EC2029 Digital Image Processing B.E Question Bank : dmice.ac.in

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Name : EC2029-Digital Image Processing
Degree : B.E
Website : dmice.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

Digital Image Processing : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dmice.ac.in/2765-EC2029.docx

DMI Digital Image Processing Question Paper



** Define Hue and Saturation.
** What is mach band effect?
** What is meant by dynamic range and contrast?

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** What is the purpose of color models? Give the hardware oriented types of color models.
** What is dithering? List some commonly used dithering types.
** Define subjective brightness and brightness adaption
** Define Weber Ratio?
** What is meant by mach band effect?
** What is simultaneous contrast?
** What is meant by illumination and reflectance?
** Define sampling and quantization?

** Find the number of bits required to store 256 X 256 image with 32 gray levels?
** What do you mean by zooming of digital images?
** What is simultaneous contrast?
** What is geometric transformation?
** What are the applications of digital image processing?
** List the hardware oriented color models
** What do you meant by zooming and shrinking of digital images
** Distinguish between gray level resolution and spatial resolution
** Justify that KLT is an optimal transform

(i) Explain the principle, construction and working of vidicon camera in detail. (12)
(ii) List the components of digital image processing systems. (4)
Explain briefly about the working principle of digital camera with neat sketch. (16)
(i) Explain the basic relationship between the pixels. (8)
(ii) What are the different transforms used in DIP? Explain any one with properties. (8)
(i) Explain KL transform with suitable equations and derive how an image is reconstructed using transformation function. (10)
(ii) How the image format is converted from RGB to HSI and HSI to RGB? (6)
(i) Briefly explain the working of Human eye with neat sketch. (8)
(ii) Explain in detail about sampling and quantization. (8)
What are the elements in digital image processing system and describes its working?(8) How this is used for weather forecasting applications? (8)
Discuss the features of Human visual perception and brightness adaptation property of human eye. (16)
i) Explain the four basic relationships between pixels. (8)
ii) What are the different transforms used in DIP? Explain the most advantageous one in detail? (8)
Explain the basic concepts of sampling and quantization with neat sketch. (16)
Obtain the KL transform for the given vectors X1=[1 0 0];X2=[1 0 1];X3=[1 1 0] (Transpose these vectors) and analyze how the principle components are used for remote sensing applications? (16)
Describe the elements of visual perception? (16)
i. Describe image formation in eye with brightness adaptation and discrimination? (8)
ii. write short notes on sampling and quantization? (8)
i. Describe the steps involved in digital image processing? (8)
ii. Describe the functions of elements of digital image processing system with a diagram? (8)
Explain in detail about vidicon camera tube? (16)
Explain in detail about HSI models? (16)
Explain in detail about vidicon camera tube? (16)
Describe the elements of visual perception? (16)
Obtain K-L transform for the given vectors X1=[1 0 0] x2=[1 0 1] x3=[1 1 0] (transpose these vectors) and analyse how principal components are use for remote sensing application (16)
Explain the basic concepts of sampling and quantization? (16)
i) What are the different transforms used in DIP? Explain most advantageous one in detail? (8)
ii) Explain four basic relationship between pixels? (8)


** Why KL transform is termed as an optimal transform?
** Define high frequency emphasis filtering.
** What is salt and pepper noise?
** What is spatial averaging?
** What is contrast stretching?\
** Define image enhancement and give example.
** What do you mean by point processing?
** Define image averaging
** Name the different types of derivative filters.
** Define harmonic mean.
** What is meant by image enhancement?
** Give some examples of image enhancement process?
** Mention the basic approaches of image enhancement?
** What is mask processing?
** Give some application of power -law transform?
** What is Bit plane slicing?
** What is histogram?
** What are all the applications of histogram processing?
** What is salt and pepper noise?
** What is white noise?

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