SSSIHL Admissions Test Political Science Model Question Paper : Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

Name of the Organisation : Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
Exam : SSSIHL Admissions Test Question Paper
Degree : Undergraduate Programme
Subject : Political Science
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : https://www.sssihl.edu.in/
Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25108-Political.pdf

SSSIHL Admissions Test Political Science Question Paper

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Related : SSSIHL Admissions Test Civics Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25099.html

Important Instructions

** SHADE the correct Response viz., A, B, C, D or E in the RESPONSE SHEET. Each Question carry ONE mark.
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Sample Questions

Questions: 40
Time : 40 Minutes
Max. Marks 40 x 1 : 40

1) The Constitution of India provides for
A) Dual citizenship
B) Single citizenship
C) Multiple citizenship
D) National and International citizenship

2) The title “Father of Political Science” is conferred on
A) Kant
B) Plato
C) Socrates
D) Aristotle

3) Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of sovereignty?
A) Permanence
B) Imperceptibility
C) Indivisibility
D) Transferability

4) The most important element of the State is :
A) Population
B) Government
C) Territory
D) Sovereignty

5) Who among the following was the exponent of the monistic concept of sovereignty?
A) Machiavelli
B) H J Laski
C) J S Mill
D) John Austin

6) Under the divine origin theory of the State, the King’s actions can be challenged by
A) No one
B) Parliament
C) People
D) Supreme Court

7) Which of the following comes under the category of a safeguard of “Liberty”?
A) Centralisation of power
B) One party rule
C) Absence of fundamental rights
D) Free and independent press

8) Privileges in a civilized society can be based on
A) Race
B) Religion
C) Merit
D) Language

9) The principle of “Rule of Law” means
A) There should be rules for making laws
B) Rules should be converted into laws
C) Anybody is above law
D) Rules can violate the law of the land

10) The grant of universal adult franchise creates:
A) Legal equality
B) Social equality
C) Economic equality
D) Political equality

11) Minorities rights are better protected in a
A) Theocratic State
B) Liberal democracy
C) Military regime
D) Fascist system

12) Suffrage means
A) The right to suffer
B) The right to vote
C) The right to expose
D) The right to alleviate suffering’

13) Which one of the following is NOT an agency for the formation of public opinion?
A) Songs and dances
B) Television
C) Newspapers
D) Film documentaries

14) The units under a unitary system of Government enjoy
A) Original powers
B) Delegated powers
C) Powers granted by the Constitution
D) Powers not surrendered at the time of joining the Union

15) Who defined federation as a “political contrivance” intended to reconcile national unity and power with the maintenance of State rights?
A) K C Wheare
B) Herman Finer
C) A V Dicey
D) H J Laski


Meaning, nature and scope :
Citizen – State and Society; Citizenship – Rights and duties of citizens (a brief study of the fundamental rights and fundamental duties of Indian citizens).
State and Government :
Nature and definition of State; Elements of state; State and Society; State and Associations.

Nation and Nationality :
Meaning of the terms Nation and Nationality, Elements of Nationality; Nationalism – meaning, importance, merits and demerits. Sovereignty – meaning, characteristics and kinds of sovereignty, legal, political and popular sovereignty.

Law, Liberty and equality :
Meaning of the terms Law and Liberty, Law and morality. Liberty and Law, Sources of Law, Kinds of Law; Definition of the term Liberty, Kinds of liberty; Equality – Definition of the term, kinds – liberty and equality.

Forms of Government :
Unitary and Federal – meaning, merits and demerits, Parliamentary and Presidential – explanation – merits and demerits of both systems.

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