GE6151 Computer Programming B.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : GE 6151 – Computer Programming
Degree : B.Tech – IT
Year : I
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Valliammai Computer Programming Question Paper

Unit I

Introduction :
2 Marks :
1.Why computer is called an idiotic genius?
2.Differentiate between analog and digital computers.
3.State the characteristics of computers.

Related : Valliammai Engineering College CS6301 Programming & Data Structures B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/2851.html

4.How will you classify computer systems?
5.What are the different components of a computer?
6.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the first generation computers?
7.Which technology was used in the second generation computer and how was it better than the technology used in the first generation computers?
8.Give the advantages and disadvantages of third generation computers.
9.Convert the binary number 100110 into its octal equivalent.
10.Determine the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number AC.C8.

11.Convert 0.4375 decimal to binary system.
12.Convert the binary number 11000110 into Hexadecimal number.
13.Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
14.Draw a flowchart to find the maximum among the three numbers.
15.Compare and contrast flowchart and algorithm.
16.What is meant by pseudo code?
17.What is an algorithm?
18.Write an algorithm to compute the factorial of a number.
19.Write the pseudo code to find the given year is a leap year or not.
20.Give the advantages and limitations of Pseudo code.

16 Marks :
1.(i) Describe the characteristics of the computer.
(ii) Explain briefly the developments in computer technology starting from a simple calculating machine to the first computer.
2.Explain in detail the different generation of computers.
3.Describe the different classification of computers.
4.Explain in detail about the various components of a computer system with block diagram. (or) Explain the organization of a computer.
5.Explain the various types of computer memory.
6.Convert the following :
(i)Convert (6245.14)8 to its decimal equivalent.
(ii)Convert(111001.101)2 to its decimal equivalent.
(iii)Convert the following numbers into their binary equivalent.a. (59.6825)10 b. (EBC)16 c. (654)8
(iv)Convert the following numbers into their binary equivalent.a. FAC16 b. 5618
7.Explain the program development life cycle in detail.
8.Explain the need for an algorithm and highlight its advantages. Write an algorithm to find the greatest among three numbers.
9.Mention the guidelines in detail while drawing a flowchart with examples and list out the merits and demerits of flowcharting.
10.Explain pseudo code with an example and briefly discuss the different pseudo code structures. Differentiate algorithm, flowchart and pseudo code.

Unit II

C Programming Basics :
2 Marks :
1. Why header files are included in ‘C’ programming?
2. What is a global variable?
3. List the different data types available in ‘C’?
4. What are keywords?
5. What do you mean by variables in ‘C’?
6. What is ternary operator or conditional operator?
7. What is the difference between Logical AND and Bitwise AND?
8. What is the difference between ‘=’ and ‘==’ operator?
9. What is the use of sizeof( ) operator?
10. What are the escape sequences present in ‘C’
12. What are the types of I/O statements available in ‘C’?
13. What is the significance of control string in Input/Output Statements?
14. Why we don’t use the ‘&’ symbol while reading a string through scanf() function?
15. What is the difference between ++a and a++?
16. Compare switch( ) and nested-if statement.
17. What is the difference between while loop and do…while loop?
18. Construct an infinite loop using while?
19. What is the difference between while(a) and while(!a)?
20. Differentiate break and continue statement

16 Marks :
1. Explain in detail the structure of a C program with an example.
2. Explain in detail about the constants, expressions and statements in ‘C’.
3. Discuss about the various data types in ‘C’.
4. Describe the various types of operators in ‘C’ language along with its priority.
5. Explain about the various decision making and branching statements.
6. Write short notes on the following :
a. ‘for’ loop
b. ‘while’ loop
c. ‘do..while’ loop
7. Explain briefly about the input and output functions in ‘C’.
8. (a) Describe in detail about type conversions in ‘C’ with example.
(b) Define delimiters. List them. Give an example program using various delimiters.
9. Explain the following :
i. Keywords ii. Identifiers
iii. C character set iv. Constants and volatile variables.
10. Write a program for the following :
a. To check whether a given year is leap or not.
b. To find the roots of a quadratic equation.
c. To find the area and circumference of a circle with radius r.
d. To convert the temperature given in Fahrenheit to Celsius.
e. To calculate simple interest and the maturity amount.
f. To find area of a triangle whose sides are a, b and c.
g. To find the sum of first 100 integers.
h. To find the sum of all odd / even numbers between 1 and 100.
i. To check whether a number is prime or not.
j. To find the digits of a number. (123 => 1+2+3=6)
k. To reverse the digits of a number. (123 => 321)
l. To check whether a given number is a palindrome or not. (232)
m. To check whether a given number is perfect. (6=>1+2+3, 28=>1+2+4+7+14)
n. To print the integers between 1 and n which are divisible by 7.
o. To generate the first n numbers in a Fibonacci series.
p. To find the factorial of a given number.
q. To generate Armstrong number between 100 and 999.
r. To find the average of n numbers.

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