delhilawacademy.com All India Law Entrance Test AILET Past Papers 2017 : Delhi Law Academy

Organisation : Delhi Law Academy
Exam : AILET All India Law Entrance Test
Subject : AILET
Year : 2017
Document Type : Past Papers
Website : http://www.delhilawacademy.com/home/ailet-past-papers/ailet-2017/

Delhi Academy All India Law Entrance Test Past Papers

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Marks: 150

Related : Delhi Law Academy CLAT Common Law Admission Test Model Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/25959.html

Section A – English

Section 1 – English & Reading Comprehension
1. Cashed up, aspirational and a marketer’s dream, the hoi polloi are on the march, writes Bridie Smith.
Choose the antonym of the word hoi polloi.
(a) Middle class
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Masses
(d) Working class

2. There’s a lot in life that can leave you nonplussed.
Choose the antonym of the word nonplussed.
(a) dumbfound
(b) disconcert
(c) astound
(d) unperturbed

3. Stay away from the touristy Pioneer Square historic district and most of its cheeseball clubs, at least on nights and weekends,
Choose the meaning of the word cheeseball.
(a) Expensive
(b) Inferior in quality
(c) Notorious
(d) Stylish

4. It was marvellous to see how gingerly, the little beasts footed it in such places.
Choose the synonym of the word gingerly.
(a) roughly
(b) assiduously
(c) rashly
(d) carelessly

5. She’s also an up-and-coming fiction writer with a penchant for the dark and surreal.
Choose the meaning of the word surreal.
(a) Bizarre
(b) Haunting
(c) Edsy
(d) Satanic

Directions (Q. 6 and O. 7) : Match the ideas in (i) and (ii) by using the words in the brackets.
6. l. (even though) II. (with)
III. (seeing that) IV. (even if)
(a) lll-1-c, lV-2-d, ll.3-a, l-4-b
(b) l-2-d, lll-4-b, ll-3-a, lV-1-c
(c) l’1-c, ll-2-d, lll-3-a, lV-4-b
(d) lV-3-a, lll-2-b, ll-4-c, l-1-d

7. I. (due to) II. (in order to)
III. (in order that) IV. (so as to)
(a) l-1 -a,ll-2-b,lll-3-c, lV-4-d
(b) lV-1 -a,lll-2-b,ll-3-c, l-4-d
(c) I-4-a, ll-3-c, lll-2-b, l-1-a
(d) ll-1-c, lV-2-d, l-3-a, lll-4-b

Directions (Q. 8 and Q. 9) : Complete the sentences on the right with appropriate compound nouns related to the two-word verbs used in the sentences on the left.
8. I. flashbacks ll. Telling off
III. hideout IV. Downpour
(a) l-1 -a,ll-2-b,lll-3-c, lV-4-d
(b) ll-1-c, l-2-d, lll-3-a, lv-4-b
(c) ll-1 -c,l-2-d,lV-3-a, lll-4-b
(d) l-4-d, ll-3-c, lll-2-b, lV-1-a

9. l. setbacks ll. Tip-offs
III. passers-by IV. Upbringing
(a) l-4-b, 11-1-c, lll-2-d, IV-3-a
(b) ll-3-c, lll-2-b, IV-1-a, l-4-d
(c) 11-1-c, l-2-d, iV-3-a, lll-4-b
(d) l-3-b, ll-4-c, lll-1-d, IV-2-a

Direction (o. 15 – Q. 17) : choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/Phrase in the question.
15. Pell-mell
(a) In hurried disorder
(b) Gaiety and excitement
(c) Extremely worried
(d) None of these

16. To have one’s heart in one’s boots
(a) To get angry
(b) To be deeply depressed
(c) To be frightened
(d) To keep a secret

17. To give one’s ears
(a) To listen carefully
(b) To act in a foolish way
(c) To make a guess
(d) To make almost any sacrifice

Direction (Q.18 – Q.20) : Rearrange the given six sentences K, L, M, N, O and p in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions that follows.
K. The subjugation or enslavement of the people and countries is fast becoming a thing of the past.
L. Since then the progress in science and technology and in other branches of knowledge has resulted in the betterment of the conditions of life in many countries.
M. The industrial Revolution in England about the middle of the eighteenth century was history’s great leap forward.
N. All this is on credit of modern civilisation.
O. society has been progressing and improving for thousands of years.
P. The span of human life has been enlarged, the condition of the tabouring classes in many countries has improved, knowledge and education have made great strides, the treatment of children has become more humane, feats of engineering have done wonders, democracy and freedom have been granted to most countries of tfre world, and a very much larger percentage of people have become entitled to the good things of life.

18. Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph ?
(a) P
(b) K
(c) N
(d) L

19. Which sentence should come first in the paragraph ?
(a) O
(b) M
(c) P
(d) K

20. Which sentence should come third in the paragraph ?
(a) N
(b) M
(c) P
(d) L

Section B – General Knowledge

36. Which country recently decided to quit commonwealth group ?
(a) Maldives
(b) FiJi
(c) Nigeria
(d) Zimbabwe

37. The official mascot of the 2o1B FIFA World cup is ____who wears ____ .
(a) Zabivaka, glasses
(b) Willie, glasses
(c) Zaumi, Russia’s kit
(d) Zabivaka, flag of Russia

38. In India, three women had held the post of Deputy Governor of RBI Which of the following is not amongst them ?
(a) K.J. Udeshi
(b) Usha Thorat
(c) Dr. lsher J. Ahluwalia
(d) Shyamala Gopinath

39. ______ World’s largest refugee camp, which was in news recently, is located in ____.
(a) Dadaab, Kenya
(b) Zaalari, Syria
(c) Yida, Sudan
(d) Katumba, Tanzania

40. “Greenmail” is a type of
(a) Currency Manipulation
(b) Takeover Defence
(c) Corporate Communication
(d) Eco- friendly device

41. Which of the following labels are not owned by Yum Brands ?
(a) KFC
(b) Pizza Hut
(c) Burger King
(d) Taco Bell

42. ____ has become the first bank in India to introduce software robotics in power banking.
(a) HDFC
(c) SBI
(d) Yes Bank

43. _____ is not a component of the Li Keqiang Index.
(a) Bank Loans
(b) Export
(c) Electricity Consumption
(d) Railway freight

44. Train travel insurance in India is available at a premium of ____ with effect from October7,2016.
(a) 1 rupee
(b) 2 rupees
(c) 92 paisa
(d) 1 Paisa

45. Which of the following banks overtook Wells Fargo as the most valuable bank in USA ?
(a) J.S. Morgan Chase
(b) HSBC
(c) Citigroup
(d) Bank of America

Section C – Legal Aptitude

71. Whether the consent to offer the flat as financial security obtained through undue influence ?
(a) No because Pragya was not forced by Anurag to offer her flat as a security.
(b) No, because Pragya was an educated and adult employee of Anurag and she knew what she was doing.
(c) Yes an employer/employee relationship was capable of developing into such a relationship for undue influence. There was no benefit to Pragya in the agreement. The lack of benefit to one party was evidence enough.
(d) No, an employer/employee relationship is not capable of developing into a relationship for undue influence.

72. Irrespective of your answer to Q. 71, assume it is a case of undue influence. Decide whether the bank has done enough to allay concerns of undue influence .
(a) The bank had not made all reasonable steps to allay themselves of the concerns regarding undue influence. The fact that, on advice from the bank, the defendant did not seek independent advice, should have been taken as confirmation of undue influence. .
(b) Yes, the Bank has advised Pragya that she should take independent legal advice before putting her property up as security for the debt.
(c) Pragya has a duty to be aware of the consequences of her act.
(d) Bank has done enough as it had notified Pragya that the guarantee was unlimited in both time and financial amount.

75. Legal Principle:
1. Battery is the intentional causation of harmful or offensive contact with another’s person without that person’s consent.
2. When lawfully exercising power of arrest or some other statutory power a police officer had greater rights than an ordinary citizen to restrain another.
Factual Situation: Two police officers on duty in a police car observed two women in the street who appeared to be soliciting for the purpose of prostitution. One of the women was known to the police as a prostitute but the other, X, was not a known prostitute.
(a) X is liable for trespass on the person of a police officer while performing her official duty.
(b) The policewoman had not been exercising her power of arrest when she detained X, and since in taking hold of the appellant’s arm to detain her the policewoman’s conduct went beyond acceptable lawful physical contact between two citizens, hence the officer’s act constituted a battery on X and that she had not been acting in the execution of her duty when the assault occurred.
(c) The fact that the reason the police officer detained X was to caution her regarding her suspicious behaviour render the officer’s conduct lawful if in detaining her she used a degree of physical contact that went beyond lawful physical contact as between two ordinary citizens.
(d) The police officer was on duty and performing her duty in the regular course of the work so is not liable for battery.

Directions (Q. 80 – Q. 86): The following questions consist of two statements, one labelled as ‘Assertion’ and the other as ‘Reason’. Read both the statements carefully and answer using the codes given below.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the true explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

80. Assertion (A): The framers of the Indian Constitution were keen to preserve the democratic values to which Indians had attached the highest importance in their struggle for freedom.
Reason (R): The Constitution describes India as a Union of States, thereby implying the indestructible nature of its unity.

81. Assertion (A) : The “basic features” of the Constitution cannot be amended by exercising the power of Amendment under Article 368.
Reason (R) : Though Fundamental Rights, as such are not immune from Amendment en bloc, particular Rights or Parts thereof may be held as “basic feature.”

82. Assertion (A) : Legislations which gives a wide power to the executive to select cases for special treatment, without indicating the policy, may be set aside as violative of equality.
Reason (R): Article 14 of the Constitution provides that the State shall not deny to any person equality before law or equal protection of laws within the territory of India.

86. Assertion (A): A files a false and frivolous civil suit against B and B wins the case, he cannot file another civil suit for damages and costs.
Reason (R): In a civil suit, damage of reputation is absent because the action is tried in public and if person wins his case then his reputation will be re-established.

Section D – Reasoning

Directions (Q. 106 – Q. 108): Read the following case and answer the questions.
Sakshi is the Vice-President in an electrical equipment company in Delhi. One day, her subordinate Bhaskar requested that Kishen, a project manager, be transferred to the Mumbai office from the Delhi office. In Mumbai, Kishen would work alone as a researcher. Bhaskar gave the following reasons for his request “Kishen is known for fighting frequently with colleagues of his team. He cannot accept criticism and feels rejected and get hostile. He is overbearing and is generally a bad influence on the team.”

I. Sakshi should transfer Kishen to Mumbai office.
II. Sakshi should try and verify the facts from other sources as well.
III. Kishen should be sacked.
IV. Kishen should be demoted.
V. Sakshi should suggest Kishen to visit a family counsellor.

106. Which of the following would be the most appropriate sequence of decisions in terms of immediacy starting from immediate to a long term solution ?
(a) II, V, I
(b) II, III, IV
(c) II, V, IV
(d) II, I, V

107. Sakshi sought an appointment with Lalit to find out ways to help Kishen. Lalit is of the view that the company’s responsibility is restricted to the workplace and it should not try to address the personal problems of employees. If Sakshi has to agree to Lalit’s view, which of the solutions presented in the previous question would be weakened ?
(a) Only III
(b) Only IV
(c) Only V
(d) Only II

108. Which of the following statements, if true would weaken the decision to sack Kishen the most ?
(a) Another article published in the magazine, Caventers Quaterly , highlighted that employee’s problem at home affect their performance at work.
(b) In the latest issue of a reputed Journal, Xanders Business Review, it was published that most top managers, find it difficult to work in a group.
(c) It was published in Santers Management Review, another reputed Journal that individuals who cannot work in teams find it difficult to adjust to a new location.
(d) Bhaskar was of the opinion that emotionally unstable persons, find it difficult to get back to normal working life.

Directions (Q. 109 – Q. 113): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.
A word arrangement machine, when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.
Input – Diksha cannot but feel happy for him
Step I: but cannot Diksha happy feel him for
Step II: cannot but feel happy Diksha for him
Step III: but cannot happy feel him for Diksha
Step IV : happy cannot but him feel Diksha for
and so on for subsequent steps. You have to find out the logic and answer the questions given below.

109. If Step V read “weeks of tepid slothful and weak ideas”, then what would be Step IV read ?
(a) ideas and tepid weeks of weak slothful
(b) of weeks and slothful tepid ideas weak
(c) ideas weeks and tepid of weak slothful
(d) none of these

110. If Step I read “it was the name bestowed upon him”, then what would be the arrangement for Step VII ?
(a) it was him the name bestowed upon
(b) upon the him was it bestowed name
(c) bestowed it was the name upon him
(d) none of these

Section E – Mathematics

141. A garden is rectangular in shape. A sum of Rs. 1,000 was spent to make > the Hand usable at the rate of 25 paisa per m2. The breadth of the garden is 50 m. If the length of the garden is increased by 20 m, what will be the expenditure in rupees for making the land usable, at the same rate per m2 ?
(a) Rs. 1,250
(b) Rs. 1,220
(c) Rs. 1,400
(d) Rs. 2,250

142. The sum of ages of a mother and daughter is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was four times the mother’s age at that time. The present age of the mother is
(a) 38 years
(b) 37 years
(c) 36 years
(d) 39 years

143. Today is Monday in a leap year. The day after 68 days will be
(a) Friday
(b) Monday
(c) Thursday
(d) Saturday

144. A streamer goes downstream from one port to another in 4 hours. It covers the same distance upstream in 5 hours. If the speed of stream is 2 km/h, the distance between the two ports is
(a) 80 km
(b) 81 km
(c) 70 km
(d) 71 km

145. A train running at the rate of 40 km/h passes a man riding parallel to the railway line in the same direction at 25 km/h in 48 seconds. Find the length of the tram in metres,
(a) 100 m
(b) 200 m
(c) 150 m
(d) 250 m

146. Reema, Ruchi and Richa can make a painting in 15, 20 and 30 days, respectively. They undertake to make a painting for Rs. 810. The share of Reema exceeds that of Ruchi by
(a) Rs. 91
(b) Rs. 92
(c) Rs. 90
(d) Rs. 89

147. Population of a city is 2,96,000 out of which 1,66,000 are males. 50% population is literate. If 70% males are literate, then the number of women who are literate is
(a) 48,000
(b) 66,400
(c) 32,200
(d) 31,800

148. The average weight of 14 students was calculated as 71. But it was later found that the weight of one student had been wrongly entered as 42 instead of 56 and of another as 74 instead of 32. The correct average is
(a) 75
(b) 80
(c) 68
(d) 69

149. Four years ago, the ages of Ritu and Reena were in the ratio 5 . 61 respectively. Eight years from now the respective ratio of their ages will be 8 : 9. What is the sum of their ages at present ?
(a) 52 years
(b) 50 years
(c) 60 years
(d) 62 years

150. A shirt was sold at a profit of 15%. If its cost had been 5% less and it had been sold for Rs. 21 less, then the profit would have been 10%. Find the cost of the shirt.
(a) Rs. 210
(b) Rs. 220
(c) Rs. 100
(d) Rs. 200

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