Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test BOOST 2018 Class XII Engineering Sample Question Paper

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Exam : Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test – BOOST 2018
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject :Enggnering
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Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test Paper

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Related : Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test BOOST 2018 Class XI Medical Sample Question Paper :www.pdfquestion.in/23227.html

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BOOST 2018 – Sample Paper

Class XII Engineering

Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 240

Q.1 A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of 8pF. The capacitance, if the distance between the plates is reduced by half, and the space between them is filled with a substance of dielectric constant 6 will be-
(A) 96 pF
(B) 96 F
(C) 12 F
(D) 12pF

Q.3 Alongwire carries a steady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and themagnetic field at the centre of the coil isB. It is then bent into a circular loopof n turns.Themagnetic field at the centre of the coilwill be
(A) nB
(B) n2B
(C) 2nB
(D) 2n2B

Q.4 If awire is stretched tomake it 0.1%longer, its resistancewill :
(A) increase by 0.05%
(B) increase by 0.2%
(C) decrease by 0.2%
(D) decrease by 0.05%

Q.5 The potential at a point x (measured in ?m) due to some charges situated on the x-axis is given by V (x) = 20 /(x2- 4) volts. The electric field E at x = 4 ?m is given by
(A) 5/3 Volt/?m and in the –ve x direction
(B) 5/3 Volt??m and in the +ve x direction
(C) 10/9 Volt/?m and in the -ve x direction
(D) 10/9 Volt/?m and in the +ve x direction

Q.6 Two charged conductor having capacities 2C & C, potentials V & V/2 respectively. The ratio in their energies will be-
(A) 1 : 2
(B) 2 : 1
(C) 8 : 1
(D) 1 : 8

Q.7 At certain location in the northern hemisphere, the earth’s magnetic field has a magnitude of 42 ?T and points down ward at 57º to vertical. The flux through a horizontal surface of area 2.5 m2 will be- (given cos 33º = 0.839, cos 57º = 0.545)
(A) 42 × 10-6 Wb
(B) 42 × 10-6 Wb/m2
(C) 57 × 10-6 Wb
(D) 57 × 10-6 Wb/m2

Q.8 The normal magnetic flux passing through a coil changes with time according to following equation ? = 10t2 + 5t + 1 Where ? is in milliweber and t is in second. The value of induced e.m.f. produced in the coil at t = 5s will be
(A) zero
(B) 1V
(C) 2V
(D) 0.105 V

Q.9 Awirewhen connected to 220Vmains supply has power dissipation P1.Nowthewire is cut into two equal pieceswhich are connected in parallel to the same supply. Power dissipation in this case is P2. The P2 : P1 is
(A) 1
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 3

Q.10 Twoinsulatingplatesarebothuniformlycharged in such a way that the potential difference between themisV2 –V1 = 20V. (i.e. plate 2 is at a higher potential). The plates are separated by d = 0.1mand can be treated as infinitelylarge.Anelectronis releasedfromrest onthe inner surfaceof plate1.What is its speed when it hits plate 2 ? (e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg)
(A) 1.87 × 106m/s
(B) 32 × 10–19m/s
(C) 2.65 × 106 m/s
(D) 7.02 × 1012m/

Q.11 Blue color ofwater in sea is due to-
(A) scattering of light bywater
(B) Refraction of blue sky bywater
(C)Refractionof blue lightbyimpurities in sea water
(D)None of these

Q.25 Na2S2O3 is oxidized by I2 to-
(A) Na2S
(B) Na2SO4
(C) NaHSO3
(D) Na2S4O6

Q.26 Half-lives of a first order and zero order reaction are same. Then the ratio of the initial rates of the first order reaction to that of zero order reaction is-
(A) 1× 0.6931
(B) 2 × 0.693
(C) 0.693
(D) 0.693

Q.27 Rust is amixture of-
(A) FeO and Fe(OH)3
(B) FeO and Fe(OH)2
(C) Fe2O3 and Fe(OH)3
(D) Fe3O4 and Fe(OH)3

Q.28 The osmotic pressure of equimolar solutions ofglucose, sodiumchlorideandbariumchloride will be in the order-
(A) BaCl2 >NaCl > Glucose
(B) BaCl2 >Glucose >NaCl
(C) Glucose > BaCl2 > NaCl
(D)NaCl > BaCl2 >Glucose

Q.29 German silver is composed of
(A) Cu, Zn,Mg
(B) Cu,Mg,Ag
(C) Cu, Zn,Ni
(D) Cu, Zn, Sn

Q.30 P4O10 is the anhydride of
(A) H3PO2
(B) H3PO3
(C) H3PO4
(D) H4P2O7

Q.31 Which is the strongest acid in the following
(B) H2SO3
(C) H2SO4

Q.32 One component of a solution followsRaoult’s law over the entire range 0 ? x1 ? 1. The second componentmust followRaoult’s lawin the rangewhen x2 is :
(A) Close to zero
(B) close to 1
(C) 0 ? x2 ? 0.5
(D) 0 ? x2 ? 1

Q.34 If salt bridge is suddenly removed from a working cell, the voltage
(A) Increases
(C)Drops to zero
(D)Mayincrease or decrease depending uponcell reaction

Q.35 While charging the lead storage battery________.
(A) PbSO4 anode is reduced to Pb
(B) PbSO4 cathode is reduced to Pb
(C) PbSO4 cathode is oxidised to Pb
(D) PbSO4 anode is oxidised to PbO2

Q.36 SolutionAcontains 7g/LMgCl2 and solution B contains 7g/LNaCl.At roomtemperature the osmotic presure of
(A) SolutionAis greater thanB
(B) both have same osmotic pressure
(C) SolutionBis greater thanA
(D)Cannot be determined

Q.38 For H3PO3 and H3PO4, the correct choice is
(A)H3PO3 is dibasic and reducing
(B)H3PO4 is dibasic and non-reducing
(C)H3PO4 is tribasic and reducing
(D)H3PO3 is tribasic and non-reducing

Q.39 Inaface centeredcubic lattice,atomAoccupies the corner positions & atom B occupies the face centre positions. If one atom of B is missing fromone of the face centered points, the formula of the compound is

Q.40 Adsorption is accompained by :
(A) Decrease in enthalpy and increase in entropy
(B) Increaseinenthalpyandincreasein entropy
(C) Decrease in enthalpy and decrease in entropy
(D)No change in enthalpy and entropy

Q.59 Let f : R ? R be defined as f (x) = x3 + 2 k x2 + (k2 + 12) x – 12. If f (x) is strictly increasing on R, then the largest value of k is equal to
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8

Q.60 The domain of the function f (x) = x 9 2 x2 is
(A) (– 2, – 3) u [2, -2)
(B) [2, 3)
(C) [– 2, 3) u (3, m)
(D) (– ?, – 3) u (3, m)

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