CS2401 Computer Graphics B.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : CS2401-Computer Graphics
Degree : B.Tech – IT
Year : IV
Semester : VII
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Valliammai Computer Graphics Question Paper

Unit -I

1.Write down any two line attributes?
2.Define region code. State its use.
3.What is composite transformation?

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4.Write an algorithm for midpoint circle drawing in which decision parameter P is updated using xi+1 & yi+1 instead of xi , yi
5.A polygon has four vertices located at A(20,10), B(60,10) , C(60,30), D(20,30). Indicate a transformation matrix to double the size of the polygon with point ‘A’ located at the same place.
6.List the attributes of 2D graphics primitives?
7.Use DDA algorithm to raseterize the line from (0,0) to (6,7)
8.What will be the effect of scaling factors Sx = 1/2 and Sy = 1/3 on a given triangle ABC whose co-ordinates are A=[4,1] B=[5,2] C=[4,3]
9.Write the three dimensional transformation matrix for Z-axis shear
10.What is meant by viewport mapping?

11.What is scan conversion?
12.What do you mean by octant symmetry of circles?
13.Give the transformation matrix for reflection with respect to the line Y=X.
14.Show that the composition of two translation is additive by concatenating the matrix operation for T(x1, y1) & T(x2, y2) to obtain T(x1+x2, y1+y2).
15.How do you correct the shape of lines for very thick and inclined lines?
16.State the difference between window and viewport.
17.Define three dimensional viewing pipeline.
18.What is surface rendering?
19.What is an Basic point behind midpoint circle algorithm?
20.Explain the Disadvantages of DDA line drawing algorithm?
21.Digitize a line from (10,12) (15,15) on a raster screen using Bresenhams straight line algorithm.
22.List the different types of text clipping methods avaliable


1.Distinguish between Parallel and perspective projections
2.Define Morphing
3.Write down the shear transformation
4.Define text clipping
5.Define oblique and orthogonal projections
6.Define spline curves
7.Define quadratic surface
8.What is the use of Digitzer?
9.Define Vanishing point with an example
10.List any four Animation techniques
11.Give the matrix representation of scaling and translation
12.Define surface rendering
13.List the types of representation scheme for solid objects
14.Define black face detection
15.List the methods to specify spline
16.Define 3d rotation
17.Define 3d shearing
18.Define 3d scaling
19.Define 3d translation
20.Give the matrix representation for 3d scaling and reflection
21.Give general expression of Beizer Bernstein polynomial
22.give a single –point perspective projection transformation matrix when projectors are placed on the z-axis

Part – B :
1.Derive the Outline projection of coordinate position(x,y,z) to position (x0,y0) on the view plane.
2.Explain different types of projection in detail
3.Derive the transformation matrix for oblique parallel projections
4.Explain various 3D object representation schemes in detail
5.Write a note on 3D viewing, How transformation will be carried out from world to viewing coordinates explain
6.Explain the various three dimensional transformations in detail with an example
7.Explain briefly about Z buffer method with diagram and detailed steps
8.Explain briefly about octree structure
9.Explain about the composite transformation in detail
10.Explain briefly about visible surface detection algorithms
11.Discuss on Area subdivision method of hidden surface identification algorithm
12.Calculate a new coordinates of a blockrotated about x axis by an angle of =30 degrees. The original coordinates of the block are given relative to global xyz axis system. A(1,1,2) B(2,1,2) C(2,2,2) D((1,2,2,) E(1,1,1) F(2,1,1) G(2,2,1) H(1,2,1)

Unit III

1.What is Color gamut?
2.What does Y, I, Q Represent in YIQ color model?
3.What is color model?
4.Define morphing
5.List any four Animation techniques
6.What is animation?
7.Define keyframes.
8.State the difference between CMY and HSV color models
9.Differentiate between additive and subtractive color models
10.Define complementary colors and primary colors
11.Define chromaticity
12.Discuss the properties of light
13.What is meant by hue and saturation?
14.What are keyframe systems
15.What is meant by raster animation
16.What is OPENGL?
17.Define Computer graphics animation
18.Write down the skeleton of OPENGL code
19.Write down the OPENGL code segment to draw polyline
20.What are the steps involved in designing an animation sequence?
21.List any four real time animation techniques
22.How are mouse data sent to an OPENGL application?

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