University of Hyderabad M. Phil Economics Model Question Paper 2017

Name of the University : University of Hyderabad
Exam : Entrance Examinations
Degree : M. Phil.
Subject : Economics
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2017
Website : http://igmlnet.uohyd.ac.in:8000/question-papers.htm
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UOH Economics Entrance Exam Question Paper

** Download Entrance Examination M. Phil. Model Question Paper from the above PDF links.

Related : University of Hyderabad M. Phil Comparative Literature Model Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/23504.html

Instructions For The Candidate

** There are three sections to answer. There are TWELVE pages to this question paper.
** Sections A and B consist of multiple-choice questions. Answer sections A and B in the OMR sheet provided to you.

** Section A consists of 25 questions (1 to 25). Each question carries one mark. There is negative marking for this section. 0.33 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
** Section B consists of 25 questions (26 to 50). Each question carries one mark. There is no negative marking for wrong answers in this section.

** Section C consists of essay’type questions. Answer Section C in the separate answer book provided to you.

Section A

Marks : 25
English Proficiency
Iviark The Correct Answers In The Omr Sheet Provided To You.
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option given below.
She flew the country vacation last year.
a. about – on
b. around-on
c. about – in
d. around – in

2. Choose the right sentence from-the options given belcw.
a. There is ptenty of opportunity to learn online.
b. There are plenty of opportunity to learn online.
c. There is plenty of opportunities to learn online.
d. There are plenty of opportunities to leam online.

3. Read the sentences below and choose the right sequence. The first sentence has been placed for you.

Sentence 1. During the Cold War normal relations between Korea and China were nonexistent.
i. Letters and telephone calls were also out of the question.
ii. Yet, table tennis stars Ahu and cho still connected.
iii. And in 1989, Cho and Ahu reunited in Sweden and got married.
iv. Personal visits between the two countries were not possible.
v. As leading athletes they kept meeting at international competitions.
a. iv, i, ii, v, iii
D. 11, lv, I, v, lll
c. i, iv, ii, v, iii
d. iv, ii, v, iii, i

4. Identify the odd expression:
a. alone together
b. living dead
c. silent scream
d. clearly understood

5. “When the repeat offender stood in front of the court, the judge asked him if he had a predilection for getting into trouble.”
‘Predilection’ in.this context means: –
a. forecast
b. inclination
c. predestined
d. influence

6. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
To refurbish a room at no expense at all, little is needed but imagination and a free weekend.
a. wrist
b. hand
c. elbow
d. palm

7. complete the sentence below with the right expression from the options.
It’s always better to tell the truth;
a. lies have a nasty habit of catching up with you.
b. lies have a nasty habit of catching up of you.
c. lies have a nasty habit of catching in with you.
d. lies have a nasty habit of catching up on you.

8. Fill in the blank with the right expression from the choices given below. If you are with our products, you could contact us within seven days, and we shall affange for collection and refund your money in full.
a. not completely satisfied
b. not completely satisfactory
c. not completely satisffing
d. not satisfied completely

9. Fili in the blank with the right expression from the choices given below.
As you the technology on the inside matches the elegance of the exterior.
a. expect
b. would expect
c. are expecting
d. have expected

10. Choose the correct sentence:
a. No sooner had I fallen asleep than the neighbour’s dog started barking.
b. I no sooner fell asleep than the neighbour’s dog started barking.
c. I had no sooner fallen asleep than the neighbour’s dog had started barking.
d. I no sooner had fel! asleep than the neighbour’s dog started barking.

11. Read the nervspaper passage belovr and answer the question that follows.
The UK govemment is hoping that the extra investment will improve the housing situation. Britain with her increasing population builds fewer new houses than are needed, with a shortfall of 100,000 ayear according to Shelter, a housing charity. The result is a boom in house prices that has made owning a home unaffordable for ffidny, especially in London arid the south of England. Key public sector workers, such as nurses and teachers, are among those affected.

What would be an appropriate heading to this news item?
a. housing to be more affordable
b. public sector workers’ woes
c. how to improve housing situation
d. owning a home

12. Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
“After all her hard work, Sarah was disappointed when the result revealed 6.5 band in her IELTS exam.’?
a. unfortunately
b. painfully
c. bitterly
d. deliberately

13. Which of the following sentences is the most appropriate in academic writing?
a. Because she had decided something, she had to suffer the consequences which were adverse.
b. Her decision caused her adverse consequences.
c. As she had decided something, she had to suffer the consequences which were adverse.
d. Because she had decided something, she had to suffer adverse consequences.

14. which sequence of sentences given below makes the text coherent?
i. .The owner of the spa claimed he was unaware of the danger as he could not ” understand the engineer’s report on the operation of the pool.
ii” In particular, operating instructions and descriptions of the capabilities and limitations of their products should be communibated in clear and not overtly technical language. t
iii. Engineers need to pay attention to the need for.clarity when communicating with clients.
iv. Accidents of this sort clearly demonstrate the dangers of overestimating a client’s ability to deal with tbchnical language and place an obligation on the engineering. professional to avoid misunderstandings.
v. In a recent incident a young girl was drowned in a spa when suction from the pump trapped her at’the bottom of the pool.
a. iii, ii, v, i, iv
b. iii, i,.iv, ii, v
c. i, v, ii, iii, v
d. i, iii, ii, v, iv

15; Which of the following sentences is not correct?
a. Carers need to provide a stimulating environment, and this only occurs when play materials, books and interesting articles are available to children.
b. Although carers need to provide a stimulating environment, this only occurs when materials, books and interesting articles are available to children.
c. Carers need to provide a stimulating environment, however this only occurs when materials, books and interesting articles are available to children.
d. Carers need to provide a stimulating environment. However, this only occurs when materials, books and interesting articles are available to children.

Section B

Research Aptitude And Content-Based Questions :
Marks : 25
Mark The Correct Answers In The Omr Sheet Provided To You.
26. Abase in morphology is
a. Any item to which affixation can take place
b. The root
c. An undecomposable item
d. A morpheme

27. Which of the following’statements are true?
i. Affricates are a”cbmbination of plosives and fricatives
ii. Nasals have closure similar to plosives
iii. There are eight fricatives in RP
iv. ljl and lwlare liquids
a. i and ii
b. i and iii
c. ii and iv
d. i and iv

28. In the sentence “The children found the story fascinating ,” fascinating is
a. The direct object
b. indirect object
c. complement of the verb
d. complement of the noun

29.Inthe sentence, ‘iMary was a good person and a good singer,” the word good exemplifies an instance of:
a. homonymy
b. homophony
c. polysemy
d’ synonymy

30. The sentence “John ran into the man wearing a blue shirt” is an example of
a. lexical ambiguity
b. structural ambiguity
c. anaphora
d. cataphora

31. Language variation as a result of social class is known as:
a. isogloss
b. heteroglossia
c. sociolect
d. slang
32. Which of these are properties of human language?
i. We can use language to think and talk lbout language itself.
ii. Language allows its users to think and talk about events not present in the immediate environment.
iii. The potential number of utterances in any human language is finite.
iv. Humans are born with some kind of predisposition to acquire language.
a. All of the above
b. i and ii
c. i, iii, and iv
d. i, ii and iv

33. Recent studies on bilingualism have found that it…
a. causes confusion in the language development of children.
b. has a positive effect on children’s cognitiVe development.
c. has a negative effect on children’s cognitive development.
d. results in children scoring lower than monolingual children on intelligence tests.

34. a. Would you mind if I see you later?
b. Leave me alone.
c. Get out!
d. Watch out!

a. class difference’s
b. language ancl culture
c. culture
d. gender

36. TESOL stands for…
a. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languageg
b. Teaching English as a Second and Other Language
c. Teaching English as a Special and Occupational Languuge
d. Teaching English to Students of Other Languages

37. Blended leaming refers to…
a. a combination of print and electronic materials
b. a combination of face-to-face and online teaching
c. computer-mediated learning
d. computer-assisted language learning .

38. Communicative competence refers to…
i. grammatical knowledge
ii. social knowledge about how and when to use language appropriately.
a. Both (i) and (ii)
b. (ii) only
c. (i) only
d. Neither (i) nor (ii) ‘

39. Language syllabus design is influenced by..
a. the characteristics of the students
b. the teaching context
c. the teacher’s beliefs about teaching and learning
d. all of the above

40. Which of the following is not an advantage of authentic materials?
a, Exposing learners to real language
b. Providing information about target culture
c. Maintaining natural coherence and cohesion of text
d. Language being beyond learner competence

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