sanawar.edu.in Class VII Entrance Examination Sample Papers : Lawrence School

Name of the Organization : The Lawrence School,Sanawar
Examination Name : Entrance Examination
Announcement : Class VII Entrance Examination
Subject: Mathematics,General Science,Hindi,English
Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://www.sanawar.edu.in/
Download Sample Paper :
Mathematics: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24645-mathsclass7.pdf
General Science : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24645-scienceclass7.pdf
Hindi : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24645-hindiclass7.pdf
English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24645-englishclass7.pdf

Sanawar Class VII Entrance Examination Sample Papers

Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Related : Lawrence School Class VI Entrance Examination Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24640.html

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1 Mark Question :

Section – A

1. The smallest odd composite number is …………………….
2. A polygon with least number of sides is called…….…………….
3. Two straight lines in a plane are either …………………….or ………………………
4. Write the next number of the pattern: 5, 8, 13, 20, …………
5. Evaluate: -23 – 25 = …………………………
6. The sum of the largest negative integer and the smallest positive integer is …………
7. Area and Perimeter of a square are equal if its side is ……..…………..……
8. Algebraic expression for : ‘7’ more than thrice of ‘x’ is …………….……………..
9. The value of ‘x’such that: x : 15 : : 20 : 60is ………………….
10. There are ………..…….lines of symmetry for a circle.

Section – B

5 – Marks Question :
11. Find the largest number which will divide all the three numbers 144, 180 &192 exactly.
12. Find angle between hour hand and minute hand of a clock when it is showing 8:00 pm.
15. i) Find ‘y’ such that : 3 y + 16 = – 5.
ii) Find value of : 2a – 3b when a = 5 and b = 3.
16. The number of boys and girls in a school are in a ratio of 4 : 3. If the total strength of the school is 1120 then find how much more is number of boys than the number of girls in the school.
17. A truck requires 108 liters of diesel to cover a distance of 594 km. How much diesel will be required to cover a distance of 1650 km ?
19. Using compass and scale only, draw an angle measuring 450.
20. Find area of the shaded region in the given diagram

Section – C

10 – Marks each Question :
21. To complete a project work Pinki spent 5/6hours on first day, 3/4hourson second day and1/2 hours on third day. Find the total time spent by Pinki on the project.Pinki’s friend Honey spent 2 1/3 hours on her project, find who took more time and how much moretocomplete the project ?

22. Find the least number which when divided by 6, 15 & 18 leaves remainder 4 in each case.

23. Mr. John went to the market with Rs. 1000 note. He ate a pizza costing Rs. 180.50 and purchased a book for Rs. 283.25. While coming back home he hired a taxi for which he paid Rs. 198.25. Find the total amount spent by Mr. John and the spare amount of money left with him.


Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Q.1. Identify the property of the material in the following uses: (1 ? 5 = 5)
(a) Copper in electric wires ___________________________________________
(b) Glass in window panes ___________________________________________
(c) Wood in boats ___________________________________________
(d) Gold in jewellery ___________________________________________
(e) Sponge for cleaning cars ___________________________________________

Q.2. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. (1 × 15 = 15)
a) A dry cell can be recharged. _________________________________________
b) All birds are herbivores. _______________________________________
c) We eat the flowers and fruits of the banana plant. ________________________________
d) Vitamin E deficiency causes Beriberi. _____________________________________
e) Jute is popularly known as golden fibre. ______________________________________
f) Water and milk are immiscible. _______________________________________

Q.3. Give one word answers: (1 ? 15 = 15)
(a) A type of force that slows down an object. __________________________________
(b) A device that converts solar energy to electrical energy. __________________________
(c) The closed path around which electric current flows. _____________________________
(d) Temporary magnets made by passing electricity. ________________________________
(e) Falling of water in any form onto the earth’s surface. _____________________________
(f) The substances that cause pollution. __________________________________________
(g) Tiny pores present on a leaf to exchange gases. _________________________________

Q.4. Answer the following: (2 ? 20 = 40)
(a) Both scavengers and decomposers feed on the dead. How are they different?
(b) Our grandmothers often advise that new born babies should be exposed to sunlight. What is the scientific reason behind this advice?
(c) Why is the use of jute and cotton bags being encouraged these days?

(d) Why is it easy to hold a steel tumbler with cold milk than the one with hot milk?
(e) Your mother has accidentally mixed mustard oil and water. Name an instrument/eqipment that can be used to separate the two liquids easily?
(f) Is a working robot living or nonliving? Give two reasons to support your answer.
(g) Potatoes do not produce starch. Yet, they are full of it. How is it possible?

Q.5. Tick (?) the unit that is more convenient to use in the following measurements. (1 × 5 = 5)
a) The distance between Delhi and Kolkata: a) 1800 km or b) 1800000 m
b) The width of your father’s mobile: a) 0.008 m or b) 8 mm
c) The mass of a cup cake in a shop: a) 35 g or b) 0.035 kg
d) Time spent by you in school: a) 21000 second or b) 6 hours
e) The speed of your school bus: a) 18 km/h or b) 500 cm/s


Time: 01Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Q.1Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 30 marks
Rama, obeying the unjust command of his father, King Dashrath, goes to live in the forest with his loving wife, Sita and his faithful brother, Lakshman. Rama?s step-brother, Bharat, comes to the forest to plead with Rama to return to the kingdom.

One day a hermit brought the disturbing news of a crowd of people coming through the jungle towards them. Lakshman climbed to the top of a giant tree and saw a long procession of people winding towards them through the forest. In great excitement he descended to the ground and cried, “Oh Rama, beware, I have no doubt that it is Bharat who is coming here to finish his jealous mother?s work. He wants to remove you out of his way forever so that he may rule Ayodhya.”

a. Write about 150 words on the character of Rama as shown in this story. 20
b. The noun „excitement? is from the verb „excite?. Make nouns from the following verbs: 10
a. Disturb …………………………….
b. Protect …………………………….
c. Occupy ……………………………
d. Assure ……………………………
e. Prove ……………………………

Q.2 Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 40 marks
My brother Ravi and I had been to Delhi to spend our end-of-term break with our grandparents. Break over, we took a bus to Shimla. The plan was to get off at Shimla and board another bus to Jutogh, a suburb of Shimla where we lived with our parents. The Shimla-bound bus stopped briefly at Shogi, so the driver could have a cup of tea. We got off the bus and stood at a distance, looking around.

a. Answer the following questions briefly: 2X5= 10
1. What route were the two boys following to get home?
2. Why did they change their plans?
3. What happened on the rhododendron-covered hilltop?
4. What frightened the boys and how?
5. Suggest a suitable title for the extract.

b. Did the boys act intelligently in the forest? Give reasons for your answer. 6

c. The destination was far, the day was hot and the boys were very tired, but they never gave up. What qualities did the two boys show? Do you think possessing these qualities helps a person in life? How? 10

d. Complete the following sentences with the adjective form of the nouns given: 2×7=14
a. It is ……………………. to venture out into the forests at night. (danger)
b. Most countrysides are very ………………. ( peace)
c. Water is …………………… in this region. (scarcity)
d. Rohan is very ………………………. (forgetfulness)
e. My pet dog is very …………………. (mess)
f. This building is ……………………… (magnificence)
g. My boss is a very …………………….. person. (responsibility)

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