GAIIT Classes Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search Exam 2018 Class XI PMT Sample Paper

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Exam : Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search Exam 2018
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : XI
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GAIIT Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search Question Paper

Dainik Jagran Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search – 2018 Sample Papers

Related : GAIIT Classes Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search 2018 Class XII PMT Sample Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/23282.html

General Instructions

Time :- 2 Hours
Full Marks :- 225
2251 This question booklet contains 75 questions. Divided into three sections Section A, Section B and Section C.
2 Each section contains 25 multiple choice questions as well as multiple choice question. Choose the most appropriate option.
3 Each question carrries 3 marks, for each correct answer the student will be awarded 3 marks, zero if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.

4 The OMR will be graded by machine so do not fold or make any stray marks on the OMR sheet.
5 The bubbles on the OMR sheet should be filled completely with black ball pen. Do not hard press the pen on the OMR sheet.
6 Fill the required details in the OMR sheet. Incomplete OMR sheets will not be considered for evaluation.

XI Sample Paper – PMT

Section – A

1. The displacement of a body is given by 2s = gt2 where g is a constant. The velocity of the body at any time t is
(a) gt
(b) gt/2
(c) gt2/2
(d) gt3/6

2. Two forces 6 N and 3 N are acting on the 2 blocks of 2 Kg and 1 kg kept on frictionaless floor. What is the force excerted on 2 kg block by 1 kg block?
(a) 1 N
(b) 2 N
(c) 4 N
(d) 5 N

3. A force F = t is applied to block A as shown in figure. The force applied at t = 0 sec when the system was at rest and string is just taut without tension. Which of the following graphs give the friction force between B and horizontal surface as a function of time ‘t’

4. A spring when stretched by 2 mm its potential energy becomes 4 J. it is stretched by 100 mm, its potential energy is equal to
(a) 4 J
(b) 54 J
(c) 415 J
(d) 100 J

5. In a circus, stuntman rides a motorbike in a circular track of radius R in the vertical plane the minimum speed at highest point of track will be
(a) 2 ????
(b) 2 Rg
(c) 3 ????
(d) none of these

6. If the net external force acting on a system is zero, then the centre of mass,
(a) may accelerate
(b) must not accelerate
(c) must not move
(d) cannot be predicted

8. A solid iron ball A of radius r collides head on with another stationary solid iron ball B of radius 2r. the ratio of their speeds just after the collision (e = 0.5) is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1

10. A boy sitting firmly over a rotating stod has his arms folded. If he stretches his arms, his angular momentum about the axis of rotation
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unchanged
(d) connot be predicted

11. A particle moves with a constant velocity parallel to the Y – axis. Its angular momentum about the origin
(a) is zero
(b) goes an increasing
(c) goes on decreases
(d) remains constant

12. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a solid cylinder, all having equal mass and radius, are placed at the top of an incline and released, the friction co-efficients between the object and the incline are equal but not sufficient to allow pure rolling. Greatest time will be taken in reaching the follow by
(a) the solid sphere
(b) the hollow sphere
(c) the solid cylinder
(d) all will take same time

14. The viscous force is equal to (symbols have their usual meamings)
(a) 6prv
(b) 6p?rv
(c) 3p?v
(d) 6p?v

15. A body executing SHM passes through its equilibrium. At this instant, it has
(a) Maximum potential energy
(b) Maximum kinetic energy
(c) Minimum Kinetic energy
(d) Maximum acceleration

16. A particle performing SHM on the y-axis according to eqn = A + B sin ?t. Its amplitude is
(a) A
(b) B
(c) A + B
(d) ??2+??2

17. A perdulum clock that keeps correct time on the earth is taken to the moon. It will seen
(a) at correct rate
(b) 6 times faster
(c) 6 times faster
(d) 6 times slower

Section – B

1. 4.4 g of CO2 and 2.24 lt of H2 and mixed in a container. The total no. of molecules present in the container
(a) 6.022 x 1023
(b) 1.2044 x 1023
(c) 6.023 x 1026
(d) 6.023 x 1024

2. Which of the following has greatest no. of atoms?
(a) 1 g of C4H10
(b) 1 g of N2
(c) 1 g of (Ag)
(d) 1 g of H2O

3. The no. of nodal plane in Px orbital is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

4. Ionisation energy of He+ is 19.6 x 10-18 J/atom. The energy of first stationary state (n = 1) of Li2+ is
(a) -2.2 x 10-15 J/atom
(b) 8.82 x 10-17 J/atom
(c) 4.41 x 10-16 J/atom
(d) -4.41 x 10-17 atom

5. The Boyle temperature of three gases are given in the table Ethene 735 K Oxygen 400 K Hydrgoen 110 K If the compressibility factor was measured at 400 K, the gases are
(a) I – ethene, II oxygen, III hydrogen
(b) I – hydrogen, II ethene, III oxygen
(c) I hydrogen, II oxygen, III ethene
(d) I oxygen, II ethene, III hydrogen

6. Which of the following exhibites weakest intermolecular forces?
(a) NH3
(b) HCI
(c) He
(d) H2O

7. An example of extensive property is
(a) Temperature
(b) internal energy
(c) viscosity
(d) molar heat capacity

8. For the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) ? 2HI(g), The equilibrium constant Kp changes with
(a) total pressure
(b) catalyst
(c) amount of H2 & I2 taken
(d) Temperature

9. Which of the following salt when dissolved in water will hydrolyse
(a) NaCl
(b) KCI
(c) NH4CI
(d) Na2SO4

10. Oxidation no. of Mn in KMnO4
(a) +4
(b) +7
(c) -4
(d) +3

Section – C

1. When a potted planet was cut few inches above soil, then water oozed out of the cut part. It was due to
(a) transpiration
(b) root pressure
(c) capillary
(d) none of above.

2. Path of water movement from soil to xylem is :
(a) metaxylem -> protoxylem -> cortex -> soil -> root hair
(b) cortex -> root hair -> endodermis -> pericycle -> protoxylem -> metaxylem
(c) soil -> root hair -> cortex -> endodermis -> pericycle -> protoxylem -> metaxylem
(d) pericycle -> soil -> root hair -> cortex -> endodermis -> protoxylem -> metaxylem.

3. Active transport of elements across the cell membrane requires
(a) ATP
(b) acetyl choline
(c) phloroglucinol
(d) cyclic AMP.

4. Total amount of water present in the soil is called
(d)none of the above.

5. In soil ,the water available for root absorption is
(a) gravitational water
(b)capillary water
(c)hygroscopic water
(d)combibed water

6. The plasmalemma and the tonoplast is an osmotic system which function as
(a)semipermeable and sleetively permeable membrane
(b) impermeable membranes
(c)permeable membranes
(d)unit membranes

7. wilting of plant occurs when occurs when
(a) xylem is blocked
(b) phloem is blocked
(c) pith is removed
(d) epidermis and few roots are removed.

8. Water absorption in roots mainly takes place in which zone of root?
(a) zone of elongation
(b) root hair zone
(c) root epidermis
(d) maturation zone.

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