ME2302 Dynamics of Machinery B.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Dynamics of Machinery
Subject Code : ME2302
Website : valliammai.co.in
Document Type : Question Bank
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Semester : V
Degree : B.E

Question Bank : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/valliammai.co.in/2834-ME2302-Dynamics%20of%20Machinery.pdf

Valliammai Dynamics of Machinery Question Paper

Sub. Code/Name: ME2302 Dynamics of Machinery Year/Sem: III/V

Related : Valliammai Engineering College ME2303 Design of Machine Elements B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/2835.html 


PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is free body diagram?
2. Define static force analysis.
3. Differentiate between static and dynamic equilibrium.
4. Define applied and constraint forces.
5. Differentiate between static force analysis and dynamic force analysis.
6. Define inertia force.
7. Define inertia torque.
8. State D’Alembert’s principle.
9. State the principle of superposition.
10. Define piston effort.

11. Define crank effort and crank-pin effort.
12. What is meant by turning moment diagram or crank effort diagram?
13. Explain the term maximum fluctuation of energy in fly wheel.
14. Define coefficient of fluctuation of energy.
15. Define coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
16. Define coefficient of steadiness.
17. Why flywheels are needed in forging and pressing operations?
18. What is cam dynamics?
19. Define unbalance and spring surge.
20. Define windup. What is the remedy for camshaft windup?
21. What are the effect and causes of windup?

PART-B (16 Marks)
1. For reciprocating engine, derive the expression for (i)Velocity and acceleration of the piston (ii)Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod (16)
2. In a reciprocating engine mechanism, if the crank and connecting rod are 300mm and 1m long respectively and the crank rotates at a constant speed of 200r.p.m.Determine analytically,
1. The crank angle at which the maximum velocity occurs and
2. Maximum velocity of piston.
3. Derive the relevant equations. (16)
3. (i)Deduce the expression for the inertia force in the reciprocating force neglecting the weight of the connecting rod. (8) (ii)A vertical petrol engine with cylinder of 150mm diameter and 200mm strokes has a connecting rod of 350mm long. The mass is 1.6kg and the engine speed is 1800 rpm. On the expansion stroke with crank angle 30° fromTDC, the gas pressure is 750KPa. Determine the net thrust on the piston. (8)
4. (i)Define coefficient of fluctuation of speed and coefficient of fluctuation of energy. (4) (ii)The radius of gyration of a fly wheel is 1meter and fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 1% of the mean speed of the flywheel. If the mass of the flywheel is 3340kg and the steam develops 150KW at 135rpm, then find, 1.Maximum fluctuation of energy 2. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy (12)
5. The length of crank and connecting rod of a horizontal reciprocating engine are 100mm and 500mm respectively. The crank is rotating at 400rpm.When the crank has turned 30° from the IDC, find analytically1.Velocity of piston 2.Acceleration of piston 3. Angular velocity of connecting rod 4. Angular acceleration of connecting rod. (16)
6. The length and connecting rod of a horizontal reciprocating engine are 200mm and 1meter respectively.Thje crank is rotating at 400rpm.When the crank has turned 30° from the inner dead center, the difference of pressure between cover end and piston rod is 0.4 N/mm2. If the mass of the reciprocating parts is 100Kg and a cylinder bore is 0.4meters.Calculate (i)Inertia force (ii) Force on piston (iii) Piston effort (iv) Thrust on the side of the cylinder walls (v) Thrust in the connecting rod (vi)Crank effort. (16)
7. A horizontal gas engine running at 210rpm has a bore of 220mm and a stroke of 440mm. The connecting rod is 924mm long the reciprocating parts weight 20kg.When the crank has turned through an angle of 30° from IDC, the gas pressure on the cover and the crank sides are 500KN/m2 and 60KN/m2 respectively. Diameter of the piston rod is 40mm.Determine, 1. Turning moment on the crank shaft 2.Thrust on bearing 3. Acceleration of the flywheel which has a mass of 8kg and radius of gyration of 600mm while the power of the engine is 22KW. (16)
8. A single cylinder vertical engine has a bore of 300mm and a stroke of 400mm.The connecting rod is 1000mm long. The mass of the reciprocating parts is 140kg.On the expansion stroke with the crank at 30°from the top dead center, the gas pressure is 0.7MPa.If the runs at 250rpm, determine; 1. Net force acting on the piston 2.resultant load on the gudgeon pin 3. Thrust on cylinder walls 4. The speed above which other things remaining same, gudgeon pin loads would be reversed in direction. (16)
9. A vertical double acting steam engine has a cylinder 300mm diameter and 450mm stroke and runs at 200rpm.The reciprocating parts has a mass of 225kg and the piston rod is 50mm diameter .The connecting rod is 1.2m long. When the crank has turned 125° from IDC the steam pressure above the piston is 30KN/m2.calculate, (i)Crank-pin effort (ii)The effective turning moment on the crank shaft. (16)
10. The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to a scale of 1mm to 6N-9-9m and the horizontal scale of 1mm to 1°.The turning moment repeat itself after every half revolution of the engine. The area above and below the mean torque line are 305, 710, 50,350,980and 275mm2. The mass of rotating parts is 40kg at a radius of gyration of 140mm.Clculate the coefficient of fluctuation of speed if the mean speed is 1500rpm. (16)
11. The torque delivered by a two stroke engine is represented by T= (1000+300sin2_-500cos2_) N-m where _ is the angle turned by the crank from the IDC. The engine speed is 250rpm.The mass of the flywheel is 400kg and radius of gyration 400mm.Determine,(i)the power developed (ii)the total percentage fluctuation of speed (iii)the angular acceleration of flywheel when the crank has rotated through an angle of 60° from the IDC. (iv) the maximum angular acceleration and retardation of the flywheel. (16)


PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is meant by balancing of rotating masses?
2. Why rotating masses are to be dynamically balanced?
3. Define static balancing.
4. Define dynamic balancing.
5. State the conditions for static and dynamic balancing.
6. State the conditions for complete balance of several masses revolving in different planes of a shaft.
7. Why complete balancing is not possible in reciprocating engine? 8. Can a single cylinder engine be fully balanced? Why?
9. Differentiate between the unbalanced force caused due to rotating and reciprocating masses.
10. Why are the cranks of a locomotive, with two cylinders, placed at 90° to each other?
11. List the effects of partial balancing of locomotives.
12. Define swaying couple.
13. Define hammer blow with respect to locomotives.
14. What are the effects of hammer blow and swaying couple?
15. Define direct and reverse cranks.
16. what for the balancing machines are used?
17. What are different types of balancing machines?

PART-B (16 Marks)
1. A shaft is rotating at a uniform angular speed. Four masses M1, M2, and M3and M4 of magnitudes 300kg, 450kg, 360kg, 390kg respectively are attached rigidly to the shaft. The masses are rotating in the same plane. The corresponding radii of rotation are 200mm, 150mm, 250mmand 300mm respectively. The angle made by these masses with horizontal are 0°.45°, 120°and 255°respectively. Find,(i) the magnitude of balancing mass (ii) the position of balancing mass if its radius of rotation is 200mm. (16)
2. Four masses M1, M2, M3, and M4 are 200kg, 300kg, 240kg and 260kg respectively. The corresponding radii of rotation are 0.2m, 0.15m, 0.25m and 0.3m respectively and the angle between successive masses45°, 75°, and135°.Find the position and magnitude of balance mass required if its radius of rotation is 0.25m. (16)
3. The data for three rotating masses are given below:- M1=4kg r1=75mm _1=45 M2=3kg r2=85mm _2=135 M3=2.5kg r3=50mm _3=240 Determine the amount of counter mass at a radial distance of 65mm required for their static balance (16)
4. Four masses A, B, C, and D are completely balanced masses C and D makes angles of 90° and 195° respectively with B in the same sense. The rotating masses have the following properties: mA=25kg rA=150mm mB=40kg rB=200mm mC=35kg rC=100mm rD=180mm Planes B and C are 250mm apart. Determine (i) the mass A and its angular position (ii) the position of planes A and D. (16)
5. A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100mm,125mm,200mm and 150mm respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600mm apart and the masses of B,C and D are 10kg,5kg and 4kgrespectively.Find the required mass A and relative angular setting of the four masses so that the shaft be in complete balance.
6. Four masses A, B, C and D revolves at equal radii and equally spaced along a shaft. The mass B is 7kg and the radii of C and D make angle s of 90° and 240 °respectively with the radius of B. Find the magnitude of masses A,C and D and angular position of A . So that the system may be completely balanced. (16)
7. A shaft caries four rotating masses A, B, C and D which are completely balanced. The masses B, C and Dare 50kg, 80kg and 70kg respectively. The masses C and D make angles of 90° and 195° respectively with mass B in the same sense. The masses A,B,C and D are concentrated at radius 75mm,100mm,50mm and 90mmrespectively.The plane of rotation of masses B and C are 250mm apart. Determine (i) the magnitude of mass A and its angular position (ii) the position of planes A and D. (16)
8. A four cylinder vertical engine has cranks 150mm long. The plane of rotation of the first, second and fourth cranks are 400mm,200mm and 200mm respectively from that of the third crank and their reciprocating masses are 50kg,60kg and 50kg respectively. Find the mass of the reciprocating parts for the third cylinder and relative angular position of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete balance. (16)
9. A four cylinder vertical engine has cranks 300mm long. The plane of rotation of the first, third and fourth cranks are 750mm,1050mm and 1650mm respectively from that of the second crank and their reciprocating masses are 10kg,400kg and 250kg respectively. Find the mass of the reciprocating parts for the second cylinder and relative angular position of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete balance. (16)
10. Derive the following expression of effects of partial balancing in two cylinder locomotive engine (i) Variation of attractive force (ii) Swaying couple (iii) Hammer blow (16)

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