CP7028 Enterprise Application Integration M.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Subject Code/Name : CP7028-Enterprise Application Integration
Degree : M.E
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : valliammai.co.in

Download : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/va…ntegration.pdf

Valliammai Enterprise Application Integration Question Paper


Introduction :
2-Marks :
1. What is EAI?
2. Need for EAI?
3. How is EAI different?
4. List out advantages of EAI?
5. List out disadvantages of EAI?

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6. What are the enterprise need EAI?
7. What is the types of integration based on architecture ?
8. Define EAI process?
9. Define legacy system?
10. What are the technologies used to build EAI?
11. What are characteristic of legacy system?
12. Requirement of EAI?
13. Challenges of EAI?

14. Types of data integration approaches?
15. What is middleware?
16. What are the different forms of middleware?
17. Define enterprise service bus?
18. What are requirement of SOA?
19. What is ETL?
20. Need for messaging?

16-Marks :
1. Draw the architecture of EAI and explain in detail with suitable example?
2. Explain in detail about four common types of integration?
3. Explain in detail steps to be followed in EAI?
4. Explain in detail about challenges of EAI?
5. Explain in detail about patterns of EAI?
6. Define legacy system , explain the integration with legacy system?
7. Explain in detail about requirement of middleware?
8. Explain in detail SOA with neat diagram?
9. Write a shorts on 1) Difference between shared and distributed data?
2) direct data integration?
10. Explain the various integration approaches and implementation of EAI?


Integration Patterns :
2-Marks :
1. Draw the pattern diagram for integration style?
2. What is scatter-gather?
3. Need for enterprise integration?
4. What is correlation?
5. List out the challenges of enterprise integration pattern?
6. What is point -to- point channel?
7. What are the four main approaches of integration pattern?
8. List out any five types of integration styles?
9. Define broker?
10. Advantages of message bus?
11. List out any two challenges in performance?
12. List out any two challenges in security?
13. List out any two challenges in reliability?
14. What is an architecture that enables separate applications to work together, but in a decoupled fashion such that applications can be easily added or removed without affecting the others?
15. How can the sender broadcast an event to all interested receivers?
16. What are the types for implementing integration pattern?
17. Comparisons between notification and application.
18. Draw the pattern for Publish/Subscribe using the Pull Model?
19. What is mean by messaging gateway?
20. What are the patterns available for message transformation?

16-Marks :
1. Explain various patterns of integration ?
2. Explain the architecture for application integration?
3. Explain the working of born trading system?
4. Explain point-to- point integration architecture?
5. Explain in detail about challenges in performance?
6. Explain in detail about challenges in security?
7. Explain in detail about challenges in reliability?
8. Explain in detail about architecture that enables separate applications to work together, but in a decoupled fashion such that applications can be easily added or removed without affecting the others?
9. How can you decouple the destination of a message from the sender and maintain central control over the flow of messages?
10. Explain detail about Publish/Subscribe with suitable Example?


Service Oriented Integration (SOI) :
2 Marks :
1. What is Service oriented integration?
2. What is Business Process Integration (BPI)?
3. Define Integration Barriers?
4. Define composite application?
5. What is web service and give examples?
6. List out some web service protocols?
7. Define orchestration?
8. Difference between service choreography and orchestration?
9. Define business process modeling?
10. What is the purpose of business process modeling?
11. What are the types of business processes?
12. Define BPMN?
13. What is business process execution?
14. What is BPEL?
15. List out BPEL design goals?
16. Define middleware infrastructure with example?
17. What is business process reengineering with diagram?
18. Define business process management?
19. Difference between BPMN and BPEL?
20. Define scope of BPEL?

16 Marks :
1. Explain in detail about business process integration with suitable example?
2. Explain in detail about composite application?
3 .Write short notes :
a) Web services
b) Service choreography and orchestration.
4. Explain in detail about business process model and its notation?
5. Explain about business process execution and list out its languages?
6. Explain in detail about BPMN with suitable example?
7. Define BPEL, explain in detail?
8. Explain in detail about business process management?
9. Define middleware infrastructure, explain in detail?
10. Explain luxury travel service Provider Company with suitable example?

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