GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Environmental Science and Engineering
Website : valliammai.co.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Valliammai Environmental Science Question Paper


UNIT – 1


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1. Define Environmental Science ant Environmental Engineering.
2. Define Environmental. Name its components.
3. Explain the structure of atmosphere.
4. What is Nutrient cycling?
5. State the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems.
6. What is ecological succession? Explain the Energy flow through an ecosystem.
7. What is Hazards? Name its types.
8. What is an Ecosystem? Name its types.
9. What is an Estuary?
10. Differentiate between Food Chain and Food Web?

11. What is RED Data book?
12. What are hotspots of biodiversity?
13. Explain the measurements of biodiversity.
14. What are endangered and endemic species? Name the factors effecting.
15. What are the aesthetic values of biodiversity?
16. What is biodiversity and write its significance?
17. Define Species & Genetic diversity.
18. What are the principles of environmental education?
19. Mention the scope and importance of Environmental studies.
20. How forests are useful to mankind?

1. (a)Explain the various hazards of biodiversity in detail.(12)
(b)Explain the types of public participation in protecting environment.(4)
2. Explain the various threats to biodiversity. (16)
3. (a)What is an ecosystem? Describe the structure & function of various components of an ecosystem. (10)
(b) Write the scope and importance of Environmental Studies.(6)
4. Define Ecological succession and explain the stage, different types and process of Ecological succession. (16)
5. Describe the types, characteristics features, structure& function of Forest ecosystem. (16)
6. Describe the types, characteristics features, structure& function of Aquatic ecosystem (16)
7. Discuss elaborately the characteristic features, structure and functions of grassland and desert ecosystems (16)
8. Explain In-Situ & Ex-Situ Conservation of Biodiversity (16)
9. What is meant by value of biodiversity? Explain different values of biodiversity (16)
10. (a)Explain INDIA as a Mega-Diversity Nation.(6)
(b)Explain oxygen and nitrogen cycle. (4+6)

UNIT – 2


1. Define Pollution. Name any four air pollutants, and their sources and impacts.
2. What are the types of Air pollutants.
3. What is suspended particulate matter. Give example.
4. How will you control air pollution.
5. Give the major water pollutants with example.
6. Define BOD and COD.
7. Define soil pollution. What are the sources of soil pollution.
8. What are the sources effects of marine pollution.
9. What are the control methods of thermal pollution.
10. What are the sources of urban and industrial wastes.
11. Why do earth quake occur.
12. What are the various types of natural disasters.
13. What are Municipal Solid Wastes(MSW)
14. What is incinerators.
15. Explain aerobic and anaerobic oxidation.
16. Define thermal pollution
17. Define noise pollution.
18. What are point and non-point sources of water pollution?
19. Write any two quality parameters of water.
20. Define photo chemical smog.

1.i..Mention the sources and effects of various air pollutants.
ii. Describe the method of control of air pollution.
2..Briefly describe the sources effects and control of noise pollution.
3.i. Enumerate with example the major sources of surface and ground water pollution.
ii.Explain the method of sewage water treatment
4. What are the major sources of soil pollution? What are the measures to be taken to prevent soil pollution?
5. What are the major sources of soil pollution?What are the causes,effects and control measures on Municipal Solid Wastes(MSW)
6. Explain any two case studies on Nuclear pollution.
7. What are the sources, effects & control measures of Marine pollution?
8. What are the causes of soil erosion and methods of preventing it.
9.What are the source, health and environmental effect of carbon dioxide, carbon mono oxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide? (16)
10.Discuss the aspects of prevention & control of noise.

UNIT – 3

Natural Resources
1. What are the types of natural resources?
2. Define deforestation and causes of deforestation.
3. Mention some consequences of deforestation.
4. Define mining and its types.
5. What are the steps involved in mining.
6. What are the effects of dams on forest?
7. Briefly explain a case study for thermal pollution.
8. What are the types of fresh water resources?
9. What are the consequences of over utilization of ground water?
10. How minerals are formed and what are the classifications of mineral resources?
11. How minerals are exploited?
12. What are the impacts of extracting and using minerals?
13. Mention the problems in using fertilizers and pesticides.
14. What is salinity? And what are the problems faced during salinity.
15. Define OTE.
16. What is biomass energy?
17. Differentiate coal power and nuclear power.
18. Define soil erosion and its types.
19. Define desertification.
20. What is meant by bioconversion of pollutants?

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