dcpune.ac.in M.A/M.Phil Entrance Examination Sanskrit & Lexicography Sample Question Paper : Deccan College

Name of the Organization : Deccan College
Name of the Exam : M.A/M.Phil Entrance Examination
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Subject :  Sanskrit & Lexicography
Department : M.A/M.Phil Postgraduate and Research Institute
Website : https://dcpune.ac.in/
Download Model Question Paper :
M.A Sanskrit & Lexicography : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23774-MASANSKRIT.pdf
M.Phil Sanskrit & Lexicography : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23774-MPHILSANSKRIT.pdf

Deccan College M.A/M.Phil Entrance Exam Question Paper

Time: 1.5 Hrs
Marks: 50

Related : Deccan College M.A/M.Phil Entrance Examination AIHC & Archaeology Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/23768.html


i. Full marks for each question are indicated on the right.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Return the answer paper to the supervisor before you leave the Examination Hall.

M.A. in Sanskrit & Lexicography

Section – A

Marks : 20
Tick the correct answer out of the three options.
1. State the number of Veda?gas.
A) Three
B) Five
C) Six

2. Who advocates Advaitavedanta?
A) Sakaracarya
B) Ramanujacarya
C) Madhavacarya

3. Akathithañ ca assigns which Vibhakti?
A) ttya
B) pañcam
C) dvitya

4. What is the number of categories (padarthas) in Nyaya-Vaise?ika system?
A) Three
B) Five
C) Seven

5. Which of the following features is assigned to the sound b ?
A) bilabial
B) velar
C) dental

6. To which category does (padartha) nityasambandhah refer?
A) guna
B) samavaya
C) dravya

7. Who composed Suryasataka ?
A) Mayura
B) Amaru
C) Narayana

8. Which one of the following compounds refers to rajapuruna? ?
A) Karmadharaya
B) Tatpuruna
C) Dvandva

9. Name the poet famous for the figure of speech Upama.
A) Bharthari
B) Kalidasa
C) Dadin

10. Who is the seer of Manala seven of the gveda?
A) Vasiha
B) Vamadeva
C) Atri

11. Which of the following is not a Mahakavya?
A) Raghuvasa
B) Pratima
C) Kumarasabhava

12. How many Prama?as do the Naiyayikas recognize?
A) five
B) six
C) four

13. What does Morphology deals with?
A) Construction of words
B) Construction of sentence
C) Phonemes.

14. Who is the author of N?tisataka?
A) Bharthari
B) Kalidasa
C) Jagannatha

15. Name the author of Uttararamacarita.
A) Bharata
B) Sudraka
C) Bhavabhuti

16. Which Sandhi applies to the word Sarvesa.
A) guna
B) vnddhi
C) yan

17. Name the Brahma?a of the Samaveda.
A) Satapatha
B) Pañcavisa
C) Gopatha

18. Who is the author of Kavyaprakasa?
A) Visvanatha
B) Mammaa
C) Bharata

19. Name the author of the Slokavarttika.
A) Prabhakara
B) Sabarasvamin
C) Kumarilabhanna

20. How many Adhyayas does Bhagavatg?ta contain?
A) 18
B) 19
C) 20

Section – B

Marks : 20
Write short notes on (any two):
1. Brahmaa Literature
2. Bhasa
3. Annadhyayi
4. Bharata and his work

Answer key

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. A

M.Phil in Sanskrit and Lexicography

Section – A

Q.1. A. Tick to correct option Marks-20
1. The Maalas of the gveda are
A. 20
B. 10
C. 18

2. Priest related to the Samaveda is
A. Hot
B. Adhvarya
C. Udgat

3. The distinction Madhyandina and Ka?va belongs to
A. Sahita
B. Samasahita
C. Vajasaneyi Sathita

4. Epithet Maghavan refers to
A. Indra
B. Agni
C. Varuna

5. Akasa is the Vikti of the Tanmatra
A. Rasa
B. Gandha
C. Sabda

6. The Nirvikalpaka and Savikalpaka is
A. Upamana
B. Sabda
C. Pratyaka

7. Advocate of Visiadvaita Philosophy is
A. Anandatirtha
B. Nimbarka
C. Ramanuja

8. What is the Pada of Vedapurua
A. Sika
B. Nirukta

9. Aptavakya is
B. Upamana
C. Upadesa

10. Canakya has composed
B. Kavyasastra
C. Arthasastra

11. Gandha is the Guna of
A. Pirthvi
B. Tejas
C. Vayu

12. Panini indicates Dhatu by
A. Sup
B. Tin
C. Taddhita

13. The Upaninad related to the story of Yajñavalkya is
A. Aitareya
B. Kena
C. Bnhadaranyaka

14. Author of Saundarananda is
A. Asvaghona
B. Buddhaghona
C. Knemendra

15. Hero of Svapnavasavadatta is
A. Udayana
B. Yaugandharayana
C. Vasantaka

Section – B

Q.1. B. Write short notes on (any two) -) Marks-20
1. Upaniads
2. Bhasa
3. Srautasutras
4. B?hatsahita

Answer keys

1 B
2 C
3 C
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 C
8 C
9 A
10 C
11 A
12 A
13 C
14 A
15 A
16 C
17 A
18 A
19 C
20 A

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