sanawar.edu.in Class IX Entrance Examination Sample Papers : Lawrence School

Name of the Organization : The Lawrence School,Sanawar
Examination Name : Entrance Examination
Announcement : Class IX Entrance Examination
Subject: Mathematics,General Science,Hindi,English
Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://www.sanawar.edu.in/
Download Sample Paper :
Mathematics: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24657-%20mathsclass9.pdf
General Science : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24657-scienceclass9.pdf
Hindi : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24657-hindiclass9.pdf
English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24657-englishclass9.pdf

Sanawar Class IX Entrance Examination Sample Papers

Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Related : Lawrence School Class VIII Entrance Examination Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24651.html

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1 Mark Question :

Section – A

1. Thedecimal form of number: 13.85 × 10-4is ……………………………..
2. Reciprocal of ( – 53 )× -615 is …..…………….
3. 0.01 3 = …..……………..
4. ( 30xy4) ÷ 56??3?? = …………………………..
5. The probability of getting onea doublet on toss of two diceis ………………….
6. 20 men will complete a work in ………….days, which is completed by 15 men in 18 days.
7. Factors of ??4-16 are ……………..……………….…………………
8. An angle which double of its complement is……………………….
9. Point ( 4, -4 ) lies in ……………Quadrant.

Section – B

5 Marks each Question :
11. What should be subtracted from 13-14+16 to make it 3/8?
12. What must be addedto the number 21305 so that it becomes a perfect square and also find the square root of the number so formed?
13. Sum of two opposite angles of a Rhombus is 1600 . Find valueof each angle of such a rhombus.
14. One number is 40 less than the other and the fraction obtained by dividing smaller number by the bigger number is 35 . What are the two numbers ?

Section – C

10 Marks each Questions :
21. From a metallic strip measuring 823 cm and 223 cm, a craftsman cuts circular discs of diameter 123 cmto be used in making some boxes. How many such discs can be cut ? Find area of the metallic strip left unused by the craftsman.
23. Construct a Rhombus whose diagonals are 7 cm and 9 cm.
24. Calculate the amount earned by business man at the end of four years on an investment of Rs.2,50,000 and rate of interest 5 % p a in first year, then 6 % p a in second year and again at a rate of 5 % p a in the third year.


Time: 01 hr.
Max. Marks: 100
Q1. Fill in the blanks: (1 * 20 = 20)
(a) The process of loosening and turning of soil is called _______________________________.
(b) _______________________________ is used for controlling and destroying pests.
(c) The process of cutting and gathering mature crops is called __________________________.
(d) _____________________________ is also called artificial silk.

(e) Artificially made fibres are also called as ______________________________ fibres.
(f) Noble gases occur in nature in their __________________________ state.
(g) Metals produce a ringing sound. So, metals are called ________________________.
(h) Metals react with water to form metal oxides and __________________________.
(i) __________________________ possess the characteristics of both metals and non-metals.
(j) In ___________________________ reaction, a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution.

Q2. Give one word answers: (1 * 20 = 20)
(a) Technique of injecting weak or dead germs in our body to fight antigens. ________________
(b) Process of sudden heating and cooling of milk to kill germs. _______________________
(c) Substances that can decay by the action of microorganisms. __________________________
(d) Oxides which when dissolved in water form bases. _____________________________
(e) The reddish-brown coating forms on iron on exposure to moist air. _________________
(f) Compounds made of only carbon and hydrogen. _________________________
(g) The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal. _________________________
(h) A portable apparatus that is often used to put out fire. ___________________________
(i) The gradual transformation of fertile land into desert. ____________________________

Q3. Answer the following: (2 ? 25 = 50)
(a) What is potable water?
(b) What is smog?
(c) What is eutrophication?
(d) What are asteroids?
(e) What is constellation?
(f) What is dispersion of light?
(g) What is an electroscope?
(h) What is electroplating?
(i) What is the amplitude of an oscillating particle?
(j) What is ultrasonic range of sound?
(k) What is a manometer?
(l) What are lubricants?
(m) What are endocrine glands?


Time: 01Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 25 Marks
Tiger worshippers are to be found not only among the tribes of Asia, or among sportsmen and hunters; they may be seen any day gazing spell-bound through the bars at the zoo, hurrying to the circus, or looking at illustrations in books.

Truly, without tigers not only would the forest and the jungle lose their flame but the world would become a tamer place. The tiger, indeed is one of those hair-raising animals that everyone wants to see, but few want to meet face to face.

The porcupine has scores of quills on back and tail, black spears tipped with white and varying in length from one inch to fourteen inches. They are hidden in its fur, and are lightly attached, and each has a thousand barbs tucked away in the stem. These barbs appear immediately when flesh is touched.

(a) On the basis of your understanding of the passage write an article „Lord of the Jungle? in about 150 words. 30
(b) Based on your understanding of the passage answer the following questions briefly:
1. Show that the tiger is an object of attraction everywhere.
2. How does the tiger roam through the jungle at night?
3. When does a tiger become a man eater? Does he like the change?
4. Explain: “The roaring is, in a way, a kind of thanksgiving for food.”

(c) Use the following words and phrases in sentences of your own: 3×5= 15
1. Spell-bound
2. Tremendous
3. Playing with fire
4. To hold absolute sway
5. Deer-slayer

(d) Rewrite the following sentences putting the verb or a part of the verb before the subject: 5×3=15
1. Not only he married her but he also supported her family.
2. Not even once she has thanked me for coming to her rescue.
3. On no account you must go and borrow money from him
4. So badly the boy behaved that he was expelled from the school.
5. Nowhere I was welcomed with such warmth as in that village.

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