sanawar.edu.in Class VIII Entrance Examination Sample Papers : Lawrence School

Name of the Organization : The Lawrence School,Sanawar
Examination Name : Entrance Examination
Announcement : Class VIII Entrance Examination
Subject: Mathematics,General Science,Hindi,English
Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://www.sanawar.edu.in/
Download Sample Paper :
Mathematics: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24651-mathsclass8.pdf
General Science : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24651-scienceclass8.pdf
Hindi : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24651-hindiclass8.pdf
English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24651-englishclass8.pdf

Sanawar Class VIII Entrance Examination Sample Papers

Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Related : Lawrence School Class VII Entrance Examination Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24645.html

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1 Mark Question :

Section – A

1.Evaluate: 20×(-5)×(-8) = …………………..
2.The probability of getting a primenumber on toss of a dice is ……………..
3.36 of 9 kg is …………………..gm.
4.Value of ‘y’ is ……………… when -2 2?? = 64 .
5.Evaluate: 0.005× 0.48 = …………………
6.3 times 27of 28 is ……..………..
7.Coefficient of ‘z’ in -157??4 is ……………….
8.If 8(5 + x) = 40; then ‘x’ is …………………….
9. 25 is ……………….. percent of 250.
10. An angle which is half of its compliment is ……………………..

Section – B

5 Marks each Question :
11. Divide the difference of 32 and 57 by the difference of ½ and 1/3 .
13. Total cost of 26 pens is Rs. 1107.60. What is the cost of 60 such pencils ?
14. A circular wire 28 cm long bent in the form of a square encloses how much area ?If same wire is re-bent to form a circle, find area enclosed by it now.
15. What must be subtracted from each term of ratio 8 : 12 so that the ratio becomes 1 : 2 ?
16. By selling a Table for Rs. 2080 a trader loses 20 % . Find cost price of the table.

19. How long should be the ladder which one would need in order to reach a window 12 m high given that the foot of ladder can be placed at a maximum distance of 5 m away from the wall? 20.Find mean for the following distribution:
Height(cm) 55 65 75 85 95 105 115
No. of students 6 8 10 10 8 6 4

Section – C

10 Marks each Question :
21. A day after tomorrow will be 26 July and today is Thursday. What was the day and the date, 3 days before yesterday ?

22. Two cross roads each of width 3m, run at right angles through the center of the rectangular park of length 50 m and breadth 30m and parallel to its sides. Find cost of leveling the roads at a rate of Rs. 25 per sq m.

23. Amish lent Rs 24,000 to his friend. He charged interest at a rate of 10 % per annum on Rs. 15,000 and 15 % on the remaining. How much interest does he earn in 3 years ?
24. Two poles 24m and 31m high stand upright on a playground such that distance between their tops is 25m. Find the distance between their bases on the ground.


Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Q1. Answer the following: (2 ? 20 = 40)
(a) What is uniform motion? What is the nature of distance-time graph of uniform motion?
(b) How does an electric fuse work?
(c) State the two laws of reflection.
(d) Why can’t we drink river water directly?
(e) How are the plants dependent on animals for their survival?
(f) Why is rainwater the purest form of water?
(g) Why is hard water not suitable for dyeing?
(h) What are electromagnets? Name two devices that use electromagnets.
(i) Why do we see white colour in Newton’s disc when we rotate it very fast?
(j) Differentiate between a wind vane and an anemometer.
(k) What is fertilization?

Q2. Give one word answers: (1 * 20 = 20)
(a) A solid waste that is rich in organic matter. _______________________
(b) The process of seeping of water under the ground. _________________________
(c) A coil of wire closely wound in the form of a spiral. ______________________________
(d) An uninterrupted path through which electric current flows. _______________________
(e) The part of the eye that acts as screen. _______________________________________
(f) An image that cannot be obtained on screen. _________________________
(g) Rain bearing winds from sea to land. _________________________
(h) The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation. _____________________

Q3. Fill in the blanks: (1 * 15 = 15)
(a) ___________________________________ help Amoeba to engulf its food.
(b) For treating wasp’s stings, _______________________________ is used.
(c) Worm manure is also called ___________________________.
(d) Coniferous forests are found in _____________________________ region.
(e) Plants release ______________________________ during photosynthesis.
(f) A number of interconnected food chains form a __________________________.
(g) Atmospheric pressure is exerted on a body from all ______________________________.

Q4. State TRUE or FALSE. (1 * 15 = 15)
(a) The climatic condition of a place depends only on its altitude. ______________________
(b) Tropical rainforests experience rain everyday. ________________________________
(c) Speed is refereed to as distance covered per unit time. ___________________________
(d) The circulatory fluid in human beings is water. ___________________________
(e) A concave mirror gives both real and virtual images. _____________________________


Time: 01Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Q.1 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 30 marks
I have only one unpleasant memory of the summer holidays in Norway. We were in my grandparents? house in Oslo and my mother said to me, “We are going to the doctor this afternoon. He wants to look at your nose and mouth.”

I think I was eight at the time. “What?s wrong with my nose and my mouth?” I asked.
„Nothing much,? my mother said. „But I think you?ve got adenoids.?
„What are they?? I asked her.
Don?t worry about it,? she said. „It?s nothing.?

I held my mother?s hand as we walked to the doctor?s house. It took us about half an hour. There was a kind of dentist?s chair in the surgery and I was lifted into it. The doctor had a round mirror strapped to his forehead and he peered up my nose and into my mouth. He then took my mother aside and they held a whispered conversation. I saw my mother looking rather grim, but she nodded.

A. Imagine that you have to write a column for your School Magazine about a visit to the dentist. Taking clues from the story narrate your experience in about 150 words. 25

B. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions briefly: 5×4=20
1. Why did the author?s mother look grim? What did she do?
2. How did the doctor carry out the operation?
3. What do you think can be done to make a medical procedure seem less scary to somebody who is going to undergo it and is scared?

4. Choose the best option to the meaning of the sentence in the context of the story.
a. “I was not in the least apprehensive” means
1) He was very apprehensive
2) 2) he was not worried at all
3) 3) he was least interested

b. “I was too shocked and outraged to do anything but yelp” means
1) He was angry and shocked
2) he did not yelp
3) he tried to talk but could not

5. What does “They won?t do you too much harm” mean?
C. Make sentences to differentiate the meaning of the given words: 20 marks
a. Yelp ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Shout ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Horrified ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Shocked …………………………………………………………………………………………
c. Unpleasant ………………………………………………………………………………………
Foul ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
d. Restless ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Apprehensive ……………………………………………………………………………………
e. Perfectly …………………………………………………………………………………………
Rightly …………………………………………………………………………………………..

D. What was the shiny, steel instrument used for? Why did the doctor place it in boiling water?

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