CC7101 Finite Element Applications in Manufacturing Engineering M.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Code/Name : CC7101-Finite Element Applications in Manufacturing Engineering
Degree : M.E CAD/CAM
Year : I
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

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Finite Element Applications Question Paper

Unit I

Introduction Finite Element Formulation Of Boundary Value Problems:
Part-A :
1. State the field to which FEA solving procedure is applicable.
2. What is a structural and non-structural problem?
3. Distinguish between 1D bar element and 1D beam element. (AU Nov/Dec209, May/June 2011)

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4. Write the equilibrium equation for an element volume in 3D including the body force.
5. How to write the equilibrium equation for a finite element? (AU Nov/Dec 2012)
6. Write the difference between initial value problem and boundary value problem?
7. What are the different types of boundary conditions? Give examples. (AU April/May 2012)
8. List the various methods of solving boundary value problems. (AU, April/May 2010)
9. State the principle of minimum potential energy. (AU, April/May 2009, Nov/Dec-2007)
10. How will you obtain total potential energy of a structural system? (AU, May/Jun 2012, April/May2011)

11. Write down the potential energy function for a three dimensional deformable body in terms of strain and displacements. (AU, May/Jun 2009)
12. What is Raleigh Ritz method?
13. What is the use of Ritz method? (AU, Nov/Dec 2011)
14. Mention the basic steps of Rayleigh-Ritz method. (AU, Aril/May 2011)
15. Highlight the equivalence and the difference between Rayleigh Ritz method and the finite element method. (AU, Nov/Dec 2012)
16. Distinguish between Rayleigh Ritz method and finite element method with regard to choosing displacement function. (AU, Nov/Dec 2010)
17. Why are polynomial types of interpolation function preferred over trigonometric function? (AU, Aril/May 2019, May/June-2013)
18. What is meant be weak formulation? (AU, May/Jun 2013)
19. What is a weighted residual method? (AU, Nov/Dec 2009)
20. Give two sketches of structures that have both discrete elements and continuum.

Unit II

One Dimensional Finite Element Analysis :
Part-A :
1. What is meant by Shape Function and write down the shape function for one dimensional element? (Nov/Dec 2007, April/May 2009)
2. Draw the shape function of a two noded line element (April/May 2009)
3. Draw the shape function of a two noded line element with one degree of freedom at each node (Nov/Dec2010)
4. Draw the shape function for one dimensional line element with three nodes. (April/May2009)
5. State the properties of stiffness matrix. (Nov/Dec 2009, 2010, 2011)
6. List out the stiffness matrix properties. (May/June 2012)
7. State the characteristics of shape functions (May/June 2011)
8. When does the stiffness matrix of a structure become singular? (Nov/Dec 2012)
9. What are the properties of global stiffness matrix? (April/May 2011)
10. Write the properties of Global stiffness Matrix of a one dimensional element (May/June 2012)
11. Why polynomial terms preferred for shape functions in finite element method? (April/May 2011)
12. Distinguish between pane stress and plane strain problems.
13. Differential global and local coordinates. (May/June 2013)
14. Write the element stiffness matrix of a truss element (May/June 2012)
15. Determine the load vector for the beam element in fig. (Nov/Dec 2012)
16. Differentiate between sub parametric, isoperimetric and super parametric elements
17. State Fourier’s law of heat conduction used in FFA.
18. What is role of Jacobian matrix in FEM?
19. What is aspect ratio of elements? What are its effects?
20. Define a plane stress problem with a suitable example (May/June 2013)

Unit III

Two Dimensional Finite Element Analysis :
Part-A :
1. What is geometric Isotropy? (May/June 2013)
2. Write the Lagrange shape functions for a 1D, 2 noded elements. (Nov/Dec 2008)
3. Why is the 3 noded triangular elements called as a CST element? (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Write down the interpolation function of a field variable for three-node triangular element. (April/May 2010)
5. What is a CST element? (April/May 2011)
6. Draw the shape functions of a CST element (Nov/Dec 2010)
7. What are CST and LST elements? (Nov/Dec2009)
8. Differentiate CST and LST elements (Nov/Dec 2007, April/May 2009)
9. Evaluate the following area integral for the three node triangular element (May/June 2012)
10. A triangular element is shown in figure and the nodal coordinates are expressed in mm. compute the strain displacement matrix.(Nov/Dec 2012)
11. Write down the nodal displacement equations for a two dimensional triangular elasticity element (April/May 2010)
12. Write down the strain displacement relation. (April/May 2011)
13. State whether plane stress or plane strain elements can be used to model the following structures. Justify you answer. (Nov/Dec-2012
a. A wall subjected to wind load
b. A wrench subjected to a force in the plane of the wrench.
14. How to reduce a 3D problem into a 2D problem? (Nov/Dec 2012)
15. Give examples of axisymmetric problem. (May/June 2012)
16. State the situations where the axisymmetric formulation can be applied (April/May 2011)
17. Express the shape function of four node quadrilateral elements. (May/June 2012)
18. Show the transformation for mapping x-coordinate system into a natural coordinate system for a linear spar element and for a quadratic spar element. (Nov/Dec-2012)
19. Define Isoparametric elements with suitable examples (April/May 2010)
20. What is the significance of Jacobian transformation? (May/June 2012)

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