dcpune.ac.in M.A/M.Phil Entrance Examination Linguistics Sample Question Paper : Deccan College

Name of the Organization : Deccan College
Name of the Exam : M.A/M.Phil Entrance Examination
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Subject : M.A. in Linguistics
Department : M.A/M.Phil Postgraduate and Research Institute
Website : https://dcpune.ac.in/
Download Model Question Paper :
M.A Linguistics : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23763-MALNG.pdf
M.Phil Linguistics : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23763-MPhilLNG.pdf

Deccan College M.A/M.Phil Entrance Linguistics Question Paper

Time: 1.5 Hrs
Marks: 50

Related : Deccan College MPHIL Entrance General Aptitude Test Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/23756.html


i. Full marks for each question are indicated on the right.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Return the answer paper to the supervisor before you leave the Examination Hall.

M.A. in Linguistics Sample paper

Section – A

Circle the appropriate option. – MARKS : 20
1. Natural language is defined as:
a) a language that is acquired without instruction by human
b) language that can be learned by animals
c) language that is created for a specific purpose
d) none of the above

2. According to you, which of the following statements holds true about a linguist?
a) a linguist is someone who is good at speaking and learning a foreign language.
b) a linguist is someone who studies and teaches linguistics or does research in language(s).
c) a linguist is someone who knows many languages.
d) none of the above.

3. Esperanto is—————–
a) a term that stands for the Spanish language
b) an artificial International language
c) an extinct language
d) a form of Latin American language

4. Identify the odd one from the words given :
a) language
b) tongue
c) speech
d) word

5. Identify the word that cannot be used to fill in the following sentence:
Due to the background —————— nothing can be heard.
a) voice
b) audio
c) phone
d) noise

6. Identify the part of speech of the word tall in the sentence John is tall:
a) verb
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) noun

7. Sounds in a language are generally classified into———————.
a) vowels and consonants
b) monophthongs and diphthongs
c) clusters and geminates
d) aspirated and unaspirated

8. In human history ——————.
a) writing appeared before speech
b) speech appeared before writing
c) speech and writing appeared together
d) various places had various sequences of speech and writing

9. Which of the following is not a Schedule language?
a) Bengali
b) Bodo
c) Malayalam

10. Paninian grammar was written for —————.
a) Prakrit
b) Pali
c) Sanskrit
d) Apabhramsha

11. How many language families are generally held to be there in India?
a) one
b) two
c) five
d) ten

12. Which script is used for Hindi?
a) romani
b) Brahmi
c) Devnagari
d) nandinagari

13. The author of the Sanskrit grammatical treatise Ashtadhyayi was———-.
a) Vasishtha
c) Patanjali
d) Panini

14. Which language has the highest number of speakers in India?
a) Bengali
b) Marathi
c) Telugu
d) Hindi

15. How many languages are listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution?
a) 27
b) 21
c) 22
d) 24

16. Approximately, how many languages are spoken all over the world?
a) 6,000
b) 9,000
c) 4,000

17. Dahi ‘curd’ in Hindi is—————-.
a) masculine
b) feminine
c) neuter
d) first two

18. Kokborok is a tribal language spoken in—————–.
a) Andhra Pradesh
b) Maharashtra
c) Tripura
d) Madhya Pradesh

19. Find the correctly spelt word.
a) bouquete
b) bouquette
c) bouquet
d) boqquet

20. Identify the set of languages which are most closely related to each other:
a) Persian, English, Hindi
b) Hindi, Bangla, Marathi
c)Marathi, Konkani, Tamil
d) Kannada, Telugu, Santhali

Section – B

Answer each of the following questions in a single sentence. 10 MARKS
1. What is meant by grammar?
2. What is meant by language family?
3. What is bilingualism/ multilingualism?
4. Which is the most populous language family of India?
5. According to the Indian constitution, what is the status of the Hindi language in India?
6. What is a sign language?
7. What is a dictionary?

8. Sometimes there can be more than one meaning of a sentence. Now read the sentences below and write the two meanings for each of the sentences given:
The chicken is ready to eat.
Flying plane can be dangerous.

9. Most languages have ways to form passive voice from active voice. Change the voice of the active sentence given below:
I broke the glass

10. Why is it easier to learn a new language as a child than as an adult?

Section – C

Write a short essay on any one of the following. 20 MARKS
1. Give a general account of the linguistic situation in India and relate it to the issue in school education.
2. Describe how formal training in Linguistics will enhance your career prospects.

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