Pacific University Ph.D. Admission Test Public Administration Sample Question Paper

Name of the University : Pacific University
Exam : Ph.D. Admission Test
Degree : PhD
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Name of the Subject : Public Administration
Website : http://www.pacific-university.ac.in/Sample-Paper
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24798-Administration.pdf

Pacific University Admission Test Administration Sample Paper

Download Sample Question Paper For Ph.D. Admission Test Public Administration from the Above PDF link
Max. Marks : 100

Related : Pacific University Ph.D. Admission Test Psychology Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24793.html

Instructions for Candidates

** Attempt all 50 questions, each question carry 02 marks.
** There is no negative marking.
** Please write the correct answer in the form of A/B/C/D at appropriate given place with blue/black pen.

Sample Questions

Q.1 Which of the following theories focuses on informal or generation and participative
(a) Human Relations Theory
(b) Scientific Management Theory
(c) Behavioral Theory
(d) Contingency Theory

[ Q.2 Who theorized that ‘every person has certain basic assumptions about other people’s attitude toward work and organization?
(a) Elton Mayo ,
(b) Fredirick
(c) Chris argyris
(d) Douglas

Q.3 The central theme of comparative public administration is:
(a) Administrative Structure
b) Bureoucracy
(c) Citizede-Administration relations
(d) Leadership

Q.4 Who was the chairman of the comparative administration group 1963?
(a) Herbert Simon
(b) Robert Dohe
(c) Fred Riggs
(d) Franc Marini

Q.5 The basic premise of new public management is :
a) Governments as the primary agent of all
(b) Large government bureaucracies
(c) More flexible and open governments
(d) Paternal Governments

Q.6 Human relations theory believed that the people are:
(a) Economic Men
(b) Homogeneous
(c) Heterogeneous
(d) Atomistic

Q.7 Neutral bureaucracy can be found only in a secular political culture “who said it”?
(a) M.E. Dimock ,e- bZ- fMekWd
(b) Glenn Stahl Xysu LVkWy
(c) G.A. Almond th- ,- vke.M
(d) Max weber esDl oscj [ ]

Q.8 The most effective means of citizens control over administrations is:
(a) Elections pquko
(b) Pressure groups ncko lewg
(c) Advisory committees ijke’kZnk=h lfefr;ka
(d) Public opinion tuer [ ]

Q.9 In USA the authority to regulate the formation and dissolution of federal departments is used in:
(a) President
(b) Congress
(c) Constitution
(d) President in consultation with
the secretary of state

Q.10 The concept of citizens charter as means to greater accountability and openness was first in traduced in 1991 in:
(a) U.S.A.
(b) U.K.
(c) France
(d) India

Q.11 Which of the following is an area of planning commission?
(a) Review of the union and state finances
(b) Maintaining macro-economic
(c) Public and foreign loans
(d) Suggesting ways and means to restructure public finance

Q.12 No tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law. Which article of Indian constitution provides this?
(a) 110
(b) 117
(c) 265
(d) 266 [ ]

Q.13 Who among the following is confidence as first comparatives in public administration?
(a) Woodrow Wilson
(b) Goodnow
(c) L.D. white
(d) Fred Riggs

Q.14 Who said that politics has to do with policies or expression of state will while.
(a) Woodrow Wilson
(b) Goodnow
(c) Waldo
(d) J.M. Gous

Q.15 A Significant approach to communication event is based on laswell formula, that deal
(a) Communication Sequence
(b) Communication interpretation
(c) Communication competence
(d) Communication Control

Q.16 Administration is a moral act and administrator is a moral agent, who said it?
(a) Adm Brook
(b) Dimock
(c) C.A. Bernord
(d) Orday Tead

Q.17 Who has coined the term cybernetics?
(a) Weaver
(b) Wilber Schramm
(c) Claude Shannon
(d) Norbert Weiner

Q.18 The significance of public administration as a discipline lies in:
(a) Improving government functioning
(b) Developing scientific knowledge about public administration yksd
(c) Organizing training programmes for civil
(d) Creating informal and intelligent

Q.19 Development Administration is goal oriented and change oriented administrator. Who said this initially?
(a) Milton
(b) Montgomery
(c) Weidner
(d) Dahl Mkgy

Q.20 Simon, Smithburg and Thomson belongs to:
(a) Structuralist School
(b) New classical School
(c) Human relations school
(d) Modernist School

Q.21 The office of the collector was created in the year.
(a) 1772
(b) 1780
(c) 1872
(d) 1880 [ ]

Q.22 Public Administration as aa discipline was born in
(a) India
(b) France
(c) United Kingdom
(d) United States of America

Q.23 The Integral view of administration has its strong advocate in.
\(a) Marshall E. Dimock
(b) Luthen gulin
(c) Karl Marx
(d) L.D. White

Q.24 The best recognized example of hierarchy is the structure of
(a) Family
(b) Club
(c) Factory
(d) An army

Q.25 Hawthorne experiments are related to the
(a) Classical Theory
(b) Scientific management theory
(c) Human Relation Theory
(d) System Theory

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