cusat.cuchd.in Chandigarh University Scholarship Admission Test Sample Paper

Name of the Organisation : Chandigarh University
Exam : CUSAT – Chandigarh University Scholarship Admission Test
Document Type : Sample Test Paper
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CUSAT Scholarship Admission Test Sample Paper

** Actual paper will have following number of questions
** English – 10 questions
** Physics – 25 questions

Related / Similar Sample Paper : Chandigarh University Common Entrance Test CUCET Sample Paper

** Chemistry – 25 questions
** Mathematics – 30 questions

Sample Question

Q1. If vectors A, B and C are such that AxB=C, then C is
normal to A only.
normal to B only.
normal to both A and B.
neither normal to A nor to B.

Q2. A car accelerates on a straight road from rest to a speed of 50ms-1 in 25s.The distance covered by the car in this time is

Q3. On being slightly displaced, if the distance between the centre of gravity of a body and the ground remains unchanged, the body is
in stable equilibrium.
in neutral equilibrium.
in unstable equilibrium.
not in equilibrium at all.

Q4. A ball moving to and fro about the lowest point of a smooth hemispherical bowl is able to rise upto a height of 45 cm on either side. Its speed at the lowest point is (g=10ms-2)

Q5. The gain in potential energy of a body of masses M raised from the surface of the Earth to a height equal to radius R of the Earth is


Q7. For a particle executing uniform circular motion
velocity is transverse, acceleration is radial.
velocity is radial, acceleration is transverse.
both velocity and acceleration are transverse.
both velocity and acceleration are radial.

Q8. Consider the Earth moving around the Sun in a circular orbit. Which of the following statements is true?
The Earth does some work while moving in its orbit.
The Earth does no work while moving in its orbit.
The kinetic energy of the Earth changes during the motion.
The potential energy of the Earth changes during the motion.

Q9. In a thermodynamic process, the pressure of a fixed mass of gas is changed in such a manner that the gas releases 20 J of heat and 8J of work is done on the gas. If the initial internal energy of the gas was 30J, the final internal energy is
2 J.
10 J.
18 J.
58 J.

Q10. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0K. AT this temperature which of the following statements is true?
The volume of the gas becomes zero.
The pressure of the gas becomes zero.
The mass of the gas becomes zero.
All the molecular motion ceases.

Q11. The length of a simple pendulum is increased by 44%. Its time period will increases by

Q12. If two simple harmonic waves of the same frequency are superimposed, the resultant wave is
simple harmonic wave of half the frequency.
simple harmonic wave of the same frequency.
simple harmonic wave of double the frequency.
not a simple harmonic wave.

Q13. The electric field inside a charged metallic hollow sphere is
same as that on the surface.
less than that on the surface.
greater than that on the surface.

Q14. An electric charge in uniform motion produces
magnetic field only.
electric field only.
neither electric field nor magnetic field.
both electric field and magnetic field.

Q15. Which of the following statements regarding image formation is true for the laws of reflection?
they hold for plane mirror only.
they hold for convex mirror only.
they hold for concave mirror only.
they hold for all-plane, convex and concave mirrors.

Q16. In a double slit interference pattern, the first maxima for infrared light would
be at the same place as that for the green light.
be farther from the center than that for the green light.
be closer to the center than that for the green light .
not be formed at all as infrared light does not produce interference pattern.

Q17. After two hours (1/16)th of the initial amount of a radioactive specimen remains undecayed. The half life of the specimen is

Q18. When a metallic surface is illuminated with a light of frequency ?, the stopping potential for the photocurrent is 3V. When the same surface is illuminated with light of frequency ?/2, the stopping potential becomes 1V. The threshold frequency for the surface is

Q50. Aniline on heating with Conc. HNO3 and Conc. H2SO4 mixture yields:
O- and p- nitroanilines
P-nitro anilines
A Black tarry matter
O- nitroanilines

Q51. Which of the following reagents is useful is separating aniline form a mixture of aniline and nitrobenzene?
Aqueous NaOH
Aqueous NaHCO3
Aqueous HCl

Q52. Identify the compound ‘C’ in the sequence CH3CNA B C

Q53. Table sugar is a
Disacchoride of D-glucose and D- fructose
A monosaccharide
D- glucose
Disaccharide of two glucose units

Q54. A medicine which promotes secretion of urine is called

Tick the option that is close in meaning to the given expression
Q55. essay
to try
to resign
to write
to propose

Q56. explicit
already quoted

Choose the option that will complete the sentence
Q57. My intention is ____________ my project by June.
to finish

Q58. The argument is centred _______ whether or not to lower the age limit.

Q59. Which of the following is not a reason for the people of Vancouver to eat out?
the city has many restaurants
the food is not very costly
people love eating
people like to spend money on food

Q60. Why does Vancouver offer a variety of food?
its restaurants prepare dishes from different cultures
the country has its distinct style of cooking
the restaurants keep mixing new dishes
the people need different foods at different times


Scholarships worth 5.5 Crores
Flexible options to apply in varied streams
An additional opportunity to improve scores as 60% weightage given to CU –SAT scores and 40% to qualifying examination
Open Window System for flexible examination dates
Assured scholarship of 5% to students scoring above 60% in CU-SAT


** A student who has scored 50% or above in their secondary Education (10+2) from a recognized school (under affiliation of CBSE/ State Board/ICSE or others) at Chandigarh University is eligible to appear in CU-SAT.

About Us

** CU-Scholarship Admission Test is aimed at recognizing the achievements, potential & talent of the students by providing a chance-to-all to win scholarships and study at Chandigarh University in futuristic & cutting-edge courses of their choice.
** The test will be based on the syllabi of concerned qualifying exams and aptitude for that subject. Thus through CU-SAT, Chandigarh University has taken a humble initiative to make world-class education accessible to all sections of society, irrespective of their personal circumstances

Categories: Competitive Exams

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