University of Hyderabad M. Phil Comparative Literature Model Question Paper 2017

Name of the University : University of Hyderabad
Exam : Entrance Examinations
Degree : M. Phil.
Subject : Comparative Literature
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2017
Website : http://igmlnet.uohyd.ac.in:8000/question-papers.htm
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UOH Comparative Literature Entrance Question Paper

** Download Entrance Examination M. Phil. Model Question Paper from the above PDF links.

Related : University of Hyderabad M. Phil Applied Linguistics Model Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/23497.html

Instructions For The Candidate

i) Write your Hall Ticket Number on the OMR Answer Sheet given to ~!ou. Also write the hall Ticket Number in the space provided above.
ii) Answers are to be marked on the OMR Answer Sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
iii) Handover the OMR Answer Sheet at the end of the Examination to the Invigilator.

iv) No additional sheet will be provided. Rough work can be done in the question paper itself or in the space provided at the end of the booklet.
v) The question paper contains 10 pages including this page and the questions are of objective type. Only the question paper maybe taken away by the candidate at the end of the examination.


1) What number should fill the blank in the series: U32, V29, _, X23, Y20.
A. W26
B. WI7
C. ZI7
D. Z26

2) Which does not belong with the others:
A. Inch.
B. Ounce
C. Centimeter
D. Yard

3) Identify the appropriate course(s) of action if a large number of people die every year due to drinking polluted water during the summer:
I) The government should make adequate arrangements to provide safe drinking water.
II) The people should be educated about the dangers of drinking polluted water.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Neither I nor II
D. Both I & II

4) Three pencils cost the same as two erasers. Four erasers cost the same as one ruler. Pencils are more expensive than rulers. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is_.
A. True
B. False
C. Uncertain
D. Unknown

5) A jar of jelly beans contains more red beans than green. There are more yellow beans than red. The jar contains fewer yellow beans than green ones. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Uncertain
D. Unknown

Choose a term that best suits the following statements to answer questions 6 to 14 :
6) The structure of a story; the sequence in which the author arranges events in a story; the structure of a five-act play often includes the rising action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution:
A. Pathetic Fallacy
B. Verisimilitude
C. Allusion
D. Plot

7) A statement which can contain two or more meanings:
A. Ambiguity
B. Anecdote
C. Epigraph
D. Foil

8) The contrast is between the literal meaning of what is said and what is meant.
A. Oxymoron
B. Analogy
C. Verbal Irony
D. Juxtaposition

9) The use of angry and insulting language:
A. Jargon
B. Invective
C. Malapropism
D. Mood

10) A device in literature where an object represents an idea:
A. Narrator
B. Parody
C. Symbolism
D. Theme

11) A statement which lessens or minimizes the importance of what is meant:
A. Verisimilitude
B. Understatement
C. Colloquialism
D. Hyperbole

12) A purification of emotions in literature or art:
A. Catharsis
B. Colloquialism
C. Vernacular
D. Foil

13) Unintentional use of an inappropriate word similar in sound to the appropriate word, often with humorous effect:
A. Naturalism
B. Modernism
c. Malapropism
D. Postmodernism

14) A play on words wherein a word is used to convey two meanings at the same time:
A. Pun
B. Satire
C. Hyperbole
D. Paradox

Read the following passage and answer questions 20-25:
Plato, the famous Greek philosopher, taught that the things ofthe world around us are merely copies or “shadows” of greater, eternal realities. He used a metaphor of people living inside a cave to convey his ideas. The people inside the cave could not see the world outside the cave, they could only see shadows of people and animals as they passed by. Plato was suggesting that the shadows would seem very real and alive to the people inside the cave, because that was all they had ever seen of the outside world. But these shadows were not the real, living creatures of the outside world, they were merely reflections of them. Plato’s point was that this temporal world is a _ of some greater, eternal reality.
20) The word that would most accurately fits the blank at the end of the second paragraph is:
A. Picture
B. Contradiction
C. Corruption
D. Reversal

21) The underlined word convey, as used in this passage, most accurately means_.
A. Give birth to
B. Rationalize
C. Experiment
D. Explain

22) What is the main idea of Plato’s cave analogy?
A. This world is not all there is.
B. Mankind cannot hope to see the truth.
C. Humans are stupid.
D. Real things cast shadows.

23) The author’s purpose in this passage is to:
A. Refute Plato’s philosophy.
B. Explain Plato’s philosophy.
C. Convince the reader that life is like a cave.
D. Entertain the reader.

24) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Life in a Cave
C. Making Shadow Puppets
B. Plato’s Cave Analogy
D. Is There Life After Death?

25) The underlined word temporal, as used in the passage, most nearly means:
A. Hot
B. Right-handed
C. Old-fashioned
D. Temporary


41) In Quran, the God’s word is bestowed to humans in _.
A. Persian
B. Arabic
C. Hebrew
D. Urdu

42) In the high-textual tradition of India, name two texts that have been transformed into many versions through translations in many languages.
A. Upanishads and Vedas
C. Ramayana and Mahabharata
B. Mahabharata and Manusmriti
D. Ramayana and Manusmriti

43) Which is the most translated text in the world?
A. Arabian Nights
B. Bible
C. Gita
D. Quran

44) NTM, a Government of India sponsored project, is in its expanded form:
A. Natiopal Transformation Movement
C. National and Transnational Migrations
B. National Translation Mission
D. National Treasure and Monuments

45) Which of the following statements are agreeable?
A. Translating Dalit Literatures into English gives it wider visibility.
B. Translating Dalit Literatures into English homogenizes differences.
C. Translating Dalit Literatures into English gives it a certain power.
D. All of the above.

46) Amir Khusrow, the famous medieval poet wrote in _.
A. Hindi
B. Urdu
C. Persian
D. Arabic

47) Lal Ded, one of the most famous women mystic poets of medieval period is from_.
A. Kashmir
B. Haryana
C. Rajasthan
D. Uttar Pradesh

48) Post-colonialism largely drew from Edward Said’s seminal work_.
A. Nation and Narration
C. The Wretched of the Earth
B. Orientalism
D. Colonial Imagination

49) “One is not born a woman” is the famous line from _.
A. The Second Sex
C. The Feminine Mystique
B. A Room of One’s Own
D. The Colour Purple

50) “Womanism,” an alternate to dominant white feminism was a concept put forward by:
A. Toni Morrison B. Alice Walker C. Maya Angelou D. Angela Davies
51) The Rasa theory is taken from .
A. Abhinava Bharathi
C. Dhvanyaloka
B. Abhinaya Darpana
D. Natya Shastra

52) What best defines “Indian Literature”?
A. Indian English Literature.
B. Literatures in Sanskrit and Hindi.
C. Literatures in aU languages of India including English.
D. Literatures in all languages excluding English.

53) The collective “Subaltern Studies” attempts to write history _.
A. From above
B. From below
C. Of Europe
D. Of the world

54) Whose English translation of Omar Khayyam’ s Rubaiyat is quite famous?
A. A.F. Andrews
C. Marshal McLuhan
B. Edward Fitzgerald
D. Robert Fitzgerald

55) “Stri Purush Tulana” is a treatise by _.
A. Savitri Bai Phule
B. Mukuta Bai
C. Tara Bai Shinde
D. Pandita Ramabai

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