CS2304 System Software M.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : CS2304-System Software
Degree : B.Tech – IT
Year : III
Semester : V
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Valliammai System Software Question Paper

Unit – I

Part A :
1.What is the purpose of test device instruction?
2.How is a floating point value represented using exponent in SIC?
3.Draw the instruction formats of SIC computer.

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4.Define System Software and System Program.
5.What is indexed addressing mode?
6.Define upward compatibility in systems.
7.Distinguish between direct addressing and indirect addressing.
8.What are the different registers used in SIC?
9.What is base relative addressing?
10.What is the use of SVC instruction in SIC?

11.What are the additional registers provided in SIC / XE than SIC?
12.Differentiate base relative addressing & program counter relative addressing.
13.What is the name of X & L register in SIC machine and also specify its use.
14.What is the difference between LDA # 3 and LDA THREE?.
15.What is conditional code instruction?
16.What are the types of I/O instructions available in SIC machine?
17.Write the sequence of instructions to perform the operation BETA=ALPHA +5 Using SIC/XE instruction.
18.Give the instruction format of SIC/XE machine.
19.What is format 3 & format 4 instruction in SIC/XE machine?
20.Differentiate Translator & Interpreter.

Part B :
1.With a neat diagram , explain the machine architecture of SIC .
2.Discuss about SIC / XE architecture.
3.Write short notes on
i)Data and Instruction formats
ii)Addressing modes of SIC / XE?
4.Object code generation for SIC and SIC / XE programs.
5.What are the data structures used in Assembler? Discuss how these structures are organized.
6.a) Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to set
VAL1 = VAL2 + INCR-2
VAL3 = VAL4 + INCR-2 Illustrate how the same calculation could be performed on SIC / XE.
b) The variables V1, V2 and V3 are assumed as an array of 100 words each. Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to add together the corresponding elements of V1, V2 and store in V3.
7.With instruction formats, explain the instruction set of SIC / XE.
8.Explain the various addressing modes supported by SIC and SIC/XE with example.
9.Write a program for sample indexing & looping operation in SIC & SIC/XE machine.
10.a.) Write a sequence of instruction for SIC to set ALPHA equal to the product of BETA and GAMMA.
b.) Suppose alpha is an array of 100 words.Write a sequence of instruction for SIC/XE to set all 100 elements to zero.

Unit – II

Part A :
1.What is the need for an assembler directive?
2.What is the use of location counter?
3.What is the need for a modification record?
4.Can an assembler have a single pass? What are the advantages and limitations?
5.What are the functions of EXTREF and LTORG assembler directives?
6.What is program relocation? Why is it required?
7.With reference to assembler brief about Literals and Expressions.
8.What is meant by forward reference?
9.What is the difference between literals and immediate operand?
10.What is near jump &far jump?
11.What is a symbol table? How is it useful?
12.Consider the following sequence
Is a two-pass assembler can resolve? Justify your answer.
13.What is the data structure used to organize the symbol table and operation code table in a simple assembler? Why is it preferred?
14.Differentiate the assembler directive RESW & RESB
15.List the use of following in assembler
16.What is the use of assembler directive START?
17.Define Relocatable program.
18.Give the format of Header record, Text record, End record, Modification record.
19.Name the two methods of performing relocation.
20.What are the functions performed in Pass 1& Pass 2 of a 2 Pass assembler?

Part B :
1.Explain the various machine dependent features of assembler?
2.Discuss the detailed design of pass 1 of a two-pass assembler with algorithm. Mention clearly the formats of the data structures used. Include all the assembler directives that needed to be processed in pass 1.
3.Explain Pass 2 of a 2 Pass assembler with algorithm.
4.Explain in detail about the machine independent features of assembler.
5.Explain the concept of program relocation.
6.Explain the design of one pass assembler with required data structures & algorithm.
7.Briefly discuss about multi pass assembler.
8.Explain in detail the features of MASM assembler.
9.Explain the different instruction format & addressing modes used in the assembler.
10.Write the algorithm for Pass 1 and Pass 2 of a 2-Pass assembler.

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