lib.pondiuni.edu.in M.Sc Applied Geology Sample Question Paper : Pondicherry University

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Exam : Entrance Examination
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Applied Geology
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Pondicherry University Entrance Exam Question Paper

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M Sc Applied psychology

1 A teacher offers her student a reward after a gap of each 15 days. This is an example of ______ reinforcement schedule.
Fixed interval
Fixed ratio
Intermittent ratio
Intermittent interval

2 Unconditional positive regard is part of what therapy?
Gestalt therapy
client-centered therapy

3 Selective breeding for desirable characteristics is called:-
adaptive behavior

4 In a study of effects of alcohol on driving ability, the control group should be given:-
a driving test before and after drinking alcohol
one-half the dosage given the experimental group
a high dosage of alcohol
no alcohol at all

5 Emotional Intelligence is:-
The ability to recognise and control one’s own and others’ emotions
The emotional reaction that occurs when completing an intelligence test
Knowledge of emotional states
The ability to feign emotions when necessary

6 Which need is on top of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

7 The first theory of intelligence was developed by:-
Terman and Wechsler
Stanford and Binet
Binet and Simon

8 The Animal Mind, which serves as an impetus for behaviourism was published by:-
Ivan Pavlov
Margaret Washburn
Leta Hollingworth
John B. Watson

9 In passive euthanasia:-
death is allowed but not caused
drugs are administered to hasten death
a person’s body is frozen upon death
body temperature is lowered to delay death

10 Learning approach in psychology was developed by:-
Sigmund Freud

11 According to Freud, the key to mental health is:-
an overpowering superego
an unrestrained id
dominance of the pleasure principle
balance among mental processes

12 Perception of pitch can best be explained by:-
Frequency Theory
Place theory
Both Place and frequency theory
Colour theories

13 Yi Fu Tuan is a personality related to:-
Cognitive psychology
Clinical psychology
Environmental psychology
Industrial Psychology

14 The full form for SPSS is:-
Social Processing through Statistical Science
Statistical Package for Social Science
Sustained Product for Statistical Studies
Short Package for Statistical Studies

15 In psychoanalysis, an emotional attachment to the therapist that symbolically represents other important relationships is called:-

16 Which of the following is the best example of covert behaviour?
remembering a pleasant experience
imitating a friend’s gesture
blinking in response to a light
rapid eye movements while sleeping

17 Kinsey maintained that sexual orientation:-
Should be viewed as an either-or distinction
Depends on normalities and abnormalities in the amygdala
Should be viewed as a continuum
Depends on early classical conditioning experiences

The first intelligence test was developed by:-
Binet and Simon
Stanford and Binet
Terman and Wechsler

19 Mental development includes:-
External organs
Physical maturity
Reasoning and thinking
Internal organs

20 How is psychology defined today?
The science of understanding abnormal behviour
The science of behaviour and mental processes
The study of motivation, emotion, personality, adjustment and abnormality
The science of mind

21 Spearman’s g refers to:-
spearman’s theory of intelligence
the common element in all cognitive tests
a method of factor analysis devised by spearman
a statistic devised by spearman as an index of intelligence

22 The two factor theory of motivation was proposed by:-

23 .__________ is a technique involving surgical alteration of the brain.
Deep ECT
Psychic surgery
Ablation lesioning

24 The brain stem comprises:-
Cerebellum, Medulla Oblongata, and Basal Ganglia
Pons, Basal Ganglia, and Reticular Formation
Medulla Oblongata, Pons, and Cerebellum
Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and Reticular Formation

25 A form of therapy that encourages one to become aware of emotions in the “here and now” and to rebuild thinking, feeling, and acting into connected wholes is:-
Transactional analysis
Non-directive therapy
Existential therapy
Gestalt therapy

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