10CV36 Applied Engineering Geology B.E Model Question Paper : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Civil Engineering
Subject Name/Code : Applied Engineering Geology / 10CV36
Degree : B.E
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : sjbit.edu.in

Download :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sj…ON%20PAPER.pdf

SJBIT Applied Engineering Geology

Unit – 1

1. Discuss the importance of Geology in the field of civil engineering. (June-2012)(Dec-2013)
2 Describe the internal structure and composition of the earth. (Dec-2013) (July-2014)
3) Discus the following physical properties of minerals.1)Cleavage 2)Fracture 3)Luster 4)Hardness. (Jan-2013)

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5) Write the chemical composition and uses of any two of the following minerals. GYPSUM, BAUXITE, OPAL, HEMAITE.(Dec-12) (July-2014)
6) Write the following physical properties of any two of the following Mineral. CALCITE, GALENA, ORTHOCALSE, BARITE. (Jan-2013)
7) Write the physical properties, Chemical composition of and uses of any three of the following. 1)Quartz 2)Calcite3)Gypsum4)Magnetite5)Orthoclase (June-2012)
8) Define Minerals. (July 2014)

Unit – 2

1) What are Igneous Rocks, Describe the mode of occurrence of Igneous rocks. (July 2013)
2) Define Metamorphism. Describe the kinds of Metamorphism. (Jan-2013)
3) Write the classification of igneous rocks based on the occurrence with rock example. (June-12) (Jan-2013)
4) Write the classification of Sedimentary rocks based on the sediments size with rock example. (Jan-2013)
5) What are igneous rocks? Describe the mode of occurrence of Igneous rocks. (June-2012)
6) Write the properties and uses of any two of the following a)Granite b) Basalt c)Sand Stone d)Marble (Jan-2013) (July-2014) 7) With neat sketch explain briefly different forms if igneous bodies (Dec-2013) 8) Explain the structures present in sedimentary rocks with neat sketches (Dec- 2013) (July-2014) 9) Write the characters of good building stones (Dec- 2013) 10) Define Rock with example. (July-2014)

Unit – 3

1) Define Soil. Describe the types of soil. (June- 2012) (Dec- 2013)
2) Write a brief account of geological work of running water and its engineering importance. (Jan-2012) (Dec- 2013) (Jan-2013) 3) What are OX-bow lakes? How are they formed? (Dec- 2011) 4) What is soil and soil profile? Describe the methods of soil conservation. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) (July2014) . 5) What is wind deflation? Write a note an importance of wind to civil engineering. (Dec- 2011) 6)What is mechanical weathering? Write a note on mechanical weathering by thermal effect. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) 7) Write brief note on Epigene and Hypogene geological agents (Jan-2013) Unit – 4
1) What is Earthquake? Discuss the causes of Earthquake resistance structures (Dec- 2013) (July2014)
2) What are Earthquake? How they are caused? Discuss in detail precautionary measures followed in the design of seismic tolerant structures. (Dec-2012)
3) Causes and effects of earthquake. (Jan-2013) (July2014)
4) Write a note on causes of landslide (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) (July-2014)
5) What is Tsunami? Add a brief note unit. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013)

Unit – 4

1) What are folds? How are they caused? Describe recumbent and plunging folds. (Jan-2013)
2) Distinguish between a joints and faults in rocks. Explain Horst and Gabren. (Jan-2013)
3) Comment on tunneling through folded strata. (Jan-2013)
4) What are folds? How are they caused? Describe the various types of folds noticed on rocks. (Dec – 2013)
5)What is Fault? How do you identify the faults in field and add a note on its engineering importance. (Dec- 2013)
6) Add a note on Angular Unconformity. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013)
7)What are joints? Write its importance in civil engineering field. (Jan-2013)
8)Explain the following : a) Unconformity (Jan-2013) b) Dip and Strike c) Normal and Reverse fault d) Drag fold (May/June2012)
9) Explain the any two types of the following with a neat sketch a) Dip and Strike b) Parts of Folds c) Mural Joints(July-2014)

Unit – 5

1) Give a brief account of geological considerations to be considered in selecting site for the construction of a dam and reservoir. (Dec- 2013)(July-2014)
2) Write a brief note on preventive measures of silting of the reservoirs. (Dec- 2012)
3) What are joints? Write its importance in civil engineering field. (Jan-2013) (Dec-12)
4) What are Dams and Reservoirs? Discuss the different types of dams giving geological reasons. (Jun- 2012)
5) Add a note on foundation on upstream dipping beds. (Dec- 2012)
6) What are Tunnels? Enumerate the steps to be considered for tunneling through folded and faulted beds. ( July-2014)

Unit – 6

1) Explain water bearing properties of Rock. (June-12)
2) What is an aquifer? Describe the types of aquifers. (Jan-2013)
3) Describe how ground water is prospected by electrical resistivity method. ( Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) ( July-2014)
4) Write brief note on Hydrological cycle. (Jan-2013) ( July-2014)
5) Describe the methods adopted for artificial recharge of groundwater. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013)

Unit – 7

1) What is remote sensing? Write its application in civil engineering. (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) ( July-2014)
2) Application of Global positioning system (GPS). (Jan-2013) (Dec-2012)
3) Application of GIS and GPS in civil engineering. (Jan-2013)
4) Write a note on impact of mining on Environment (Jan-2013) (Dec- 2013) ( July-2014)

Categories: Civil Engineering
Tags: sjbit.edu.in
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