SSSIHL Admissions Test Civics Model Question Paper : Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

Name of the Organisation : Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
Exam : SSSIHL Admissions Test Question Paper
Degree : Undergraduate Programme
Subject : Civics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : https://www.sssihl.edu.in/
Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25099-Civics.pdf

SSSIHL Admissions Test Civics Question Paper

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Related : SSSIHL Admissions Test Statistics Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25095.html

Important Instructions

** SHADE the correct Response viz., A, B, C, D or E in the RESPONSE SHEET. Each Question carry ONE mark.
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Sample Questions

Questions: 40
Time : 40 Minutes
Max. Marks 40 x 1 : 40

1) The Constitution of India provides for
A) Dual citizenship
B) Single citizenship
C) Both (A) and (B)
D) National and International citizenship

2) To whom among the following does man, as a citizen, owe his loyalty?
A) The community
B) The State
C) The caste
D) The kinship group

3) For the first time the term “State” was used in modern times by
A) Machiavelli
B) Aristotle
C) Rousseau
D) J S Mill

4) The most acceptable notion of the State in modern times is
A) Welfare notion
B) Constitutional notion
C) Ethical notion
D) Legal notion

5) Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of sovereignty?
A) Permanence
B) Imperceptibility
C) Indivisibility
D) Transferability

6) Which one of the following theories is regarded as more realistic on the origin of State?
A) Theory of force
B) Divine origin theory
C) Evolutionary theory
D) Social contact theory

7) Who said that man was born free but everywhere he is in chains?
A) Rousseau
B) Bentham
C) Aristotle
D) Hobbes

8) The main functions of a State based on individualistic philosophy are
A) Maintenance of law and order
B) Maintenance of welfare institutions
C) Establishment of a classless society
D) Providing social services

9) The book “The Wealth of Nations” was written by
A) Humboldt
B) Adam Smith
C) Spencer
D) Laski

10) A right becomes meaningful only if it
A) Is recognised by Society
B) Is embodied in law
C) Is demanded by people
D) Is sanctioned by religion

11) If the State abolishes the privileges of any group of people, it will create
A) Political equality
B) Social equality
C) Economic equality
D) Legal equality

12) Right to freedom of speech and expression is associated with
A) Political justice
B) Social justice
C) Legal justice
D) Economic justice

13) Who said “Democracy is a Government of the people, by the people and for the people?
A) H J Laski
B) John Locke
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Lincoln

14) Which was the first Marxist State in the World?
A) Poland
B) Soviet Union (erstwhile)
C) China
D) Vietnam

15) The Hare system was invented by
A) Hobbes
B) Locke
C) Rousseau
D) H J Laski
E) None of the above


Meaning and scope :
Aims and value of its study; its relationship with History, Political Science, Economics and Ethics. Individual and his relationship with family and society, Society – meaning and advantages of social life; Role of various Associations, eg., Religious, Political, Economic and Cultural.

Citizenship – meaning and importance:
Single and dual citizenship – advantages and disadvantages; Rights and Duties of Citizens; Hindrances to good citizenship.

Nation – meaning and importance :
Nationality, meaning and elements, India as a Nation. State and its essential elements; Population; Territory; Government and Sovereignty. Definition of the term sovereignty – nature, characteristics and coercive nature of the State.

Individual and the Modern State (Basic concepts):
(a) Law – meaning, characteristics, sources – law and morality, (b) Liberty – meaning and kinds; Law and Liberty, (c) Equality – meaning and kinds; Relation between liberty and equality, (d) Fraternity – meaning – need for co-operation and co-existence of individuals for common good.
Liberty – meaning and kinds; Law and Liberty

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