sanawar.edu.in Class V Entrance Examination Sample Question Paper : Lawrence School

Name of the Organization : The Lawrence School
Examination Name : Entrance Examination
Announcement : Class V Entrance Examination
Subject: Mathematics,General Science,Hindi,English
Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://www.sanawar.edu.in/
Download Sample Paper :
Mathematics : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24633-maths5.pdf
General Science : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24633-science5.pdf
English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24633-english5.pdf
Hindi : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24633-hindi5.pdf

Sanawar Class V Entrance Examination Question Paper

Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Related : Parwati Prema Jagati Saraswati Vihar Entrance Examination Class 9th Model Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24615.html

Teacher on duty is requested to ensure that the child has written correct and complete Registration Number


General Instructions For The Candidate :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Questions are to be answered on the question paper itself (on the space provided against each question)

1-Mark each Question :

Section – A

1. Product of place value of 2’s in 62142 is …………….…………….
2. The largest factor of 48 is ………………..………….
3. Value of 19/17- 15/17+5/17 = .…………….
4. Write the next term of the pattern: 204, 305, 406, ……………….
5. The successor of largest 5 digit number is …………….………
6. The expanded form for 1, 25, 197 is……………………………………………….
7. Four hours after 10 pm is …….….………am/pm.
8. Mixed fraction for 52/9is ……………..…….
9. The greatest and the smallest four digit number formed by using 4, 0, 1, 8 is ……..…………. and …………………..
10. Put one of the signs from <,>,= between 3.05 …….. 0.35

5-Marks each Questions :

Section – B

11. Fill in the blanks : ____5___ 6 4 + 3 ___ 8___ 8
12. There are 23 coaches in a train and 125 seats in each coach. Find the total number of passengers that can travel in the train.
13. Draw a circle of diameter 3 cm and mark its center, diameter, chord and an Arc.

15. In a library there are 24075 books on Literature, 8455 books on Science and 4,555 books on Mathematics. How many books are there in total ?

16. Find the L C M of 15, 40 and 60.

17. Raman started his train journey from New Delhi to Mumbai at 5:25 am and it was6:40 pm when he reached Mumbai. How long did his journey lasts ?

18. Mrs. Gupta purchased 12 kg 450 g of rice, 15 kg 375 g for wheat flour and 7 kg 675 g of vegetables. How much is the total weight of groceries purchased by Mrs. Gupta ?

19. Alisha bought a dozen of pencils each costing Rs. 6.50. If she gave Rs. 100 to the shopkeeper then calculate the amount she would get back.

20. A rectangle is 4.5 m long and 2.5 m wide. Find the side of a square whose perimeter is equal to the perimeter of this rectangle.

10- Marks each Question :

Section – C

21. In a carton there are 25 tetra packets of juice. How many such packets can be packed in 124 such cartons? Also, find how many cartons are needed to pack 1575 such packets.

22. The yield of a farm is 17, 815 kg of wheat. Out of which 1, 498 kg was damaged by the rains and 2, 548 kg was damaged by the rodents while kept in the store. If the farmer kept 2, 500 kg for his own consumption and sold the rest in grain market, then find the amount sold by him.
23. Polly runs every day, around a rectangular park taking three rounds of it. If the park measures 78 m by 52 m then find the distance run by Polly over a week’s time.


Time: 01 Hour
Max. Marks: 100

Q1. Answer the following: (2 ? 20 = 40)
(a) What will happen if the earth suddenly loses its gravity?
(b) Why can’t you fly a kite on moon??
(c) Why do wet clothes dry quickly on a dry sunny day?
(d) How are parasites different from scavengers?
(e) What do you mean by ‘dry cleaning’ of certain clothing materials?
(f) What is the role of roughage in our diet?
(g) How do the bacteria present in your mouth affect your teeth?
(h) Abhijit studies in class IV. His mother gives him two glasses of milk daily. Why do you think his mother does so?

Q2. Unscramble the following words with the help of the clues given: (1 * 10 = 10)
(a) PWASN (A cluster of eggs). ___________________________
(b) ONOCCO (Covering of the pupa). ______________________________
(c) NRABIWO (A natural spectrum). _________________________
(d) ESOBRCIM (Very tiny organisms seen through microscopes). ________________________
(e) GRNEYE (The ability to do work). _______________________________
(f) KOYL (The yellow portion of an egg). __________________________
(g) LERBBUB (A layer of fat in the body of some animals). __________________________
(h) AMOTATS (Tiny pores on the lower surface of a leaf). _____________________________
(i) IBATAHT (The natural home of a plant or an animal). _____________________________
(j) IROCFINT (Force that acts on an object to slow it down). ____________________________

Q. 3. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. (1 × 10 = 10)
a) Cholera is a water – borne disease. ________________________________________________
b) Wind is the main source of energy on earth. __________________________________________
c) A screw is a special form of inclined plane. __________________________________________
d) Proteins are energy giving nutrients. ________________________________________________
e) Extra fat should be stored in our body for future use. ___________________________________
f) Water lettuce is a fixed aquatic plant. _______________________________________________
g) Turtle give birth to young ones. ____________________________________________________
h) Crocodiles undergo hibernation. ___________________________________________________
i) Strong forces of attraction between the molecules of gases make them compressible. _________
j) Deforestation helps prevent soil erosion. ___________________________________________________


Time: 01Hour
Max. Marks: 100
Note :
** The teacher on duty is requested to ensure that the child has written correct and complete registration number.
Q 1. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : 30 marks
Read this story about how Gopal, a jester in the court of Raja Krishna Chandra, saved his own life.
Maharaja Krishna Chandra was the ruler of Krishnanagar in Bengal. Gopal was a jester in the Maharaja?s court. The Maharaja avoided people who were harbingers of bad luck. One day, there was a great celebration in the palace which continued late into the night.

Gopal and a few other guests, therefore, spent the night at the Maharaja?s well-furnished guesthouse. The Maharaja went out for his walk the next morning. On his way back, he went to the balcony of the guesthouse and saw Gopal, who bowed to him.

a. From the above story, what do you learn about the Maharaja. Write a paragraph in 100 words with reference to the passage. 15

b. What character traits of Gopal and the Barber are highlighted in the story? Do you think these are desirable qualities? 15

Q 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: 40 Marks
This story is retold from a famous book about the strange adventures of an Englishman named Gulliver. Once, when he was sailing in the seas beyond India, his ship struck a hidden rock and sank in a few minutes. Only Gulliver was saved. He was a good swimmer and managed to reach the nearest land.

A. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions: 2×6=12 marks
(a) How did Gulliver reach the land of little strange men?
(b) When Gulliver awoke, why could he not move?
(c) Why did the little men run back?
(d) Why did Gulliver not try to free himself?
(e) Why did Gulliver not get more wine to drink?
(f) What were the men doing when Gulliver fell into a deep sleep?

B. Give reason for the following: 2×3= 6
a. Gulliver slept more soundly than he had ever done in his life.
b. The men put ladders against his side.
c. The little men had to hoist up two of their largest barrels of wine.

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