RR410502 Distributed Systems B.E Question Paper : djriet.edu.in

Name of the College : Dasari Jhansi Rani Institute Of Engineering And Technology
University : JNTUK
Department : Computer Science And Engineering
Subject Code/Name : RR410502 – Distributed Systems
Year : 2008
Degree : B.E
Year/Sem : IV/I
Website : djriet.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Distributed Sytems : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dmice.ac.in/2828-RR410502-DISTRIBUTED-SYTEMS.pdf

DJRIET Distributed Systems Question Paper

( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions

Related : Dasari Jhansi Rani Institute Of Engineering & Technology Software Engineering B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/2827.html 

Set – I

All Questions carry equal marks :
1. (a) Are shared memory multiprocessors distributed systems? Explain
(b) Contrast the problems of implementing process migration between work stations and between processors within a shared memory multiprocessor. [2+6+4+4]
2. What are the key design issues of Remote Procedure Call System. [16]
3. (a) Can a server invoked by light weight procedure calls control the degree of concurrency within it? Explain.
(b) Explain why and how a client is prevented from calling arbitrary code within a server under lightweight RPC. [8+8]
4. What is a name service? What are the general name service requirements?[2+14]
5. Explain how the conversation takes place between a client and a server in detail. [16]
6. (a) Explain the two phases in the two-phase commit protocol with the help of a diagram.
(b) Discuss the performance of the two phase commit protocol. [6+4+6]
7. What is logic of authentication? What are the benefits derived from such a logic. [4+12]
8. Explain DSM using write-update with suitable diagram. [10+6]

Set – II

1. . Explain about various network technologies. [16]
2. (a) Explain in detail the various levels in the client software with respect to RPC’s.
(b) What are the features of RPC’s. [8+8]
3. (a) What is a Null RPC? Explain about RPC performance.
(b) What are the main components accounting for RPC delay apart from network transmission times? [2+6+8]
4. Write the methods for implementation of
(a) Request ordering
(b) Totally ordering. [8+8]
5. (a) Explain backward validation and forward validation.
(b) Compare forward and backward validation and explain about starvation. [8+8]
6. (a) Explain the reason to have transaction priorities.
(b) Explain in detail the situation “ Probes Travel Downhill” [ 8+8]
7. Explain log for banking service with relevant diagram. [10+6]
8. Summarize the abstractions provided by the Mach Kernel in detail. [16]

Set – III

1. Explain about various protocol layers in the ISO- OSI protocol model. [16]
2. What are the key design issues of Remote Procedure Call System. [16]
3. (a) Distinguish between Multiple processes and Threads.
(b) Explain in detail about “The aliasing Problem”. [8+8]
4. Explain about logical time and logical clocks. [8+8]
5. Explain ACID properties and how the transaction are failure and how they are recovered ? [16]
6. How the virtual partitions are implemented ? [16]
7. Explain various methods of attacking and defenses. [16]
8. Explain the problems ofWrite-Update andWrite- Invalidation of distributed shared memory. [8+8]

Set – IV

Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are various issues involved in a design of a distributed system. [16]
2. (a) What are three protocols involved in RPC Exchange Protocols? Explain.
(b) Explain about the following:
i. an Idempotent Operation
ii. Multipacket messages. [2+6+4+4]
3. (a) Can a server invoked by light weight procedure calls control the degree of concurrency within it? Explain.
(b) Explain why and how a client is prevented from calling arbitrary code within a server under lightweight RPC. [8+8]
4. What is Election? Explain Bully algorithm and Ring based Election Algorithm. [2+7+7]
5. Explain how the conversation takes place between a client and a server in detail. [16]
6. Explain about two-phase commit protocol for nested transaction. [16]
7. Explain about authentication mechanisms and access control mechanisms. [16]
8. (a) Explain about the various kinds of consistency models that are weaker than sequential consistency.
(b) What are the advantages of sequential consistency compared to the other consistency models? [8+8]

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