GAIIT Classes Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search 2018 Class XII PMT Sample Paper

Name of the University : GAIIT Classes
Exam : Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search Exam 2018
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Class X,XI,XII Students
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GAIIT Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search Question Paper

Dainik Jagran Aryabhatt Super 30 Talent Search – 2018 Sample Papers

Related : YAtt Young Achievers Talent Test Junior Sample Question Paper 2017-18 : www.pdfquestion.in/23105.html

General Instructions

Time :- 2 Hours
Full Marks :- 225
1 This question booklet contains 75 questions. Divided into three sections Section A, Section B and Section C.
2 Each section contains 25 multiple choice questions as well as multiple choice question. Choose the most appropriate option.
3 Each question carrries 3 marks, for each correct answer the student will be awarded 3 marks, zero if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
4 The OMR will be graded by machine so do not fold or make any stray marks on the OMR sheet.
5 The bubbles on the OMR sheet should be filled completely with black ball pen. Do not hard press the pen on the OMR sheet.
6 Fill the required details in the OMR sheet. Incomplete OMR sheets will not be considered for evaluation.

XII – PMT Sample Paper

Section – A

1. The velocity of projection of a projectile is (6?? +8?? ) m/sec. the horizontal range of the particle is (g=10 m/sec2)
(a) 4.9 m
(b) 9.6 m
(c) 19.6 m
(d) 14 m

2. A block of mass 1 kg lies on a horizontal surface in a truck. The coefficient of static fuction between the block and the surface is 0.6. if the acceleration of the truck is 5 m/sec2, the frictional force acting on the block is
(a) 5 N
(b) 6 N
(c) 10 N
(d) 15 N

3. The kinetic energy of a body of mass 2 kg and momentum of 2 Ns is
(a) 1 J
(b) 2 J
(c) 3 J
(d) 4 J

4. Let ar and at, represent radial and tangential accn. the motion a particle may be circular if
(a) ar = 0, at = 0
(b) ar = 0, at ? 0
(c) ar ? 0, at = 0
(d) none of these

5. 2 masses 1 g and 4 g are moving with equal K.E. the ratio of the magnitude of their linear momentum is
(a) 1 : 1
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 3
(d) 1 : 4

6. There are particles of same mass. If one of the particles is at rest always and the other has an acceleration ?? . Acceleration of centre of mass is
(a) zero
(b) 1/2
(c) 2/1
(d) centre of mass for such a system can not be defined

7. The moment of inertia (I) for a uniform circular disc is
(a) MR2
(b) MR2/4
(c) MR2/2
(d) 3/2 MR2

8. A constant torque acting on a uniform circular what changes its angular momentum from A0 to 4 A0 in 4 sec. the magnitude of this torque is
(a) 4 A0
(b) A0
(c) 12 A0
(d) 3 A0/4

9. In absence of external forces on a rigid system, which of the following quantities must remain constant?
(a) Angular momentum
(b) positive vector
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

10. The centre of a disc rolling without slipping on a plane moves with a speed v. a particle on the lower half of the rim making an angle 600 with the vertical, will be moving at speed
(a) zero
(b) v
(c) 2 v
(d) 2 v

11. Frequency of a spring mass system is v. if it is taken in a lift with constant acceleration upward, then frequency will
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remain constant
(d) none of these

12. In a SHM, if particle oscillates with frequency v the the frequency of oscillation. Of its kinetic energy
(a) v
(b) v/2
(c) 2v
(d) 4v

13. Under similar condition of temperature and pressure in which of the following gasses, the velocity of sound will be largest.
(a) H2
(b) N2
(c) He
(d) CO2

14. Let E be the electric field and V1 the electric potential at a point
(a) If E ± O, cannot be 0
(b) If E = 0, v must be 0
(c) if v = 0, E must be 0
(d) none of these

15. The force between 2 short electric dipoles separated by a distance r is directly proportional to
(a) r2
(b) r4
(c) r-2
(d) r-4

Section– B

1. For the gas phase reaction, PCI5 ? PCI3 (g) + CI2(g)
(a) ?H < 0 ?S<0
(b) ?H > 0 ?S < 0
(c) ?H = 0 ?S<0
(d) ?H > 0 ?S > 0

2. Oxidation no. of Cr in CrO5
(a) + 10
(b) +8
(c) + 6
(d) + 4

3. The calomel electrode used as reference electrode contains
(a) PbO2 + PbSO4 mixture
(b) HgCI2
(c) Hg2CI2
(d) ZnCI2

4. A current of 2 amp when passed for 5 hours through a molten salt. Deposits 22.2 g of metal of atomic mass 177. The oxidation state of metal in the salt is
(a) +1
(b) +2
(c) +3
(d) +4

6. In an equilibrium reaction, for which ?G0 = 0 the equilibrium constant K should be
(a) zero
(b) 10
(c) 1
(d) 2

7. Isotonic solution have:
(a) same boiling point
(b) same vapour preosure
(c) same melting point
(d) same osmotic pressure

8. If the absolute temperature of an ideal gas is double and the pressure is reduced to one – half the volume of the gas will
(a) remain unchanged
(b) be double
(c) be halved
(d) increase fourfold

9. Momentum of a photon of wavelength ? is
(a) h?/c2
(b) h/?
(c) zero
(d) h?/c

10. The Bohr orbit radius for H-atom (n = 1) is approximately 0.53 Å. The radius for the first excited state (n = 2) orbit is
(a) 0.13 Å
(b) 1.06 Å
(c) 4.77 Å
(d) 2.12 Å

Section – C

1. Carrying capacity of a population is determined by its:
(a) population growth rate
(b) birth rate
(c) death rate
(d) limiting resource

2. Ovule is inverted with body fused to funicle micropyle lying close to hilum and facing the placenta it is
(a) hemitropous
(b) orthotropous
(c) anatropous
(d) campylotropous

3. Which cycle is directly driven by solar radiations
(a) Phosphorus
(b) Carbon
(c) Water
(d) Nitrogen

4. The cranial capacity of Australopithecus was about 500 cc. it existed in
(a) Miocene
(b) Pliocene
(c) pliestocene
(d) both (b) and (c)

5. In a given RNA segment AUG, ACC, UGG, ACC, CCA, UCA, if the first base gets mutated the effect of this on coding by this RNA segment will result in
(a) a change of first amino acid only
(b) a complete change in the types as well as the sequence of all most all amino acides
(c) no change in the sequence of amino acids
(d) one amino acid less in protein chain

6. The boundry/transition between two or more communities sharply defined is called :
(a) epilimnion
(b) biome
(c) anticline
(d) ecotone

7. In detritus food chain transfer of food is
(a) detrite (dead organic matter)? detrivores?decomposers
(b) detrite ? microbs ? detrivores ? decomposers
(c) detrivores ? organic matter ? microbs ? decomposers
(d) grass ? detrivores ? decomposers

8. Criss cross inheritance mease:
(a) X chromosome from male will pass to a male of next generation
(b) X chromosome from a male will pass to a female of next generation
(c) X chromosome from female will pass to female of next generation
(d) none of the above

9. Which is the correct sequence of code transfer involved in the formation of polypeptide
(a) DNA – t-RNA – r-RNA – m-RNA
(b) t-RNA – DNA – m-RNA – r-RNA
(c) m-RNA – t-RNA – DNA – amino acid
(d) DNA – m-RNA – t-RNA – amino acid

10. Correct sequence among the following is
(a) palaeozoic -> Mesozoic -> Coenozoic
(b) Mesozoic -> Archaeozoic -> Proterozoic
(c) Palaeozoic -> Archaeozoic -> Coenozoic
(d) Archaeozoic -> palaeozoic -> proterozoic

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