schedules in part (a) results in the minimal average waiting time (over all processes) ?

17. A) 1) What are race conditions ? How race conditions occur in operating system ?
2) Briefly explain the concept of Resource Allocation Graph.
B) Briefly explain any two methods for recovering deadlock.

18. A) 1) How protection is achieved in paging ?
2) What is thrashing ? Explain any one of the method to prevent thrashing
B) Explain page address translation by :
i) Direct mapping and
ii) Associative mapping.

19. A) 1) Explain different ways used to achieve I/O buffering.
2) List the ways of allocating storage, and give advantages of each.
B) Briefly explain the following scheduling algorithms.
ii) SCAN.

20. A) 1) Briefly explain the history of the Linux operating system.
2) Write down a shell script to find the largest of two numbers X and Y.
B) Explain the following with respect to Linux system administration :
i) Maintaining User Accounts and
ii) Backups and restoration.

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