josephitesgkp.edu.in ICSE Class X Geography Sample Prelim Question Paper : St Joseph’s School

Name of the University : St Joseph’s School Khorabar, Gorakhpur
Name of the Exam : Preminary Examination
Document Type : ICSE Sample Papers for Class 10
Subject : Geography Sample Prelim Paper
Website : http://www.josephitesgkp.edu.in/
Download Sample Question Paper :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25223-Geography.pdf

Joseph’s School ICSE Geography Sample Prelim Paper

Time : 2HRS.
Marks: 80

Related :St Joseph’s School ICSE Class X Biology Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25216.html


** Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
** You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
** This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
** The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
** Attempt seven questions in all.
** Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
** The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].

Part – I

Attempt all questions from this part : 30 Marks
Q.I Study the extract of the Survey of India, Map Sheet No 45D/ and answer the following questions: –
a) Give the four figure grid reference of:
i) Amarapura
ii) A seasonal tank with a prominent surveyed free. [1]

b) Give the six figure grid reference of:
i) Spot height of 286 metre.
ii) Post office in the settlement of Dantrai [2]

c) What is the difference in the drainage pattern of the rivers in grid 0827 and 1027 [2]

d) If a person were to be travelling from Dhana to Dhantrai:- [3]
i) In which direction would he be going?
ii) How many km would he be walking if he were to walk along the cart track?
iii) What indication do you get that he would be passing both barren ground and cultivated land

e) What makes Dantarai a more important settlement than any other on the map? [2]
f) What indication do you get that the region in the map extract has seasonal rainfall? [2]
g) Give two reasons for the following:
i) The whole region in the map extract is not culvated. [2]
ii) No metalled roads in this region. [2]

h) Explain what the following mean:- [4]
i) LY in 0127
ii) the feature with broken brown lines
iii) 300 in 0426
iv) 3r in 0422

Q.II. On the outline map of India provided: [10]
a) Draw name & number the Tropic of Cancer and the Karakoram Pass.
b) Label the rivers Gomti and Kaveri
c) Shade & name the north Sircar and the Coromandel Coast
d) Mark & name the Western Ghats and the Nilgris.
e) Shade & name the Gulf of Mamar and the Andaman Sea.
f) Mark & name winds which bring rain to Kochi & Varanasi
g) Shade a region with Black soil and a region on the eastern coast with laterite soil.
h) Mark with a dot and name the cities of Delhi and Chennai.
i) Mark & name the largest coal field & the biggest oil field in India.
j) Mark & name an area which is sparsely populated in the North & an area which is densely populated in the South.

Part – II

Attempt any five questions from this section :
A. III a) i) Name any two important features of the Monsoon. [1]
ii) Why does most of Madhya Pradesh have a continental type of climate? [1]

b) i) What is meant by ‘breaking of monsoon’? [1]
ii) With reference to winds what are cherry Blossoms’? [1]

c) Account for the following: [3]
i) Delhi receives more rain than Jodhpur.
ii) Nainital is cooler than Agra
iii) The Coromandel coast gets most of its rain during the winter season.

d) Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow: [3]
i) Calculate the annual rainfall in station ‘A’.
ii) What is the annual range of temperature in station B?
iii) Which of the two stations have an equable climate? Given reason to support your answer.

Q. VI. a) Mention two ways in which you will control erosion of soil caused by running water.
b) i) Name the process by which laterite soil is formed? What climate conditions are responsible for its formation? [2]
ii) Why is laterite soil not suitable for cultivation?

c) Mention ant three characteristics of black soil which makes the soil fertile. [3]

d) Give reasons for the following: [3]
i) Red Soil is red in colour.
ii) Khadar soil is preferred to Bangar soils.
iii) The need for conservation of soil as a natural resource.

Q.V. a) Mention any two characteristics of Monsoon Deciduous forests. [2]
b) Give two reasons why Tropical Evergreen forest are difficult to exploit. [2]

c) Identify the tree as per its characteristics mentioned below. [3]
i) These provide hard durable timber for construction and boat making and found in Ganga delta.
ii) It is used for making statues and ornamental objects. Also used in acromatic substance and extracting oil.
iii) It is used for construction work, ship-building, furniture, railway carriage, sleepers and bridges. Wood is moderately hard, durable, easy to work and tennite proof.
d) Mention three functions that forests play in protecting the environment. [3]

Q.VI. a. Mention two reasons why irrigation is important to a country like India. [2]

b. Name the modern methods of irrigation. [2] c. Give reasons for the following: [3]
i) Canal irrigation leads to the ground around it becoming unproductive
ii) Peninsular India is ideal for tank construction.
iii) Irrigation arrangements are no less important in areas of heavy rainfall in India.

e) What us is Rain water harvesting? Mention any two aims of rainwater harvesting. [3]

Q.VII. a) Account for the following [2]
i) The location of coal fields is an important factor in industrial development.
ii) Petroleum is called ‘liquid gold’

b) Name a Centre each in Jhaddhand and Orissa where from ore is mined. Which type of Iron-ore is the best. [2]
c) State the most important use of the following: [3]
i) Manganese
ii) Bauxite
iii) Limestone

d) i) Where was oil struck first? [3]
ii) Which is the largest coalfield in India?
iii) A state which is the leading producer of Manganese?

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