ED7102 Computer Applications in Design M.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code/Name : ED7102-Computer Applications in Design
Degree : M.E CAD/CAM
Year : I
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Valliammai Computer Applications in Design Question Paper

Unit – I

Part A :
1. Explain the factors, which inhibit the use of a very high resolution and a large number of colours for display in the case of raster scanning display devices? (May/June 09)
2. Give the general configuration of a CAD computer system.
3 In what ways CAD can help manufacturing activity? Discuss. (May/June 09)

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4CAD helps in integrating CAM- Justify this statement. (May/June 09)
5. How do you specify a plotter for graphics application?
6. Explain the four types of production. (Nov 08,Jun 09)
7. Briefly describe the types of storage devices used in computers. (Nov 08,Jun 09)
8. In design, what do you understand by synthesis and engineering analysis?
9. Explain how CAD helps to synthesize a product design and do engineering analysis for getting optimal design.(Jine 09)
10. Briefly explain the conventional process of the product cycle in the conventional manufacturing environment. (Nov08)

11. What is the structure of a computing system?
12 What do you understand by the CPU? (Nov 08)
13. List the advantages of computer aided design.
14. Bring out clearly the difficulties a design engineer has to face at each of the design stages if they are carried out manually.(Nov 08)
15. How does a CRT work?
16. What are the capabilities and limitations of directed beam refresh graphics terminal?
17. Write briefly on the secondary storage devices used in CAD System. (Nov 08)
18. What are the functions of an interactive graphic design workstation? (Feb 08,May 04)
19. Explain with the help of a neat sketch, how an image is generated on a computer terminal.
20.What are various output primitives?

Part B :
1. Elaborate on the basic requirements that a CAD software has to satisfy. (Feb 08,Mar 06)
2. Describe the various database models which are generally used.
3. Explain the working of Random scan graphic terminal
4. Explain the working of Digitizers and Image scanners
5. Explain the working of CPU (Feb 07)
6. What are the reasons for implementing a computer aided design system.
7. With the help of a block diagram, explain the computer aided design process. (Feb 07)
8. Explain how an image is generated and maintained in a direct beam refresh terminal.
9. What is a digitizer? Explain how it can be used for transferring paper drawing to CAD system.
10.Explain the various output primitives

Unit – II

Part A :
1. What are normalized device co-ordinaters?
2. What is display file? Explain the stricture of display file?
3. What is transformation? How many types fo transformations ae there to change the geometry?
4. What is a projection? Explain different types of projections?
5. What is clipping? Explain with the help of a diagram.
6. Explain Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for for clipping of lines
7. Write down the different techniques for the hidden surface removerl. Explain?
8. Explain the four types of production. (Nov 08,Jun 09)
9. Briefly describe the types of storage devices used in computers. (Nov 08,Jun 09)
10. In design, what do you understand by synthesis and engineering analysis?
11.. Explain how CAD helps to synthesize a product design and do engineering analysis for getting optimal design.(Jine 09)
12. Briefly explain the conventional process of the product cycle in the conventional manufacturing environment. (Nov08)
13 What is the structure of a computing system?
14 What do you understand by the CPU? (Nov 08)
15. List the advantages of computer aided design.
16. Bring out clearly the diculties a design engineer has to face at each of the design stages if they are carried out manually.(Nov 08)
17. How does a CRT work?
18. What are the capabilities and limitations of directed beam refresh graphics terminal?
19. Write briefly on the secondary storage devices used in CAD System. (Nov 08)
20. What are the functions of an interactive graphic design workstation? (Feb 08,May 04)

Part B :
1. A scaling factor of 2 is applied in the Y direction while no scaling is applied in the X direction to the line whose two end points are at coordinates (1, 3) and (3,6). The line is to be rotated subsequently through 300, in the counter clockwisedirection. Determine the necessary transformation matrix for the operation and the new coordinates of the end points.(May/June 09)
2. The vertices of a triangle are situated at points (15, 30), (25, 35) and (5, 45). Find the coordinates of the vertices if the triangle is first rotated 100′ counter clockwise direction about the origin and then scaled to twice its size.(May/June 09)
3. Explain the details of polygon clipping. Give its advantages compared to the line clipping. (May/June 09)
4.. What is the need for concatenation of transformations? Explain what care should be taken in such cases. (Nov 08)
5. Explain the method of back face removal. Give its advantages and limitations with reference to hidden line removal. (Nov08)
6. Explain the concept of obtaining a reflection about an arbitrary line starting from the plain reflection about an axis. How do you obtain the orthographic projections of 3D geometric data base? (Nov 08)
7. What is meant by Interactive Computer Graphics? Explain its various elements. (Nov 08)
8 Describe the various database models which are generally used. (Feb 08)
9. What are the different Radius graphic display devices? Explain?
10. List out different problems associated with raster graphic display device.

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