dis.ac.in Summative Assessment Test Class VIII Sample Paper : Delhi International School

Name of the Organisation : Delhi International School, Dwarka
Exam : Summative Assessment Test
Calss : VIII
Subject : All Subject
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : https://dis.ac.in/
Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25388-CLASSVIII.pdf

DIS Summative Assessment Test Class VIII Sample Paper

Download Sample Paper -CLASS VIII(All Subjects) from the above PDF links
Subject – Social Science,Mathematics,English
Class – VII
Time – 3 Hours

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General Instructions

1. The question paper has three section A,B and C.
2. Read each question carefully before answering.
3. Attach the map inside the answer sheet carefully.

Social Science

Section A – History

Ques. 1: Choose the correct option to answer the questions given below.
i) Which one of the following was not involved in the conspiracy against Sirajuddaulah?
a) Manik Chand
b) Mir Jafar
c) Mir Madan
d) Ami Chand

ii) Where was fort William collage set up?
a) Calcutta
b) Barrackpou
c) Madras
d) Bombay

iii) The Permanent Settlement was introduced in Bengal in.
a) 1784
b) 1787
c) 1793
d) 1798

iv) The Khasi revolt was led by whom?
a) Tirut Singh
b) Birsa
c) Sidhu
d) Kanhu

v) Where did Kunwar Singh led the revolt ?
a) Bihar
b) Kanpur
c) Awadh
d) Western India

Ques. 2: Write the answers in brief for the following questions.
a) Why was the carnatic war fought?
b) Who introduced civil service in India?
c) What do you understand by reyot?
d) Who were tribals?
e) Who was the leader of the revolt of Awadh?

Ques. 3: Write the answers in detail of the following questions.(any three)
a) Discuss the results of Carnatic wars?
b) Why did the British need a large army?
c) What was the Ryotwari system?
d) Who was Birsa Munda? Write three sentences about him.
e) Discuss the cause of the failure of the revolt of 1857 ?

Section B – Geography

Ques. 6: Fill in the blanks with the correct word in each of the following.
a. Land use in China has been affected due to excess of ______ landforms.
b. Geothermal energy refers to energy produces from __________.
c. Tea and Coffee are two __________ crops
d. Agriculture is a _________ activity.
e. Bangladesh is the leading producer of _____________.

Ques. 7: Distinguish between.
a) Subsistence and commercial farming. 5×1
b) Shifting farming and nomadic herding.
c) Thermal Power and Hydel Power.
d) Metallic and non-metallic materials.
e) Open cast mining and shaft mining.

Section C – Civics

Ques. 10: Explain the following terms briefly.
a) Universal adult suffrage.
b) Sovereign.
c) Arbitrary
d) Democracy
e) Impeachment

Ques. 11: Answer the following question in short.
a) What is meant by the preamble to our constitution?
b) Name two Houses of the Parliament.
c) Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha?

Ques. 12: Answer the following question in detail.
a) What was the purpose of including the Directive Principles in the constitution of India?
b) Discuss the legislative powers of the Parliament.
c) What are the legislative functions of the Union council of Ministers?


General Instructions :
4. This question paper has three sections A,B,C and D
5. All the questions are compulsory.
6. Read each question carefully before answering.
Time : 3 Hours

Section A – Reading

Corruption has been spread like a disease all over the India as well as abroad. It has become one of the most speedily increasing social issues in the Indian society. It is generally initiated and promoted by the opportunistic leaders. They never think about the nation’s benefits and do lots of damage to the nation through their corruption even for their small advantage. They sell their country properties in the wrong hands and spread wrong beliefs about India in the people’s mind living in other countries.
A) Based on your reading of the passage answer the questions below.
i) How has the educational system also become a victim of corruption?
ii) Differentiate the method of offering jobs in Private sector and Government sector
iii) How are the leaders of a nation responsible for corruption?
iv) Write the summary of the passage in 40-50 words and give it a suitable title.

Section B – Writing

Q2) You are Ramesh/ Reema. Your school organized an educational trip to the Air Force Museum. Write a letter to your school Principal thanking her for organizing the trip and requesting her to organize more such trips in future.

Q3) Your class was given the responsibility of conducting assembly on the “World Population Day”. Prepare a report (50-80 words) for the school monthly magazine sharing your experience. Use the clues given below:
Shared definition and important data about population
Presented a quiz on population
Prepared a skit and a dance performance for the assembly
Took help from various teachers during preparation
Encouraged every class fellow for participation

Section C – Grammar

Q5) Rewrite the following sentences with correct form of the verb .
a) The postman has came already. There are no letters for you.
b) She dreaming of the day when she can go to China to visit her relatives.
c) Chandra was mop the house with an old rag.
d) Jane were standing at the bus-stop when I saw her.
e) All the books is belonging to me.
f) I have saw Seema with that old woman many times.
g) The car looking dirty but it was cleaned yesterday.
h) I didn’t went to the market as it was raining
i) Sam was went to Singapore last Monday.
j) I have just driven 600 kilometers from Saint Peter Street.

Q6) For the sentences below, fill in the blanks with suitable modals:-
a) How ______ leave the bathroom in such a mess ? (Will/would/could)
b) Mohan ______ be lazy but he is certainly not stupid.(should/ may/might)
c) I ______ speak Swedish, Dutch and Japanese. (will/wouldn’t / can)
d) I think we are lost. The man ______ have given us the wrong directions (might/would/ will)
e) Reema __________ be very rich. She always wear branded clothes. (can’t /will be/ must)
f) There was a huge traffic jam. I ___________ reach the meeting on time. (Will/ need not/ could not)

Section D – Literature

Q1) “ It is always better to clear our doubts so as to avoid appearing like a fool”. Justify the statement with reference to the chapter “ My Financial Career”.
Q2) How was Nimai a member of Shyamal’s family.Explain with examples.
Q3) In the poem “ The Way through Woods” name any two animals found in the forest
Q4) In the poem “ The Glove and the Lions” love has been described in a different sense. Explain
Q5) In the story “ The Open Window”, How is Mr. Nuttel victimized by the young girl’s imagination.


General Instructions :
7. This question paper has four sections-A,B, Cand D.
8. All the questions are compulsory.
9. Read each question carefully before answering.
10. Do rough work on the right hand side of your answer sheet on each page.
TIME: 3 Hours

Part A

1. The additive inverse of is ………………
2. What is the sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral?
3. Write the formula for finding simple interest
4. Profit% =
5. A regular hexagon has how many diagonals?

Part B

6. Find three rational numbers between
7. Find the square root of .
8. Represent on a number line.
9. Find the cube root of by prime factorization method.
10. Simplify:

Part C

11. The measure of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 3:2. Find the measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram.
12. Find the ratio : a) 50 paise to Rs 5 b) 5m to 10km
13. Find the least number that must be subtracted from 5607 so as to get a perfect square.

Part D

18. Find the cube root of 175616 by prime factorization method.
19. Construct a frequency distribution table for the data on weights (in kg) of 20 students of a class using intervals 30-35, 35-40 and so on.

21. a) Add:- a-b +ab , b- c + bc , c – a +ac
b)Subtract:- 3xy+5yz-7zx from 5xy-2yz-2zx+10xyz.

22. a) Using identities , evaluate:- 297 303
b) show that :- (a-b)(a+b) +(b-c)(b+c) + (c-a) (c+a)=0

23. Arif took a loan of Rs 80,000 from a bank. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, find the difference in amounts he would be paying after 1 years if the interest is
i) compounded annually ii) compounded half yearly.

24. a) The difference between two whole number is 66. The ratio of the two numbers is 2:5.
What are the two numbers?
b) Solve:- 5x+ 7/2= 3x/2-14

25. a) Write a Pythagorean triplet whose one member is 14.
b) Find the square of the number 39 without actual multiplication.


TIME: 3Hour
General Instructions :
11. The question paper consists of two sections A and section B.
12. All the sections are compulsory.
13. Read the questions carefully before answering.
14. Diagram should be neat, clean and well labeled.

Section – A

Q-1 :Complete the statements given below: (any Ten)
a) The group of organisms to which Trypanosoma belongs is —————–
b) Vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, methi are preserved by———————-.
c) Formica is a __________ plastic.
d) An example of spontaneous combustion is————————————.
e) The largest cell in our body is ——————————————–.
f) ———————–is a female sex hormone.
g) ‘Staining’ means————————————–.
h) Head, _____and tail are the different parts of a human sperm.
i)————————- is one multicellular organisms.
j) PVC. Means —————————–
k)___________is a kharif crop.

Section – B

Q-1 Multiple Choice Questions:
1.————- of the following is not a rabi crop.
i) Wheat
ii) Potato
iii) Rice
iv) Mustard.

2. In crop rotation method, after wheat harvesting, we sow————————–
i) Cotton
ii) Rice
iii) Pea
iv) Mustard.

3. Chlamydomonas belongs to a group called ———————————-
i) Bacteria
ii) Viruses
iii) Algae
iv) Fungi.

4. Melamine is used for making—————————–
i) Floor tiles
ii) Toys
iii) Dinner set
iv) All of these.

5. Acrylic fibres are used for making————————————–
i) Sweaters
ii) Shawls
iii) Blankets
iv) All of these.

6. Malaria is caused by ————————————————–
i) Virus
ii) Bacteria
iii) Protozoa
iv) Fungi.

7. The only metal known to occur in liquid is———————————
i) Mercury
ii) Aluminium
iii) Gold
iv) Bronze.

8. Rust is a mixture of iron oxide and______________-
i) Iron sulphate
ii) Iron carbonate
iii) Iron hydroxide
iv) Iron sulphide.

9. Peat contains _______carbon.
i) 70%
ii) 80%
iii) 60%
iv) 100%.

10————- of the following is not given out during complete combustion.
i) Heat
ii) Light
iii) Carbon monoxide
iv) Carbon dioxide

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