gpsc.gujarat.gov.in Main Exam Descriptive Test English : Public Service Commission

Organisation : Gujarat Public Service Commission
Exam : Main Exam Descriptive Test
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : English
Website : https://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/Archieved/sample-papers.html
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25657-ENGLISH.pdf

GPSC Main Exam Descriptive Test English Question Paper

Code : AIM-02
Max. Marks : 100

Related : GPSC Public Commission Administrative Service Main Exam LAW Sample Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25653.html


1) The question paper has been divided into three parts, “A”, “B” and “C”. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in each part.
2) Medium of question paper is “English / Gujarati”. Write in the language preference given by you.

3) Answer to all questions of each part should be written continuously in the script and should not be mixed with those of other parts. In the event of candidate writing answers to question in a part different to the one to each the question belongs, the question shall not be assessed by examiner.

4) The candidate should write the answer within the limit of words prescribed in the parts “A”, “B” and “C”.
5) Answer should be written in a one of the two languages. Answer should not be written in both the languages in the same paper.

Sample Question

Q. 1. Write an essay in about 350 words on any one of the following : 20
a) Demonetisation and a cashless economy in India : A harbinger of change.
b) Democracy in the time of social media.
c) Earth and its ecology problems. The more green it is the more prosperous it is.

Q. 2. Translate the following paragraph into Gujarati. 10
The first and great object of education is to discipline the mind. It is naturally like a colt, wild and ungoverned. Let any man, who has not subdued his mind, more or less by close thought; sit down. He should take hold of a subject and try to ‘think it out’. The result will be that he cannot hold his thoughts upon the point.

They fly off and wander away. He brings them back and determines now to hold his attention there. Instead all at once before he realises he again finds himself away. This rocess is repeated till he gives it up in despair or else goes to sleep.

Q. 3. Attempt any one in about 150 words : 10
a) Write a report on the successful completion of a workshop on ‘Awareness on Cashless Transactions’ organised in your town.
b) As a newspaper correspondent send a report to the editor on the traffic conditions in the locality you are based in.

Q. 4. Attempt any one in about 150 words : 10
a) As a President of the Management Committee of your society write a letter congratulating the daughter of one of the society members who won the first prize in the state level Khelkumbh.
b) Write a letter to the Joint Telecom Officer of your area telephone exchange complaining about the phone services in your area.

Q. 5. Make a précis of the following passage to one third and give it a suitable title. 10
For India to be globally competitive in the 21st century, a critical factor would be our ability to harness our knowledge potential. With 550 million people below the age of 25, our human capital is our greatest asset. To best utilize this bourgeoning potential the country needs a knowledge oriented paradigm and focused capacity and quality building in the field of education. The potential is tremendous, but the task of realizing it is daunting too. Keeping this scenario in mind, the National Knowledge Commission (NKC) has proposed a blueprint for reform of our knowledge related institutions and infrastructure which will enable India to meet the challenges of the future.

Q. 6. Write a newspaper article on the following issue faced by the general public. There has been an issue of private schools collecting higher fees unlawfully and not following the directives of the government resolutions in regard to maintaining the standards of quality education. Write a newspaper article as an aware member of the civil society. 5

Q. 7. An academic institution has been recently accredited by NAAC. Draft a press release informing the general public regarding the same. 5

Q. 8. Explain and elaborate on any one of the following : 5
a) The whole purpose of education is to enlighten and become more holistic.
b) Forewarned is better warned.

Q. 9. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : 5
Early morning when you open the newspaper, headlines like “House looted and inmates attacked; The gang was composed of youths 16 to 20 years of age.”, “Students attack the bus driver and conductor”, “violence in the college campus”, attract our attention. Invariably you find that the age group of these miscreants is between 15-25. Why is it that there is so much of anger, frustration and discontent mong this younger generation ?

Questions :
1) What is the main reason behind conflicts between the acts of youth and expectations of parents ?
2) What do parents ignore in the process of imposing their expectations on their children ?
3) What should be the focus during the adolescence period ?
4) How should a child be treated according to the subhashitani ?
5) What will be a great help in the moulding of the youth of today ?

Q. 10. Do as directed :
A) Write/Explain the meanings of any 2 in English. 2
a) One in a blue moon
b) A piece of cake
c) To cut corners

B) Use any two to construct meaningful sentences. 2
a) Carry on b) Give up c) Look forward to

C) Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. 2
1) I was very tired, so I __________ to bed early. (to go)
2) It was difficult to carry bags. They ________ very heavy. (to be)
3) She is very good at languages. She _________ four languages very well. (to speak)
4) Oh….No ! the car has __________ down again. (to break)

D) Transform the sentences and rewrite them. : 6
1) Why did your sister file such a complaint ? (Turn into passive voice)
2) The injured men, women and children were being helped by the local people. (Turn into active voice)
3) The security officer stopped us and said, ‘Where are you going ?’ (Turn into Indirect Speech)
4) The science teacher said that water finds its own level. (Turn into Direct Speech)
5) The Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world. (Use the Comparative Degree)
6) He is stronger than him. (Use the Positive Degree)

E) Use the appropriate articles to complete the sentence.: 2
1) I’m going abroad at __________ end of this month.
2) I often listen to ___________ radio.
3) I am attending _____________ NSS camp next month.
4) Look ! There is ___________ European in the street.

F) Use appropriate prepositions to complete the sentences.: 2
1) The Golden Bridge is _________ the Narmada.
2) If the sky is clear, you can see the stars ___________ night.
3) I am just going out to shop. I’ll be back _________ about 15 minutes.
4) The first man walked on the moon _______ 21st July, 1969.

G) Give Synonyms. : 2
1) Furious
2) Expensive
3) Depart
4) Come

H) Give antonyms. 2
1) Chaotic
2) Hazardous
3) Generous
4) Refuse

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