Kasiga School Entrance Exam Class IX Question Paper : kasigaschool.com

Name of the Organisation : Kasiga School
Exam : Entrance Exam
Department : CIE
Class : IX
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://www.kasigaschool.com/
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Kasiga School Entrance Exam Class IX Question Paper

Subject : English, Hindi, Math, Gen. Science
For admission to class 9

Related : Kasiga School Class XI Science Entrance Exam Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/24597.html

Time: 2 Hrs
Total: 100 marks


Q 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
1. When I learned that my 71 year old mother was playing scrabble against herself, I knew I had to do something. “Who’s playing?” I asked one day when I saw a half – finished game on the table. “My right hand versus my left.” “Excuse me? “I said. “Well your father doesn’t play and I want to keep my mind sharp.” An admirable pursuit but I questioned whether my mother’s solitary version of Scrabble would achieve that goal. My husband suggested we give her a computer to play against. I wasn’t sure my mother was ready for a cyber-Scrabble. It had taken 15 years to persuade her to buy a microwave. Nevertheless, we packed our old PC, complete with Scrabble and word processing programmes and delivered it to my parents’ home. Thus, began my mother’s adventure in the worlds of computers.

2. It also marked the beginning of an unusual teaching assignment for me. I’ve taught children and adults of all ages but never thought I would be teaching my mother to do anything. Despite the look of horror on her face when she first saw our gift, my mother was eager to get started. She sat mesmerized as the screen lit up and the various icons presented themselves. Slowly but surely, my mother caught on, making notes in a little spiral book. I wondered how she’d fare without me. Thereafter, she only spoke on her game on the computer to me. She even forgot to ask her stock question, “What did you have for supper?” It was no longer on the agenda. Instead she talked about RAM, ROM and the CPU- terms spilled effortlessly from her mouth. My mother had acquired a new mother tongue.

3. My mother isn’t the only one experiencing a personal growth spurt. Thanks to the computer, my father has finally overcome his phone allergy. For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would answer. Then, after a couple of months ago, I heard dad’s gruff voice on the phone. “Why didn’t mum answer?” “She’s on the computer.” My father and I have had more conversations in the last two months than we’ve had in the previous 20 years. After a lifetime of being her child, I was finally the one with knowledge to share with my mum. But even now, I realize that she continues to teach me. I am learning that no matter how old you are a willing spirit is capable of anything.

Answer the following questions: (8)
1. What do we know about Mother as an individual when she starts playing Scrabble on her own?
2. What do we get to know about the son-in-law from the passage?
3. Mother was against the use of modern technology. Do you agree / disagree? Give reasons.
4. Who were the learners in the passage and what did they learn?

Q2. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answer: (4)
Then (i) ______ morning in Paris (ii) _____ 1891, Alfred Nobel opened (iii) ______ papers and (iv) _______ his utter astonishment read in the headlines (v) ______ news of (vi)______ own death (vii) _______ bitter comments of the entire French Press about his life’s work. One paper called (viii) ____ the “evil genius’.
(i) (a) a (b) any (c)one (d) many
(ii) (a) at (b) in (c) during (d) on
(iii) (a) any (b) some (c)the (d) that
(iv) (a) in (b) of (c) to (d) at
(v) (a) a (b) the (c) an (d) in
(vi) (a) his (b) the (c) one (d) him
(vii) (a) with (b)what (c) that (d) whom
(viii) (a)him (b) were (c) is (d) was

Q3. Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct option: (2)
Interviewer : When did you graduate and in what subjects?
Suresh: I graduated in 1994, Sir. My subjects were Economics, Accountancy, Mathematics and Personnel Management. Interviewer: Oh!, (a) __________ since then?
Suresh: No Sir, started working in 1997, after I’d finished my MBA.
Interviewer: Why do you wish to leave your present job?
Suresh: (b)___________________ I wish to improve my prospects and your firm has a good reputation and is progressive.
Interviewer: (c) ________________ transferred from one place to another?
Suresh: Yes, I know but since this is a multinational firm; I suppose that it is quite fine.
Interviewer: (d) ___________apart from English and Hindi?
Suresh: I am fluent in French.
Interviewer: Thank you. Good bye.
(a) (i) Are you working (ii) Have you worked
(iii) Have you been working (iv) Had you been working
(b) (i) I will quit if (ii) I have to quit because
(iii) I shall be quitting it unless (iv) I am quitting it because
(c) (i) You should be aware that you will be (ii) Are you aware that you will be
(iii) Have you been aware that you will be (iv) Were you aware that you can be
(d) (i) will you speak any other language (ii) can you speak any other language
(iii) Are you speaking any other language (iv) Don’t you speak all languages

Q 4. Write a story on the basis of the following opening clues: (7)
You have won a sports championship. The press is conducting your interview.

Q 5.Write a notice on the basis of the information given below: (4)
You are David/ Preety, President of the Interact Club of your school. You wish to organize a snack bar on the Sports day of your school. The proceeds of the sale will go to charity. Write a notice calling for a meeting with the students of class X to discuss the same.


1. Do all the parts: (1 × 5 = 5 )
a. Express -28 84 as a rational number with denominator 4.
b. What should be subtracted from 7 -8 13 12
c. Simplify: v52 9
d. Simplify: ( p + 5)2
e. Factorize: ax2 + by2 + bx2 + ay2.

2. Do all the parts: ( 2× 5 = 10)
a. If 14% of certain number is 63 find the number.
b. Harsh takes 150 steps in walking a distance of 125 metres. What distance will he cover in 360 steps?
c. The total surface area of a cube is 54 cm2. What is the length of its side?
d. A die is rolled once. What is the probability of rolling (a) 3, (b) 7?
3. Find the perimeter of a square whose area is 6889 cm2. (2)
4. Find the value of (122 – 53) × (-1)20 19 . (2)
5. Factorize 4×2 + 4x + 1.


Section-A :


Q1. A girl of mass 40 kg wears heels with an area of 1 cm2 in contact with ground; pressure on ground is (take earth’s gravitational field strength) in pascals is;
a. 4 × 10-5
b. 4 × 104
c. 4 × 105
d. 40 × 105

Q2. The majority of asteroids are found between the orbits of
a. Mars and Jupiter
b. Earth and Mars
c. Jupiter and Saturn
d. Saturn and Uranus

Q3. SI unit of pressure is
a. Ohms
b. Pascal
c. Joules
d. Watts

Q4. Angle between incident ray and normal ray is called angle of
a. reflection
b. refraction
c. transmission
d. incident

Q5. In SONAR, we use
a. ultrasonic waves
b. infrasonic waves
c. radio waves
d. audible sound waves

Q6. The different group of stars is known as
a. Constellations
b. Celestial bodies
c. Asteroids
d. Comet

Section-B :


Q10. What is the other name of quick lime?
a. Calcium hydroxide
b. Calcium oxide
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Sodium oxide

Q11. The metal reacts readily with cold water is ___________.
a. Au
b. Ag
c. Na
d. Mg

Q12.Which of the following metals does not displace H2 gas from dilute HCl or dilute H2SO4?
a. Mg
b. Cu
c. Zn
d. Al

Q13. Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Coal gas
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Sulphur dioxide

14. Petrol and diesel can be obtained from
a. Coal tar
b. Coal
c. Petroleum
d. Coal gas

Q15. Petroleum is formed from
a. Domestic animals
b. Organisms in sea
c. Wild animals
d. Insects

Section-C :


Q18. The spreading of seeds away from the parent plant is called
a. Fertilization
b. Dispersal
c. Germination
d. Pollination

Q19. Photosynthesis cannot happen without the presence of
a. Nitrogen di oxide
b. Carbon mono oxide
c. Carbon di oxide
d. Sulphur di oxide

Q20. Predators of the sea have which of the following adaptations?
a. Sharp claws
b. Hollow bones
c. Streamlined bodies
d. Strong molar teeth

Q21. The process of photosynthesis requires which of the following reactants?
a. Water and oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide and water
c. Carbohydrate and water
d. Carbohydrate and oxygen

Q22. The dormant plant inside the seed is called an
a. Embryo
b. Cotyledon
c. Mini Plant
d. Bonsai

Q23. The best way to study the behavior of a tiger for two years is
a. Manual tracking
b. Satellite Tracking Collar
c. Automatic Cameras
d. None of the options given in a, b or c.

Q24. Which among the following are classified as Primary Consumers?
a. Deer
b. Lion
c. Mango Tree
d. Bacteria

Q25. Trophic Level is defined as
a. The position of an organism in the food chain
b. The amount of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
c. The amount of Ozone in the atmosphere
d. The level of salt in the sea.

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