University of Kerala B.A Music Model Question Paper 2017 : keralauniversity.ac.in

Organisation : University of Kerala
Degree : B.A
Stream : Music
Year : 2017
Semester : Sixth Semester
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : https://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/downs
Download Question paper :
Sixth Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-6thSem1.pdf
Sixth Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-6thSem.pdf
Fifth Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-5thSem.pdf
Fourth Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-4thSem.pdf
CBCSS – Third Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-3rdSemCB.pdf
Third Semester : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24917-3rdSem.pdf

University of Kerala B.A Music Model Question Paper

Download MU 1641 – Theory – VII – Technicalities of music Question Paper from the above pdf links.

Related : University of Kerala B.Tech Industrial Engineering Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/22268.html

2017 Sample Question

Time : 3 hrs
Max Marks : 80

Sixth Semester

Answer the following : (10X1 = 10 Marks)
1. What is the complementary interval of Sudha madhyama?
2. Another name of makarini
3. What is the value of Trisruthi interval?
4. The grace inherent in SN ND DP PM
5. The gandhara murchana of Sankarabharanam
6. The first section of ragalapana is called………..
7. The pancha dasa gamakas are first found in ………….
8. A branch of manodharma which is set to rhythm
9. The raga in which chyuta panchama madhyama occurs
10. Name an instrument which uses sympathetic strings

Answer any 8 questions :
(8 X 2 = 16 Marks)
11. Define major tone
12. What is timbre?
13. Give the names of Dasavidha gamakas
14. What are the four stages in raga alapana?
15. Name the manodharna aspects involved in Pallavi exposition.
16. Give the murchanas of Mohanam
17. What is pitch?
18. What is meant by karanam?
19. Name the varieties of ekasruti interval
20. What is tiripa?
21. What is Akshiptika?
22. Define intensity.

Write short notes on any 6 of the following : (6X4 = 24 Marks)
23. Production and transmission of sound.
24. Write a short note on Niraval.
25. Explain the laws of vibration of strings.
26. Explain complementary interval.
27. Give the dasa vidha gamakas
28. Briefly explain tanam.
29. What are sruti jatis?
30. Briefly explain echo.
31. The cycle of fourths and fifths.

Write an essay on any 2 of the following (2X15 = 30 Marks)
32. Explain in detail the raga alapana padhathi.
33. Enumerate the concept of modal shift of tonic
34. Discuss the importance of Manodharma sangeeta in Carnatic music
35. Explain the relevance of 22 srutis with reference to some of the ragas in which they occur.

Fifth Semester

Different streams of Music :
MU 1642 – Theory – VII – Different streams of Music
Time : 3 hrs {2017 Admission}
Max Marks : 80
Answer the following (10X1 = 10 Marks)
1. Name one raga which is used both in Kathakali music and Carnatic music, but with different names.
2. Name the tala equivalent to rupakam in Kathakali music.
3. The instrument used mainly for male characters in Kathakali.
4. The lines drawn below or above the staff is called ____________.
5. The duration of Semi breve is ________.
6. Who formulated the 10 thaats of Hindustani music?
7. The thaat equivalent to Harikambhoji.
8. The musical form containing jatis, swaras and sahityam is called _____________.
9. In kritis sangatis were introduced by___________.
10. _________ prasam is an essential feature in kritis.

Write short notes on any 6 of the following (6X4 = 24 Marks)
23. What are the differences between Kriti and Keerthana?
24. What is antyakshara prasam? Give two examples.
25. Write a short note on Javali.
26. Describe any two decorative angas used in kritis.
27. Give a short description about Pulluvan pattu.
28. Write about time signature in Western notation.
29. Write a short note on Dandakam.
30. Explain the two types of Panchavadyam?
31. How do you differentiate Melody and Harmony?

Write an essay on any 2 of the following (2X15 = 30 Marka)
32. Notate a kriti in Mohanam.
33. Write an essay on Kathakali music.
34. Explain the musical form kriti and the decorative angas used in it.
35. Write an essay of folk music.

Third Semester

Third Semester B.A Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper -2017
Foundation Course – II for Music
Informatics (Theory) – MU 1321
Time: 3Hrs
Maximum Marks: 80

I . Answer the following questions: (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
1. What is the storage capacity of a normal DVD?
2. Give two examples for secondary storage devices.
3. Write any two examples of editing software.
4. Who discovered ‘Pascaline’?
5. Write the expansion of URL.
6. Name two common audio file formats for storing the data.
7. What is a browser?
8. Name the hardware device of a PC to enter user responses and commands into a computer.
9. Write any two examples of OS.
10. Name any two external devices that can be connected to a PC.

II. Answer any eight of the following questions (8 x 2 = 16 marks)
11. Distinguish the system and application softwares.
12. What is INFLIBNET?
13. Write the two types of memories used in a computer.
14. What are the different types of printers?
15. Explain the USB.
16. What is operating software?
17. Explain micro blogging.

18. Define multi track recording.
19. What is a computer virus? Write the methods for the safe removal of virus.
20. What is a Mainframe computer?
21. Define MIDI.
22. What are different types of printers?

III. Answer any six questions as short essay (6 x 4 =24 marks)
23. Differentiate the mono and stereo.
24. Explain the application software with suitable examples.
25. What is a computer based DAW?
26. Write three examples of input devices of a computer and give brief descriptions on each one
of them.

27. Make a note on the following:
a. clipping.
b. editing.
28. Define Blog.
29. Distiquish the digital recording from Analog recording.
30. Differentiate the Hardware from Software.
31. What is notation software?

IV. Answer any two questions – (Long Essay) (2 x 15 = 30 marks)
32. Computers are interconnected through various types of network systems-Explain.
33. What are the important parts of a computer?
34. Write an essay on internet. List out its advantages and disadvantages.
35. What are the different types of cyber threats affecting computers? Explain about the various measures for maintaining cyber security?

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