bssve.in BSS Diploma Nursing Assistant Question Paper : Bharat Sevak Samaj

Organisation : Bharat Sevak Samaj
Exam : BSS Diploma In Nursing Assistant
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : Nursing Assistant
Website : http://www.bssve.in/Exam-2015-Nov.asp
Download Model/Sample Question Paper https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25669-AHS005.pdf

BSS Diploma Nursing Assistant Question Paper

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Related : Bharat Sevak Samaj BSS Diploma Echo Cardiography & Cardiac Technology Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25661.html

National Development Agency, Promoted By Government Of India
Central Board Of Examinations
Bss National Vocational Education Mission
Ahe027-Bss Diploma In Echo Cardiography & Cardiac Technology


** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully
Time: 3 Hours
Marks: 100

Code No : AHS005-01

Communicative English & Computer Fundamentals

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Noun is a …… Word
2) I ……. seen the Tajmahal.
3) ……. You will pass.
4) The expanded form of CPU is ……………….
5) Computer programs are also known as ………
6) In C++ the error contents are based on …………….
7) In Ms Excel individual file is known as …………
8) Computers can only understand ……………. language
9) CPU stands for—————-
10) She is …………… B.sc graduate

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) What is meant by weak verbs?
2) Key board
3) Memory unit
4) Write short notes on ‘macro’
5) Explain any five functions in MS Excel
6) MS Access
7) Link language
8) Chart elements
9) Enter
10) Insert column and insert chart

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Explain informal letter?
2) Explain few sentences using “across, at”?
3) Write any two kind of official letters
4) Classification of the computer
5) Title bar
6) Line Tool
7) Windows explorer
8) Explain the Fourth and Fifth generation of computer?

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Write what in complex sentence
2) Explain Internet, Intranet, search engine and Website ?
3) Explain about mail merge
4) Explain the keyboard
5) Write briefly about elements of design?

Code. No : AHS005-02

Fundamentals Of Nursing,Pharmacology & Microbiology

Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
Instructions :
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Blue discolouration of the skin and mucus membrane
2) Surgical scrubbing of hands with brush is maintaining ……….
3) Total cessation of breathing is called ———————–
4) HS means
5) Rod shape Oraganism are called …..
6) —————— is essential to provide the nursing care.
7) —————- is a sudden severe attack of shivering.
8) ————— means introducing solid forms of drug.
9) D.N.A. means……………..
10) Rabies is caused by _____________

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Ethics is Nursing
2) What observed the fracture is diagnosed
3) Dental plaque
4) Oxytotics
5) Principles of boiling
6) Antisepsis
7) Define Nursing.
8) Contraindication of Taking Temperature by rectum
9) How will you check position of ryle’s tube?
10) Define intra dermal injection?

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Explain the unconscious
2) First aid treatment of dog bite
3) Anthrax bacilli
4) Principles of interpersonal relation ship
5) Rules of administration of medicine
6) Morphology of Cinnamon
7) What is the purpose of bed bath
8) Rights of administration of drugs.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 QuestionS : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain the different types of beds.
2) Principles of house keeping
3) Describe about Basic needs of patients
4) Explain briefly factors modifying dose of a drug
5) Give detail answer about routes of administration of drugs?

Coed.no : AHS005-03

Anatomy, Sociology, Psychology & Firstaid

Time : 3 Hours
Marks : 100
Instructions :
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) The breasts are more or less hemi …..in shape
2) Membrane at the angle of bones are called …….
3) The inner border concave and it is called as …….
4) …………..is the longest gland in the human body
5) Fertilization of ovum takes place at………….
6) An enzyme is a …… substance
7) The —————- is the middle muscular coat of the heart
8) The lower partition of the nose is by……………
9) ………… is the study of society
10) Heart is surrounded by an outer covering called ______________.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Bandages
2) Hanging
3) Convulsions
4) Define Polycythemia vera
5) Immunity
6) Components of personalities
7) Define the function of digestive system?
8) Three layers of meninges?
9) What is addison’s diseases?
10) Burns sings and symptom?

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Physical symptoms of depression
2) Pituitary galand
3) What is personality ? Described it in your own word.
4) Explain the bones of upper limbs
5) Procedure of Intra muscular Injection.
6) Management of electric shock
7) Define Branches of aorta
8) Types of movements and joints.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain the characteristics of culture
2) First aid in loss of consciousness
3) Describe the structure & functions of the heart?
4) Write social problem ?
5) Write bleeding aims ?

Code.no : AHS005-04

Nutrition,Family Planning,Communicable Diseases

Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
Instructions :
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) LS ———————————-.
2) Protein are made of small units called …………..
3) —————– is skin disease caused by animal
4) Whooping cough is mainly transmitted by —————— infection
5) Measles is caused by ….
6) …… Is a condition where loose or watery stools are passed Frequently
7) Food poisioning is caused by ………….
8) The test mainly used for the investigation of typhoid is _____________
9) Loss of fluid is called as _____________
10) Rabies is also known as _____________

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Mumps – Define.
2) Energy
3) Vitamins
4) Vitamin B2
5) Copper
6) Influenza
7) Health education
8) Tubectomy
9) Non communicable disease
10) Define community health nursing

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Explain hormonal contraceptives?
2) Aim of family welfare
3) Advantage of disadvantage
4) Prevention poliomyelitis
5) Iodine Deficiency
6) Write the prevention and control measure of the STD
7) Measles
8) Write nutrition in pregnancy?

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain about viral hepatitis.
2) Write the function and deficiency of protein
3) Describe carbohydrate
4) Explain the normal labour and its stages
5) Management of first stage of labour?

Code.No : AHS005-09

Nursing,Social & Preventive Medicine

TIME: 3 Hours
Marks: 100
Instructions :
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Normal Newborn hight ————.
2) Which position is used to examine for vagina and bladder.
3) What is the process of sterilization of article
4) Which inpure by contact means
5) Surgery in pelvic organs is done is ………………
6) World Heart Day is …………..
7) Lumbar puncture is used to tap ……………..
8) Therapeutic use of local Hot applications ……………..
9) The growth and development of micro – organisms is …………….
10) LAVA Means …………..

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Write indications for blood tranfusion
2) General Anaesthesia.
3) I/V infusion
4) Indications for I/V infusion
5) Muscles
6) Define Anaesthesia
7) Define clean wound.
8) Define Bacteria Stasis?
9) Define Auto claving?
10) Define incontinence?

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Write the difference between digestive track & respiratory track.
2) Write Nasal feeding procedure?
3) Explain promotive, preventive & curative aspect of child health?
4) Lithotomy position
5) Hot test of urine for Albumin.
6) Retention of urine
7) Disinfection
8) Gavage

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Briefly explain the Nasal feeding
2) Describe the blood transfusion procedure and general instruction?
3) Briefly explain about artificial feeding?
4) Describe method of oxygen administration?
5) Describe all positions and draw neat diagram?

Code No : AHS005-10

Surgical Nursing

Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
Instructions :
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) What is mean by goiter …….
2) What is the management of Rhinitis ……
3) Causative agent in pharyngitis …….
4) What is ureamia ………
5) Diabetes mellitus is …….. disorder.
6) What is tinnitus ………
7) ______ is the second most common cause of death
8) ________ is a serious complication of cirrhosis
9) Hydrometer means ________
10) ________ is the adjustment of the body temperature to the room temperature.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Mention the surgical management of breast cancer.
2) Mention the types of hepatitis?
3) Define epilepsy?
4) The surgical nursing can plan care grouped as
5) Define polycystic kidney
6) Infertility
7) Warning signs of stroke
8) Define Glaucoma
9) Define Grave’s disease
10) Define pneumonia

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Bone TB ?
2) Vaginal fistula?
3) Explain Cushing syndrome?
4) Types of case and admitted to ICU
5) Complication of fracture
6) Acute Bronchitis
7) Pathophysiology of lung Cancer
8) Types of Epilepsy

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Fracture
2) Explain the post-operative care
3) Post operative nursing care of patient with cataract surgery
4) Drug therapy for peptic ulcer disease
5) Sources of Graft

Code.No : AHS005-11


Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Apgor score for normal term baby ————-
2) What is ECV?
3) How many lobes are present in the each breast?
4) What is EDD?
5) The fertilized ovum usually embeds itself into the …………. in the upper part of the uterus
6) Third stage is routine to give ——————-of—————- intra muscularly immediately after child Birth.
7) Daily iron requirement for antenatal ……..
8) …………… is a woman who had no children
9) ………… number of chromosomes are present in human beings
10) Dystocia defined as ………………..

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) List out the aims of antenatal care
2) Explain GPAL
3) Stages of eclamptic fits
4) Define platypelloid?
5) Ovulation
6) IUD
7) Abortion
8) Define subinvolution & lochia
9) CPD
10) Definition of Spina Bifida

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Describe about breast
2) Management of second stage of labour
3) Postpartum haemorrhage
4) Injury of the pelvic floor
5) The diameters of the foetal head
6) Pre-eclampsia
7) Describe postnatal examination
8) List out any 5 congenital malformation of the baby

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Labour, normal labour stages of labour and physiological changes during 1st stage of labour
2) Explain fetal circulation and its diagram
3) Describe about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy
4) Breech Mechanism & Shoulder Presentation
5) Amniocentesis

Categories: Medical
Tags: bssve.in

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