Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test BOOST 2018 Class XI Medical Sample Question Paper

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BOOST 2018 – Sample Paper

Class XI Medical

Time allowed : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 320
Physics :
Q.1 A bomb of mass m= 1 kg thrown vertically upwardswith a speed u=100m/sec. explodes into two parts after t = 5 sec.Afragment of massm1 = 400 gmmoves downwardswith a speed v1 = 25 m/sec., then speed v2 and direction of anothermassm2will be :
(1) 40m/sec. downwards
(2) 40m/sec. upwards
(3) 60m/sec. upwards
(4) 100m/sec. upwards

Q.2 In the diagram shown below, m1 and m2 are themasses of two particles and x1 and x2 are the respectively distances fromthe originO. The centre ofmass of the systemis :

Q.3 Blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. A horizontal force F = 3N is applied to one block as shown. The force exerted by the smaller block m2 on block m1 is-
(1) 1 N
(2) 2 N
(3) 3 N
(4) 6 N

Q.4 A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocityof 10m/s. It returns tothe groundwith a velocity of 9m/s. If g = 9.8m/sec2, then the maximumheight attainedbytheball isnearly:
(1) 5.1m
(2) 4.1m
(3) 4.61m
(4) 5.0m

Q.5 In a projectilemotion, the velocity:
(1) Is always perpendicular to the acceleration
(2) Is never perpendicular to the acceleration
(3) Is perpendicular to the acceleration for one instantonly
(4) Is perpendicular to the acceleration for two instants

Q.6 The dimensional formulafor impulse is
(1) MLT?2
(2) MLT?1
(3) ML2T?1
(4) M2LT?1

Q.7 A bomb at rest explodes into two parts of masses m1 and m2 . If the momentums of the two parts be p1 and p2, then their kinetic energies will be in the ratio of-
(1) m1 / m2
(2) m2 / m1
(3) p1 / p2
(4) p2 / p1

Q.8 If co-efficientof frictionbetweenafixedincline plane and the block is 1, then the acceleration of the blockshown in the followingfigure is (g = 10m/s2)
(1) Zero
(2) 2 m/s2 upward
(3) 2 m/s2 downwards
(4) 4 m/s2 downwards

Q.9 A body is projected up with a speed ‘u’ and the time taken byit isTto reach themaximum heightH. Pick out the correct statement
(1) It reachesH/2 in T/2 sec
(2) It acquires velocity u/2 in T/2 sec
(3) Its velocity is u/2 at H/2
(4) Same velocity at 2T

Q.10 Aball ofmassmapproaches amovingwall of infinitemasswith speed v along the normal to thewall.The speed of thewall is u towards the ball. The speed of the ball after an elastic collisionwith thewall is :
(1) v – 2 u away fromthewall
(2) 2u + v away fromthewall
(3) u – v away fromthewall
(4) u + v away fromthewall

Chemistry :
Q.21 2moles ofH2 atNTP occupy a volume of
(1) 11.2 litre
(2) 44.8 litre
(3) 2 litre
(4) 22.4 litre

Q.22 The amountof zinc requiredtoproduce224mL ofH2 atNTP on treatmentwith diluteH2SO4 will be –
(1) 0.65g
(2) 6.5g
(3) 65g
(4) 0.065g

Q.23 0.5mole ofH2SO4 ismixedwith 0.2mole of Ca(OH)2.Themaximumnumber ofmoles of CaSO4 formed is –
(1) 0.2
(2) 0.5
(3) 0.4
(4) 1.5

Q.24 If water samples are taken from sea, rivers, clouds, lake or snow, they will be found to contain H2 and O2 in the fixed ratio of 1 : 8. This indicates the lawof –
(1)Multiple proportion
(2)Definite proportion
(3)Reciprocal proportion
(4)None of these.

Q.25 Proton is –
(1)Nucleus of deuterium
(2) Ionised hydrogenmolecule
(3) Ionised hydrogen atom
(4)An ?-particle

Q.26 The spectrumofHe-atommay be considered similar to the spectrumof –
(1) H
(2) Li+
(3) Na
(4) He+

Q.27 Which species shows the electronic configuration 1s2, 2s2 2p5, 3s2 ?
(1)Ne (Ground state)
(2)Al+2 (Ground state)
(3)Mg+ (Excited state)
(4)Na+ (Excited state)

Q.28 Nitrogen has the electronic configuration 1s2, 2s2 2px 1 2py 1 2pz 1 and not 1s2, 2s2 2px 2 2py 1 2pz 0 which is determined by
(1)Aufbau’s principle
(2)Pauli’s exclusion principle
(3)Hund’s rule
(4) uncertaintyprinciple

Q.29 Principal quantumnumber of an atomrepresents
(1) Size of the orbit
(3)Orbital angularmomentum
(4) Space orientation of the orbital

Q.30 The number of nodal planes in a px orbital is :
(1) one
(2) two
(3) three
(4) zero

Q.31 ElementswhichoccupiedpositionintheLother mayer curve, on the peaks, were –
(2)Highlyelectro positive elements
(3)Elements havinglarge atomic volume
(4)All of these

Q.32 The elements of groups, 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 are collectively called –
(1)Noble gases
(2)Representative or normal elements
(3)Transition elements
(4) Inner transition elements

Biology :
Q.41 Alivingorganismcan be differentiated froma nonliving thing on the basis of its abilityfor –
(2)Growth andmovement
(3)Responsiveness to touch
(4) Interaction with environment and progressive evolution

Q.42 I.Growth
III.Response to stimuli
V.Cellular organisation
Which of the above features are generally characteristic of life ?
(1) I, II, IV, V
(3) II, III IV
(4) I, II, III, V

Q.43 Which is not correct aboutmethanogens ?
(1) They are archaebacteria
(2)They live inmarshyareas
(3)Methane is their preferred carbon source
(4)Theyarepresent in gutsof several ruminant animals (cow, buffaloes) and theyproduce biogas (CH4) from the dung of these animals

Q.44 Which of the following are autotrophs ?
(1) Photosynthetic bacteria
(2)Chemosynthetic bacteria
(3) Archaebacteria
(4) Both (1) and (2)

Q.45 Which of the following statements is correct –
I.Mycoplasma has no cellwall
II.Mycoplasma is the smallest livingorganism
III.Mycoplasma cannot survivewithoutO2
IV.Mycoplasma arepathogenic in animals and plants
V.True sexualityis not found in bacteria
VI.Asort of sexual reproduction by adopting a primitive DNA transfer from one bacteriumto the other occurs
(2)Only III
(3) I, II, IV, V, VI
(4) I, III, VI

Q.46 Which of the following play a great role in recycling nutrients likeN, P, and S –
(1)Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria
(2) Parasitic bacteria
(3) Photoautotrophic bacteria
(4) Cyanobacteria

Q.47 Select the correct options about algae –
(1) Some algae are associatedwith fungi (in lichen) and animals (on sloth bear)
(2)Great range in formand size
(3) Reproduce by vegetative, asexual and sexualmethod

Q.79 Phospholipid is :
(1) one fatty acid and three glycerol
(2) phosphoric acid, two fatty acids and one glycerol
(3) phosphoric acid, one fatty acid and three glycerol
(4) phosphoric acid, three fatty acids and one glycerol

Q.80 Catabolic and anabolic pathways are often coupled in cell because –
(1) The intermediates of a catabolic pathway are used in the anabolic pathway
(2)Both the pathway use the same energy
(3)The free energyreleased fromone pathway is used to drive other
(4)Their enzymes are controlled bytheir same activators and inhibitors

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