MA7169 Advanced Numerical Methods M.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code/Name : MA7169-Advanced Numerical Methods
Degree : M.E CAD/CAM
Year : I
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Valliammai Advanced Numerical Methods Question

(Algebraic Equations) :
Part A :

Unit- I

1. Explain Gauss – Elimination method?

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2. Solve the system of equations by Gauss elimination method 11x + 3y = 17, 2x + 7y = 16.
3. What is the advantages of Gauss Seidel method over Jacobi method?
4. What is the limitation of power method?
5. State the two difference between direct and iterative methods for solving system of evaluation?
6. Explain the term pivoting?
7. Define partial pivoting?
8. Define Complete Pivoting?
9. Define round off error?
10. State the principle uses in Gauss- Jordan method?\
11. For solving a linear system, compare Gauss elimination method and Gauss Jordan method?
12. Define tridiagonal Matrix?
13. Gauss – Seidal method is better than Gauss Jacobi method. Why?
14. Write down formula for SOR iterative method?
15. Write the Iterative Formula of Newton – Raphson method?

16. Obtain an iterative formula to find the square root of a natural number N using Newton’s method.
17. What is the rate of convergance in NR method?
18. If g(x) is continuous in [a,b] then under what condition the iterative method x= g(x) has a unique
19. What type of eigen value can be obtained using power method?
20. If the eigen values at a are -3,3,1 then the dominant eigen value of A is ——- ?
21. How will you find the smallest eigen value of a square matrix A?
22. Determine the largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector of the matrix correct to two decimal places using power method?
23. Explain power method to find the dominant eigen value of a square matrix?
24. Write down formula for the Faddev – Levertier method?

Unit II

(Ordinary Differential Equations) :
Part A :
1. What is single step methods
2. Write down the Runge-Kutta formula of fourth order .
3. When a single step method is applied to the test equation u’ = ????, what are the
aconditins for absolutely stable and relatively stable?
4. When will you say that a system of ODE of the form
5. State the special advantage of Runge-kutta method.
6. Write down Adams-Bashforth predictor formula.
7. Write down Adams-Bashforth corrector formula.
8. Define Stiff
9. Give example of Stiff ODE equation.
10. What is IVP
11. What is multistep methods
12. What is BVP
13. What is meant by Stability analysis.
14. Define Shooting Method.
15. What are the steps involved in the shooting method?
16. Write first four derivatives of finite difference method
17. Define collocation
18. What is meant by orthogonal collocation.
19. Define FEM.
20. What is Gobal Matrix.
21. What is meant by Galerkin method
22. Define orthogonal collocation in Galerkin Method.
23. Write down Uses of FEM
24. State advantage of Orthognal collocation.

Unit III

(Finite Difference Method For Time Dependent Partial Differential Equation ) :
Part A :
1. Give an example of a parabolic equation
2. State Schmidts’s explicit formula for solving heat flow equation
3. Bender-Schmidt recurrence scheme is useful to solve_________equation.
4. What is the classification of one dimensional heat flow equation.
5. What is the significance of Neumann boundary conditions of the Laplace equation
7. What is weighted residual
8. Define Finite difference methods
9. Write formula for Finite difference methods
10. What is numerical stability
11. State Crank-Nicholson difference scheme to solve parabolic equation.Also write the simplified formula when k = ah2.
12. Write down the Crank-Nicolson formula to solve uxx = ut
13. When explicit method is stable only if ?
14. What is the condition for stability of the solution for hyperbolic equations?
15. Write the formula For Implicit formula.
16. Write difference between Implicit and explicit methods.
17. Write equation for 2 dimensional heat flow equation
18. Write formula for 2 dimensional heat flow equation
19. Write ADI method formula.
20. Define Dirichlet’s condition
21. Define Neumann Condition.
22. Write Characteristics of PDE.
23. Write a note on the stability and convergence of the solution of the difference equation correspodingto the hyperbolic equation utt = a2uxx .
24. State the explicit scheme formula for the solution of the wave equation.
25. Write down the general and simplest forms of the difference equation corresponding to the hyperbolic equation utt = a2uxx .


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