University of Hyderabad M. Phil Anthropology Entrance Examination Question Paper 2017 : igmlnet.uohyd.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Hyderabad
Exam : Entrance Examinations
Degree : M. Phil.
Subject : Anthropology
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Year : 2017
Website : http://igmlnet.uohyd.ac.in:8000/question-papers.htm
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UOH Anthropology Entrance Exam Question Paper

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Related : University of Hyderabad Ph.D. English Entrance Exam Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11513.html


(1) Read these instructions carefully before answering.
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(3) This question paper contains 13 pages.
(4) This Question paper has two parts, viz., Part-A for 40 marks and Part-B for 40 marks.
(5) Questions must be answered in the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
(6) Candidates are permitted to take this question paper at the end of the examination.

Part -A

Reserch Methodology

1. Which of the following is not true of qualitative research?
A. It has the ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue.
B. Qualitative methods are effective in recognizing intangible factors, such as social norms, gender roles, ethnicity, and religion, etc.
C. Qualitative research can hardly help to interpret or better understand the complex reality of a given situation and the implications of quantitative data.
D. Findings from qualitative data can often be extended to people with characteristics similar to those in the study population after a rich and complex understanding of a specific social context.

2. Which of the following is a qualitative method:
A. Participant observation
B. Personal history
D. All the above

3. Which of the following is true?
A. The degree of flexibility built into study design is a characteristic of qualitative research method.
B. The degree of flexibility built into study design is a characteristic of quantitative research method
C. Hardly any flexibility in the study design is possible both in the qualitative and quantitative research methods.
D. Degree of flexibility depends on the topic of research than the approach to research.

4. Quantitative and qualitative research methods differ primarily in:
1. analytical objectives
11. types of questions they pose
111. types of data collection instruments they use
IV. the forms of data they produce
A. i & iv
B. ii & iii
C. i, ii & iii
D. All four

5. As part of the ethics of social research, the researcher is expected to tell the respondents:
1. the purpose of the research
11. expected risks and benefits, including psychological and social
111. the fact that participation is voluntary and that one can withdraw at any time with no negative repercussions
IV. how confidentiality will be protected
A. i, ii & iii
B. ii, iii & iv
C. iii & iv only
D. All four

6. Thematic analysis of data is associated with
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Both qualitative and quantitative research
D. Clinical research

7. Triangulation is
A. Suggested sitting arrangement in group interviews.
B. One method for increasing validity of findings, through deliberately seeking evidence from a wide range of sources and comparing findings from those different sources.
C. A statistical test for establishing cause-effect relationship
D. Recording of data using different devices.

8. Content analysis is very common for
A. Identifying gaps in information provided by the respondents
B. Identifying inconsistent statements on data relating to economic status
C. Identifying themes and for views on each theme in a qualitative research
D. Identifying data entry mistakes in quantitative data

9. A study of tsunami survivors’ perceptions, understandings, and perspectives of the tsunami may be more appropriately called:
A. Flashback study
B. Linear study
C. Phenomenology study
D. Perception study

10. The scientific method is
A. Common sense
B. Testable and verifiable
C. Revelation
D. Traditional wisdom



41. The theory of ‘cultural materialism’ is associated with
A. Leslie A. White
B. L. H. Morgan
C. R.R. Marrett
D. Marvin Harris

42. One of the following is not an evolutionist
A. Leslie A. White
B. Gordon Childe
C. Stephen Tyler
D. Julian H. Steward

43. Band organization is typical of
A. hunting-gathering societies
B. agricultural societies
C. Fishing communities
D. urban societies

44. ‘enculturation’ is a term used in cultural anthropology as a substitute for
A. acculturation
B. transculturation
C. socialization
D. assimilation

45. The idea of ‘psychic unity of mankind’ is associated with
A. E.B. Tylor
B. Theodor Waitz
C. Adolf Bastian
D. J.J. Bachofen

46. The theory of ‘configurationalism’ influenced the development of
A. Culture and personality theory
B. diffusionism
C. Cognitive anthropology
D. Functionalism

47. According to Ocsar Lewis one of the following statements is not correct
A. Poverty is a way of life
B. Poverty is self-perpetuating
C. Poverty is mainly due to attitudes
D. poverty is due to politico-economic structures

48. The term kulturkreis refers to
A. culture area
B. culture circle
C. culture core
D. culture centre

49. Which of the following are examples of youth dormitory?
1. Tharawad
11. Dhumkhuria
111. Morung
IV. Ghotul
A. I, ii, iii are correct
B. ii, iii, iv are correct
C. iii, iv, i are correct
D. iv, I, ii are correct

50. Identify the correct sequence in ascending order of complexities.
A. Tribe- Chiefdom-State-Band
B. Chiefdom-State-Band-tribe
C. Band-chiefdom-tribe – State
D. Band-Tribe-Chiefdom-State

51. Who considered tribal people as backward Hindus?
A. V.Elwin
B. G.S.Ghurey
C. K.S singh
D. lHutton

52. Who among the following studied Indian village?
1. M.N. Srinivas
11. Milton Singer
111. Robert Redfield
IV. S.C Dube
A. i, and ii, are correct
B. ii, iii, are correct
C. iii, iv, are correct
D. iv, i, are correct

53. The book written by Me Kim Marriott is
A. India’s’ changing villages
B. Indian village
C. Village India
D. India’s villages

54. Who among the following studied an Indian tribe?
A. Radcliffe Brown
B. B. Malinowski
C. Evans Pritchard
D. ELeach

55. In Mahalwari revenue system in colonial period, the tax was imposed on
A. The landlord and his tenants
B. The individual landowner
C. The village community
D. All the above

56. Who said Indian village communities are little republics?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Sir Charles Metcalf
C. Sir Thomas Monroe
D. Edgar Powel Paul

57. Who said, jajmani system is “a feudalistic system of prescribed, hereditary obligations of payment and of occupational and ceremonial duties between two or more specific families of different castes in the same locality”?
A. Sir Charles Metcalf
B. Thomas 0 Beidelman
C. William Wiser
D. Louis Dumont

58. According to Dumont and Pocock, the role of Hindu king is
A. Supreme of all citizens
B. Subordinated to the priest
C. Secular and Religious head
D. All the above

59. Occupational theory of caste system was proposed by
A. Herbert Risley
B. Denzil Ibbetson
C. John Nesfield
D. Robert Clive

60. Universalization of a tradition means
A. Downward movement of religious material or values – Great tradition to Little tradition
B. Upward movement of religious material or values – Little tradition to Great tradition
C. Neither upward nor downward movement of the religious material
D. None of the above

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