wbnsou.ac.in Post-Graduate History Model Question Paper : Netaji Subhas Open University

Organisation : Netaji Subhas Open University – NSOU
Degree : Post-Graduate
Stream : History
Year : 2017
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : http://www.wbnsou.ac.in/student_zone/e-resources/question_bank/pg/history/June2017/history_June2017.shtml#history_June2017
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NSOU PG History Model Question Paper

Time : 4 Hours
Full Marks : 100
Weightage of Marks : 80%

Related : Netaji Subhas Open University Post-Graduate Geography Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24960.html

** Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for each question has been indicated in the margin.

History of India – 1526-1757

Group – A :
Answer any two questions :
Discuss the religious policy of Akbar. Did he destroy Islam ?
Write an essay on the production of nonagricultural commodities in India during the Mughal period with special emphasis on the cotton textile industry.
Discuss the debates on 18th century in the context of the fall of Mughal empire.
What was the background of the battle of Plassey (1757) ?

Group – B :
Make an evaluation of Babur as ruler.
Critically analyse the Mughal provincial administration.
Write an essay on the Jagirdari crisis with special reference to Satish Chandra’s researches on the subject.
How did the rise of the regional states contribute to the fall of the Mughal empire ?
Analyse the economic condition of India in the 18th century.
Write an essay on the nature of Indian society during the Mughal period.

Group – C :
Answer any four questions :
When was the battle of Khanua fought ? Discuss the importance of this battle.
Discuss the sources for writing the history of the Mughal empire.
Discuss the importance of the second battle of Panipat (1556)
Write a short note on the zabt system. Analyse the role of ports in the Mughal economy.
Write an account of the conflict for succession after Shah Jahan.
How far the Mughal state can be regarded as an Indian state ?
What were the causes of success of the English against the French in Carnatic ?

History of India – 1757-1885

Group – A :
Answer any two questions.
Discuss the historical importance of the grant of Diwani and Dual Government.
Write an essay on the relationship betweenthe British and the Marathas.
What were the positive and negative impacts of the spread of western education in India ?
Discuss the social background of Indian nationalism.

Group – B :
Answer any three questions.
Write briefly on the Subsidiary Alliance. What were the causes of the Great Revolt of 1857 ?
What is Permanent Settlement ? What was its impact on the peasants ? 6 + 6
How was deindustrialisation related with the problem of poverty of India ?
What was the contribution of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar in the Bengal Renaissance ?
Write on the economic critique of British rule.

Group – C :
Answer any four questions.
What were the main causes of the battle of Buxar ?
What were the causes for the fall of the Sikhs ?
Write on the nature of the Faraizi movement. What is Utilitarianism ?
What were the changes brought in British administration after the Great Revolt ?
How did Swami Vivekananda influence the Indian Youth ?
What were the contributions of Dayanand Saraswati in the field of social reform ?
What was the role of the newspapers towards the spread of nationalism ?

History of India – 1885-1964

Group – A :
Answer any two questions.
How have the Marxist and Subaltern historians revised the traditional ideas of Indian nationalism ?
Point out the differences of opinion between these two schools of historians. How do you analyse the nature of the early Congress ?
What was the significance of the August Movement of 1942 in the struggle for Indian Independence ?
Write briefly on the main features of the Non-aligned Movement.

Group – B :
Answer any three questions.
Write briefly on the trends of the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal.
Discuss the background of the formation of the Indian Muslim League in 1906.
What was the role of the Congress in Khilafat Movement ?
Describe the important features of the Morley-Minto reforms (1909).
Why was the Cabinet Mission formed ? What were its proposals ?
Discuss the major aspects of the first three five-year plans during the post-independent India.

Group – C :
Answer any four questions.
Would you call the Aligarh movement a Modernist one ?
What was the historic significance of the Champaran Satyagraha ?
Analyse the role of jute and iron-steel industries in the industrialization process of colonial India.
Discuss the contributions of the armed revolutionaries to the national liberation movement of India during the years between the two world wars.
What was the attitude of the Congress towards the demands of peasants in the years between 1920 and 1945 ?
What is meant by Rowlatt Satyagraha ?
Why did Muslim League observe the Day of deliverances ?
What is meant by ‘Panchsheel Principle’ ?

Categories: History
Tags: wbnsou.ac.in
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