ppjsvihar.in Class VI Entrance Test Model Paper : Parwati Prema Jagati Saraswati Vihar

Name of the Organisation : Parwati Prema Jagati Saraswati Vihar, Nainital
Exam : Entrance Exam
Class : VI
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : http://ppjsvihar.in/?page_id=504
Download Sample Question Paper :
Class – VI : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/24608-Entrance6th.pdf

PPJS Vihar Class VI Entrance Test Model Paper

** Entrance Test Form For Class VI And IX & Donwload the Entrance Test Model Paper
Entrance Test date : 18/2/2018
Download Admit card : 11/02/2018

Related : Kasiga School Entrance Exam Class IX Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24604.html

Class 6th Model Question :
Note :
** All question are compulsory.
** Each one carries 1.5 Marks

Mathematics & Reasoning

Q-1 Which number is the nearest to ‘500’
i) 479
ii) 503
iii) 491
iv) 531

Q-2 The successor of -89 is
i) 88
ii) -90
iii) -88
iv) 90

Q-3 When 34 is subtracted from -36, we get
i) 2
ii) -2
iii) 70
iv) -70

Find the Value of
i) 1000
ii) 1100
iii) 900
iv) 800

Q-5 Which of the followings is divisible by 6 ?
i) 236
ii) 216
iii) 203
iv) None of these

Q-6 Which of the followings is a group of composite number?
i) 9,10,15
ii) 7,19,11
iii) 17,18,27
iv) 43,45,47

Q-7 A man earns Rs 25 per hour. How much does he earn in 24 hour?
i) 625
ii) 600
iii) 1600
iv) 1400

Q-8 Find the perimeter of a rectangle in which length 16.8cm and breadth 6.2cm
i) 48 cm
ii) 46 cm
iii) 144 cm2
iv) 18 cm2

Q-9 Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 66 cm.
i) 31 cm
ii) 41 cm
iii) 21 cm
iv) 141 cm2

Q-10 Divide 1250 between Mayank and Ishita in the ratio 3:2
i) 400:600
ii) 800:550
iii) 900:350
iv) 750:500

All questions are compulsory. Write your answer yourself :
Q-11 What is the Hindu – Arabic numeral value of CDXIV
Q-12 Find the HCF of 24 and 32
Q-13 Write the value of 11 * (6 – 4)
Q-14 Find the product of 785 * 94
Q-15 Find the sum 2 + 3

Q-16 Covert the numbers into a fraction
i) .06
ii) .075

Q-17 If 11 is subtracted from 4 times a number, the result is 89. Find the number.
Q-18 Write each of the following ratios in the simplest form
i) Rs 6.30 : Rs 16.80 ii) Rs 7.50 : Rs 1.50

Q-19 Define Pentagon with the help of picture.
Q-20 Define “Cube” with the help of picture.

Q-21 If English alphabet is given in A to Z order. Find the letter that is at the 22th position.
i) T
ii) U
iii) V
iv) W

(Q-27 to Q-28)Complete the series:-
Q-27 1, 7, 14, 22,……..
i) 30
ii) 29
iii) 32
iv) 31

Q-28 Z, U, P, K, ……….
i) F ii) E iii) G iv) H

(Q-29 to Q-30)If DOG is coded as 467 and PUT as 732
How are the following words coded is that code language:-
i) 9552
ii) 9674
iii) 9878
iv) 7879

i) 35489720
ii) 4567984
iii) 3567194
iv) 4787987

Q-31 Write one word to define it completely:-
a) There are some animals which eat other animals are called ……………………..
b) The ingredients which contain some components that are nuded by our body are called …………………?
c) The process of making yarn from fibers is called …………………………..
d) The materials through which objects can be seen, but not clearly are known as …………………..

Q-32 Find out the correct option given below:-
a) The presence of specific features or certain habits which enable a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings,
i) Habitat ii) Adaptation
iii) Terrestrial Habitats iv) Aquatic Habitats

b) Materials which do not allow electric current to pan through them
i) Conductors ii) Terminals
iii) Insulators iv) Can’t say

Q-33 Mark “True or False” for following statements:-
a) Maximum iron filings stick in the middle of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.
b) Water vapour condenses to form tiny droplets of water in the upper layers of air where it is cooler.
c) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same.
d) Weaving of yarn makes a pieces of fabric.
e) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items.

Q-34 Complete the composition (4 Marks)
Earth worms are called …………….. Friend? A type of earth worm is also known as ………………, is Used for composting. This method of preparing compost with the help of ………………. Is called ………………………

Q-35 Which kind of method is used for separating substances:-
i) Pieces of direst ………………………
ii) Separate grain from stalks ……………………
iii) Separating components of a mixture …………………………..
iv) To remove impurities from dish with flair …………………………..
v) Method of separating tea leaves …………………………..
vi) When the water along with the dust is removed the process is ……………………………

Q-36 Long answer type questions:- ( 3 Marks)
a) How do plants and animals help each other in the exchange of gases in the atmosphere? Lemonade is prepared by mixing lemon juice and sugar in water. You wish to add ice to cool it. Should you add ice to the lemonade before or after dissolving sugar? In which case would it be Possible to dissolve more sugar?

Language Conventions :


1. In the following passage, eight bold/italic words with corresponding numbers are given. For each given word, a different question is asked. Each of the questions is based on opposites or replacement or spelling corrections. Choose the correct option for each question from the alternative given. 1 x 5=5

Kumbh mela is thought to be the largest holy festival on earth during which millions of mankind bathe in the sacred Ganga at Elahabad. While this is undoubtedly an occasion of supreme significance for devoted Hindus, it is also a matter of unparalleled wonder and bevildarmant to large sections of foreigners engaged in education, management and a number of other fields as to how such a mammoth event takes places, year after year, with such clockwork precision, without the interference or involvement of any professional mastermind. All the more inexplicable is the smoothness with which this month long festival is begun, conducted and concluded.

(i) Which word would replace ‘mankind’ in this passage?
(a) People (b) manhood (c) mansion (d) manliness
(ii) Which of the following is the correct spelling of “Elahabad”?
(a) Illiahabed (b) Aliahiabad (c) Allahabad (d) Ellahabaad
(iii) Which of the following is the opposite of ‘supreme’ as used in this passage?
(a) cardinal (b) supine (c)supple (d) most trivial
(iv) Which of the following is the opposite of ‘devoted’ as used in this passage?
(a) devise (b) disloyal (c) deviant (d) dispensable
(v) What is the correct spelling of ‘bevildarmant’?
(a) bevelderment (b) biwilderment (c)bewilderment (d) bevildarmant

2. Write one example each of ASSERTIVE, IMPERATIVE, OPTATIVE, INTERROGATIVE and EXCLAMATORY Sentences. 1X5=5

3. In the following questions, sentences are given with the blanks to be filled with appropriate degree of Adjective.(Positive, Comparative, Superlative) 1×5=5
i. Kalidas is ________________ (great) than any other dramatist.
ii. Ruby is _________________ (precious) than many other gemstones.
iii. She is the ________________ (beautiful) girl of the class.
iv. I am ___________________ (happy) that my friend is coming to see me.
v. This is the ________________ ( tall) building of the town.

4 . In the following questions, sentences are given with the blanks to be filled with appropriate Adjectives: 1×5=5
i. John is very ________________ (talk).
ii. He left my room _____________ (dirty).
iii. I found the movie quite ________ (interest)
iv. Rohan many a time gives __________(fool) ideas.
v. I am very __________ (hope) about my results.

5. In the following questions, sentences are given with the blanks to be filled with appropriate Adverbs. 1×5=5
i. The king offered his seat to the saint ____________ (respect)
ii. This is a ______________ (very/much/more/almost) tough job for me.
iii. I am a student who always ________ (respect) the teachers.
iv. Twenty kilometers _______________ ( is/were/will/have)a long walk.
v. Either Geeta or her sisters _____________ (is/are/have/had) at fault.

6. In the following questions, sentences are given with the blanks to be filled with appropriate form of the tense. 1×5=5
i. I ____________ (read) this news yesterday.
ii. The Earth __________ (move) round the sun.
iii. We shall not go out, if it ___________ (rain)
iv. This news was _______________ (telecast) on Zee News.
v. The train _____________ (leave) the platform an hour ago.

7. Fill in the blanks as directed: 1×3=3
i. He is _______ (a/an/the) M.A.
ii. He is _________ (a/an/the) European.
iii. The bird is killing an insect. (Passive Voice) _____________________

8. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence: 1×3=3
i. doctor/ father/is/my/a
ii. my/favourite/is/English/subject
iii. gold/a/precious/metal/is

9. Write a letter to your friend telling him that you are getting admission in a Boarding school because you like Hostel life; in about 80 words. 7
10. Share your feelings about your family in about 80 words. 7

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