azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in Undergraduate Programmes Admission Test Sample Paper : Azim Premji University

Name of the University : Azim Premji University
Exam : Undergraduate Programmes Admission Test
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Undergraduate Programme
Website : https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/
Download Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23129-UGSampleTest.pdf

Azim Premji Undergraduate Admission Test Paper

Azim Premji University was established in Karnataka by the Azim Premji University Act 2010 as a not-for-profit University and is recognized by The University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2F.

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Time : 90 minutes
1. According to this passage, nearly half of rural India:
A. Has regular electricity supply
B. Has irregular electricity supply from alternative electricity sources
C. Has irregular electricity supply
D. Has irregular electricity supply only after sunset
2. The Solar Home Lighting System Consists of
A. Two CFL bulbs and a solar panel
B. Two CFL bulbs, a solar panel, a battery and a solar charge regulator
C. A solar panel, a battery, and a solar charge regulator
D. Two CFL bulbs, a battery, and a solar charge regulator
3. The biggest problem in the implementation of the RVEP is:
A. Poor after-sale service
B. Malfunctioning batteries and bulbs
C. Lack of political will
D. Insufficient funding
4. According to this passage, the government should think about solar power systems as a means of:
A. Getting people to stop depending on kerosene for power
B. Meeting people’s needs in the absence of regular electricity supply
C. Encouraging people to conserve the environment
D. Improving people’s economic lives
5. On the basis of this passage, we can conclude that:
A. India’s power shortage problems cannot be solved
B. Solar power systems alone can effectively solve India’s power shortage problems
C. A combination of solutions is necessary to solve India’s power shortage problems
D. India has no power shortage problems

Question Paper

Read t he following passage and answer quest ions 1 t o 5 t hat ar e based on t his passage
1. Even 65 yearsafter Independence, more than amillion families in India live in darknessafter sunset. They do not have any electricity connection in their homes. They also do not have the money to invest in alternative sources of energy such as solar power. A much larger section of the population, nearly half of rural India, haveelectricity connections but suffer from irregular supply. They depend on keroseneto address their power needs.
1. According to this passage, nearly half of rural India:
A. Has regular electricity supply
B. Has irregular electricity supply from alternative electricity sources
C. Has irregular electricity supply
D. Has irregular electricity supply only after sunset

2. The Solar Home Lighting System Consists of
A. Two CFL bulbs and a solar panel
B. Two CFL bulbs, a solar panel, a battery and a solar charge regulator
C. A solar panel, a battery, and a solar charge regulator
D. Two CFL bulbs, a battery, and a solar charge regulator
3. The biggest problem in the implementation of the RVEP is:
A. Poor after-sale service
B. Malfunctioning batteries and bulbs
C. Lack of political will
D. Insufficient funding

4. According to this passage, the government should think about solar power systems as a means of:
A. Getting people to stop depending on kerosene for power
B. Meeting people’s needs in the absence of regular electricity supply
C. Encouraging people to conserve the environment
D. Improving people’s economic lives

5. On the basis of this passage, we can conclude that:
A. India’s power shortage problems cannot be solved
B. Solar power systems alone can effectively solve India’s power shortage problems
C. A combination of solutions is necessary to solve India’s power shortage problems
D. India has no power shortage problems

2. Read t he following passage and answer quest ions 6 t o 10 t hat ar e based on t his passage
When we watch films we always know the names of the actors who act in them. But do we know the names of sound and light technicians, and the make-up artists? Some people like the carpenters who make the sets are not even mentioned in the credits. Yet, without all these people films could not be made.
6. According to this passage, which of the 4 statements are true?
A. Make-up artists have the biggest contribution to the success of films
B. Films can be made without the efforts of sound and light technicians
C. Film-making depends on the effort of actors, make-up artists, technicians, and carpenters
D. Carpenters who make sets are included in the credits of films

7. According to this passage, changes in the economy and technology in India have caused:
A. People to lose interest in films
B. People to become more serious about work
C. An increase in the number of jobs and the kinds of work available
D. An increase in the number of teachers and nurses

8. According to this passage, workers unions in the film industry demand
A. 8 hour shifts, proper wages, and safe working conditions
B. Free tickets for watching films
C. Change in labour laws
D. 6 hour shifts

9. According to this passage:
A. Caste and gender have no influence on how work gets organised in India
B. Gender is the main the factor that influences changes in technology and the organisation of work in India
C. Caste and gender along with changes in technology influence how work gets organised in India
D. Only caste influences how work gets organised in India

10. On the basis of this passage, we can conclude that:
A. Understanding caste is important for understanding films
B. It is not important to know who produces what and who lives where
C. It is important to know who produces what, who lives where, and who sells to whom to understand any society well
D. It is important to know who produces what, who lives where, and who sells to whom to be a good person

3. Read t he following par agr aphs (adapt ed fr om RK Nar ayan’s ‘A Hor se and T wo Goat s’) and t r y t o answer quest ions 11 t o 15. T he glossar y below t he passage gives meanings for some of t he mor e diffi cult wor ds
He sat on an upturned packing casebelow the platform of the shop. The shopman paid no attention to him. Muni kept clearing his throat, coughing, and sneezing until the shopman could not stand it any more and demanded, “What ails you? You will fly off that seat into the gutter if you sneeze so hard, young man.” Muni laughed, in order to please the shopman, at being called “ young man” .
11. How wasMuni trying to please the shopman?
A. By telling him jokes.
B. By laughing at his jokes.
C. By talking to him about his second wife.
D. By sneezing and falling into the gutter.

12. Who was called a “ young man” ?
A. The shopman
B. Muni
C. The postman
D. No one in the passage

13. Why wasMuni trying to please the shopman?
A. Because he liked the shop.
B. Because he wanted some items on credit.
C. Because he wanted only two essential items.
D. Because he liked the shopman.

14. The passage is about:
A. Muni’s daughter and the shopman
B. The shopmans sense of humour
C. Muni’s fiftieth birthday
D. Muni trying to get some items on credit from the shopman

15. The story is told from
A. The author’s point of view
B. Muni’s point of view
C. The shopman’s point of view
D. None of the above

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